After a strong shock, when Ye Hao opened his eyes again, he found himself in a star-shaped array. Others had disappeared, and even Ye Muxin was not by her side.

It seems that the transmission array has dispersed all of them.

Ye Hao saw that no one else was here, only to let the fire phoenix come out of the space.

"Hello?" Fire Phoenix spread its wings and it was finally released. The first thing is to find a hate.

"We are now in the secret, we have not seen them." Ye Hao frowned and said, "It may be separated when the transfer."

Huo Huang said, "It doesn't matter, I will always meet. This is the secret of the Scorpio. Let's go to the magic weapon and find the suffocation that everyone here wants."

"Hey?" Ye Hao looked at it doubtfully. "Isn't it necessary to cultivate into the ancestral environment, will the aura of the sea be transformed into suffocation?"

"Yes, so the fire suffocating between the heavens and the earth is the most precious. Not many people can have the same fire and anger as Mingxi." Fire Phoenix explained, "As long as you can absorb a trace of suffocation, your The power method will increase the power of several times, and it will be faster in the future."

Ye Hao nodded. "Let's leave here first."

Huo Huang squatted down and let Ye Hao lie on his back and took her out.

This mystery is somewhat different from Ye Wei’s imagination. She thought that the mystery was very mysterious and gloomy. When she saw it, she thought it was in which sunny mountain forest.

Along the way, Ye Hao saw a lot of small and lovely beasts. The spirits of the beasts sensed the temperament of the fire phoenix. They all fell on their feet, like a gesture of surrender. She did not think about hurting those spirit beasts. To many other sectarian disciples seem to be hunting the spirits to take Nedan.

"Hey, it’s the stupidest to hunt down the beast in the secret world to take Nedan." Fire Phoenix sneered sarcastically, "sooner or later, the high-order spirit beast will be brought out."

"Let's go over there." Ye Hao pointed to the other side of the mountain. She felt that there was something different. It felt so strange that she felt something was attracting her.

Fire Phoenix whispered, "There is a sigh of breath."

They only turned in the direction and it was not long before there were two **** sects who were in front of them.

"What kind of beast is this? You are here in the secret to get the spirit of the beast to recognize the Lord?" The two men were shocked to see Ye Hao, they felt that this beast looks familiar, and seems to be imposing, they I have followed all the way, but wherever the beast passes, other spirit beasts are afraid. This beast is theirs.

Ye Hao looked at them faintly. "It has nothing to do with you, let go."

"Leave the spirit beast, lift the contract, we can spare you not to die, even if you can win our brother Liu, but we will join hands, you will not be our opponent." The two men said, eyes greedily The fire phoenix.

"Oh, then if I don't give you the fire phoenix? Want to kill me?" Ye Hao asked faintly, she knew that once someone saw the fire phoenix, she would definitely want to take it away because of her The strength is too bad, others will not put her in the eyes, I think she can arbitrarily plunder.

One of the tall and thin men said, "It is a breeze to kill you. However, we are all Svens and do not like to kill."

"I don't like to kill people, I just like to grab someone else's things? I really have a long experience." Ye Hao smiled. "My soul beast will not be handed over. You want to kill me, then please."

"Since you are giving birth to you, don't blame us." The two disciples of Xue Lingzong practiced at the same time, and both of them had a **** shadow behind them.

Ye Hao was sitting on the back of the fire phoenix lazily. "You have two people. I only have one fire phoenix. How can I divide it? I am dead. Who should this beast belong to?"

The two men looked at each other and finally said coldly, "This does not require you to care."

"Oh, is it?" Ye Hao looked at them with a smile and smiled. "Who are you better?" I guess it is the one standing behind, are you going to let him fight with me? Then take the profit of the fisherman, and when I die, will you start with him?"

"Bad boy, Hugh to talk nonsense!" The man was guilty, how can the teenager read the mind?

The man standing in front of him and preparing to fight with Ye Hao looked back and said to the man, "You must go first."

"Don't you believe him? He is arguing at all." The man cried.

Ye Hao saw them arguing in a word, and a faint smile appeared on his lips.

"...Do we want our own people to beat ourselves? First, grab her spirit beast, we will divide it again." The man who was going to find a chance to kill his companion called.

"It's too late." Ye Hao smiled, and the whip of the day in her hand was taken out. The two men discovered that they were actually a strange figure in the fire circle.

This is Ye Hao's array of characters, from the secrets of space, the next day's whip, the fire is ink, the first character written in the air.


Two blood-spirited disciples were blown out by the fire.

"Successful!" Ye Hao was pleasantly surprised. "It seems that this is not bad."

"With them too much nonsense, I can sweep them out of the secret."

"What are you in a hurry? Is there someone who will let me practice the new exercises? Let me train the fires first." Ye Hao said with satisfaction.

Huo Huang feels that this is also good, and more people come to Ye Hao as an opponent of actual combat experience, which is very good.

Next, Ye Hao successively encountered a few people who saw the fire phoenix, but the end is very terrible. Looking at the whole secret, I can’t find a second spirit beast that is like a fire phoenix. It is normal to attract the attention of others. However, others can pay attention to the fire phoenix, but I don’t want to take it away.

"You don't think you can guard against other sects. You should be vigilant when you are at the same door." Huo Huang said to Ye Hao.

They haven’t found the same sects for so long, and Ye Hao smiled. “Know, don’t worry too much.”

As he said, Ye Hao suddenly saw a familiar figure in front, "That is a hate!"

"What? Where is that monk?" Huo Huang immediately left all his worries behind.

Ye Hao pointed to the front, "He is in front."

Fire Phoenix said, "It seems that he also knows where there is fire, he becomes a new disciple, just come for this."

"Catch up." Ye Yan said, she will not let go of the hatred.

The fire phoenix spread its wings and flew in the direction of the enemy. The disciples under the head looked up and thought it was a flash of fire.

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