In addition to Ye Hao, Ye Muxin and Ling Shuangfei, and Xiao Chuang, who is a talented person, they all got the first chance to enter the secret world. The second batch entered the top 50 disciples.

Ye Hao looked up and looked at her, but he did not look at her, as if she was indifferent to her loss.

Even if she is allowed to not participate, she will continue.

In the secret, she must kill the enemy with her own hands.

The jealousy at this time is also in the mind to kill Ye Hao, this woman is now his biggest obstacle in the Xuantian continent.

"Everyone will rest first, and the secrets will be opened tomorrow." Li Xianrong said, let the sects of the sects first adjust their interest to restore their spiritual power.

Ye Muxin came to Ye Hao's side. "Auntie, do you know Qiu Chengyu of Shengzongmen?"

Qiu Chengyu? Ye Hao did not respond, seeing Ye Muxin is looking at the hatred, she only knows that the original hatred was renamed Qiu Chengyu.

"I don't know, but I must kill him." Ye Hao said coldly.

Ye Muxin stunned. She never saw such a strong hatred on Ye Hao’s face. Even when she was bullied at Ye’s house, she was a light-hearted expression. What did Qiu Chengyu do? Let her kill him.

"Qi Chengyu is the first person in the new disciple of Shengzongmen. I heard that even their elders are very concerned. In this time, if the enemy can break through the three layers of Cingjing, their elders will accept He is an apprentice." Ye Muxin whispered.

It is not so easy to kill Qiu Chengyu.

Ye Hao knows that it is not easy to kill him, but she still wants to kill him.

"We will go back to rest first and restore the spiritual power into the secret world tomorrow." Ye Muxin whispered.

"Good." Ye Hao smiled at her.

She looked up and looked up, and found that the supremacy was no longer in position. It seemed that she was taken to the head of the holy Zongmen.

Everything that happened on the ascending ladder, can you see it?

Ye Hao and Ye Muxin lived in a house together. She found an excuse to go outside to find an aura-filled place to practice.

Just in the place where they lived, there was a quiet mountain forest. Ye Hao was sitting in the tree and watching for a long time. Without sensing other people nearby, she entered the space to find the fire phoenix.

"How is your test result?" When he saw Ye Hao, Huo Huang asked excitedly, "It must be able to enter the top 50."

"You will sense Mingxi again and see where he is now." Ye Hao sat down in front of the fire, his voice said coldly.

The fire phoenix stunned. "Ah? It’s not... Did you feel it? I haven’t fully recovered my power now, so..."

"Try again, maybe you can know this time." Ye Hao said faintly.

Fire Phoenix looked at her carefully and found that she was really angry. "Hey, what happened?"

"Tell me, where is Mingxi? Yan domain, or a ghostly secret?" Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

understood? The fire phoenix has round eyes, although its small eyes are very round, "How do you know..."

Ye Hao’s twilight is very cold. “So, is it true, is Mingxi really dangerous?”

"Who told you? You have met with hatred?" Fire Phoenix hurriedly asked, "Where is he, Lao Tzu is going to kill him! This bastard!"

"Come back! On the ladder, I saw him. He was among the new disciples. He said that when he entered the gap, Ming Xi and he were separated. He woke up in the Tongtian Mountains and found nowhere around. Hee, Ming Xi may be in the Yan domain, or in the ghosts, you tell me, where is Ming Xi?" Ye Hao asked coldly.

"I don't know..." Fire Phoenix knew that it could not be concealed. "What I saw was only a vague figure. That place does not belong to the Xuantian continent. If there is nothing wrong, Mingxi should be in the Yan domain."

Ye Hao stood up immediately. "Let's go to the Yan domain!"

"With your current cultivation, you can't get into the Yan domain." Fire Phoenix stopped her. "The Yantian Xuantian continent is different. We don't have the transmission field of the Yan domain. We can only pass through the Tongtian Mountains. You are now repairing it. Too shallow, let alone cross the Tongtian Mountains. You can't stand it at the foot of the mountain. You must at least cultivate to the spiritual world."

Ye Xie’s thoughts and worries about his son can hardly control his emotions. “Why is there any danger in Mingxi?”

"If he has an accident, I can know it, but he is still good now, and he has proved that he has adapted to this place." Huo Huang said, "What you can do now is to improve, so that we can go to the inflammation." Domain."

"I got the first place on the ladder, and I can go to the secrets to practice tomorrow." Ye Hao whispered, she tried hard to let herself not collapse, and now only supports Mingxi.

Fire Phoenix is ​​surprised, "First?"

"Into the secret, I want to kill the hatred." Ye Hao said.

"Even if you don't kill him, I will ruin his cultivation." Fire screamed.

Ye Hao coveted it and glanced at it. "You conceal the things of Mingxi, I haven't settled with you yet."

Fire Phoenix pulled his head. "I am afraid that you will go to the Yan domain to find him immediately after you know it. I don't want you to worry. Actually... there is still a way to go to the Yan domain."

"What is the solution?" Ye Hao asked immediately.

"Let's go to find the Emperor, ask him a few words, he may be willing to take us to the Yan domain, after all, Ming Xi is also his son." Fire Phoenix looked at Ye Hao's face, and said carefully.

The expectations of Ye Xie’s heart suddenly went out. “Ming Xi is the son of me and Azhan. I have nothing to do with Modi. I will not ask for him.”

Modi’s indifferent face emerged in her mind, and Ye Hao shook his head hard. He kept warning her not to bother, as if her presence had caused him a lot of troubles.

Even if she encounters big difficulties, she will not ask for him.

"With your spiritual roots, you can actually improve quickly." Fire Phoenix said.

Ye Hao sat down cross-legged. "When I played with the hatefulness today, I felt that the aura of the sea was stronger. I have to try to break through the second floor of Cingjing."

"Well, I can help you next." Fire Phoenix said.

"Do you have anything to look at me?" Ye Hao suddenly raised an eyebrow and asked, she came to Xuantian mainland, the only thing that can really trust is the fire phoenix, she does not want it to have anything to look at her.

Huo Huang thought of the matter of ink-filled Zhan, it almost wanted to blurt out and said that Modi was Murong Cham, but she thought of telling the truth, she still resisted.

"No, how can I have something to look at you." Fire Phoenix smiled. "I will tell you no matter what happens in the future."

"This is almost the same." Ye Hao snorted.

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