Ye Hao finally broke through the second layer of Cingjing. Her sea of ​​gas poured into a powerful force. Moreover, she obviously felt that the sea of ​​sea seemed to have changed. She used to think that there was a creek like a creek in Dantian, although Very abundant, but it is completely different from the whirlpool of the river nowadays!

The supremacy is correct. If you want to improve your cultivation, the best way is to have more practical experience. It is no wonder that the cultivators are called warriors!

Completed the consolidation of the second layer, it is already the next morning, Ye Hao directly washed away the impurities in the space, and then returned to the room to find Ye Muxin.

Ye Muxin was trying to come out and look for Ye Hao. When she saw her coming back, she was relieved.

"You finally came back, I still want to go out to find you." Ye Muxin said, looked at Ye Hao and said with surprise, "Are you breaking through?"

"Can you see it?" Ye said in a different place, shouldn't it be seen?

Ye Muxin said, "The second layer of Cingjing is also a transformation of practice and nourishment. The warrior began to repair his mind, cultivate his breath, train his body, and raise his soul. You can now become an ancient warrior. , Yuan, Zong, Zun, Emperor, Holy, and practicing the sea can only be called a warrior."

There are still such differences!

In this way, the enemy said that he is the sovereign, he should be the martial arts? What about the Emperor?

Ye Hao remembered that Huo Huang said that he was already super holy, so she wanted to draw closer to him and was actually just a dream.

"The time is almost the same, let's go quickly." Ye Muxin said to Ye Hao, "It is a good thing that you can break through. In the secret, the strength of our great saints has improved a lot. However, in the secret world, it is different. Be very careful."

"What will be in the secret?" Ye Hao asked, since I have decided to go in, I have to ask for it first.

Ye Muxin said, "In the past, many of our great saints were killed in the secret."

"Killing in the secret?" Ye Hao raised his eyebrows. Didn't the elders care?

"Yes, there are many dangers in the secret. It is normal to encounter the cruelty inside, so it is difficult to investigate who killed it." Ye Muxin said.

"This is quite good." Then she can kill the enemy without scruple.

They came to the Grand Place, and everyone else has arrived. Ye Hao saw the supremacy in midair.

He is looking at her and has seen that she has broken through the second layer of Cingjing with a faint smile on her lips.

Ye Hao returned to him with a smile. From today, she will practice more wholeheartedly, not for anything else, just to be able to find Mingxi earlier.

I don't know what Mingxi is doing at this time.

"The secret regime has been opened. You can enter the secret cultivation. There are many opportunities in the secret. You can see the luck of all of you. Can you become the true inheritor of each sect? See you after one month." Li Xianrong said.

"You have to be careful." Duan Jingshu and Tang Hanyan came over and said to them, it is not easy for Da Shengzong to go to this day. This year, he cannot continue to be killed in the secret.

Ye Hao gently nodded, "Three, we will."

"When I left, the head gave everyone a magic weapon. When you were not there, I will give you a gas bottle." Tang Hanyan whispered.

"Sancha, you forgot, the Lord is not giving me a lot of rewards? I still have jade gourd." Ye Hao said.

Tang Hanyan said, "Jade gourd is to help you through the bottleneck period. This gas cylinder can save you when you are in distress. I feel relieved when you take it."

Ye Hao saw that he couldn’t push it, so he had to accept it. "Thank you for three."

Yesterday, there was no chance to meet with Ye Hao. White Thirteen came over. He really didn’t recognize this boy as a lady yesterday.

If I didn't see that Ye Muxin's attitude toward her was unusual, he didn't see it. Madame, I ate Yi Rongdan.

Ye Hao looked at the white thirteen eyes and nodded to him. No more.

"Okay, go ahead and go inside the law." Tang Hanyan said, in fact, she knows that Ye Hao will not lack the magic weapon, but this is her little wish.

"Sancha, we went in." Ye Muxin said to Tang Hanyan, pulling Ye Hao's hand to go inside the law.

Watching them disappear into the formation, Tang Hanyan wrinkled his eyebrows, do not know why, she always has a not too good premonition.

White Thirteen looked at Ye Hao's back and sighed in his heart. Although the city owner did not seem to want to hear the lady's news, he never asked him to go back. Obviously he still cared about his wife.

He met Ye Hao with a hateful, and passed the words that he had said in the ascension ladder to Modi in detail.



At this time, Modi was not in Tianzhu City. After Ye Hao left, Heiwei sent a message that Mingxi was the last time in the ghostly secret world. Therefore, the place where he is most likely to be in the place is the ghostly secret.

It wasn't that Hei Wei could go in. In order to send Ye Hao away early, he had to go to the child himself.

"The city owner, in front of the entrance to the ghostly secret environment, is too close to the inflammatory field, and if you are close, you may find it." Shen Ying said.

If the Emperor did not pay attention to the shadow, he decided that he would come to the ghosts and secrets. Naturally, he would not be afraid to find out. If he was better, he would have to worry about finding him.

When it was about to go to the ghostly secret, Modi received the voice of Bai XIII.

"The woman actually..." Knowing that Ye Hao entered the secret of the Scorpio, the face of Modi suddenly sank, she thought she could kill the hatred?

Hidden concealment in the holy sect, must have suppressed his own cultivation, and in the secret world, he will definitely break out. At that time, how can Ye Hao, who has little practical experience, be his opponent.

"The city owner?" Shen Ying saw that the Emperor stopped and looked at him doubtfully.

Going to find Mingxi, or to save Yeh? Modi is dark and gloomy, and there is an impulse to kill the woman by hand.

"Go to the mystery of the sky." Mo Di thin lips squeezed out a few words.

what? Shen Ying stunned, the ghosts and secrets are ten thousand miles away from the mysterious secrets. How did the city owner suddenly change his mind?

Modi has changed his direction and flew faster than before.

Shen Ying had to hurry up and catch up.

This time I found the woman, he wanted to shut her up in Tianzhu City until she found her son, and he sent them back to the mainland.

The longer he gets along with Ye Hao, the more he thinks about her, this is not a good sign.

"The city owner, the secret of the Scorpio seems to be in the holy sect." Shen Ying said, he remembered correctly, the lady is now in the holy sect.

The city owner is for... Madame?

"Go in from another entrance, don't go to the holy gate." The whole continent should only know that there is another entrance to the mysterious secret.

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