Seeing the figure of hatred, Ye Hao’s eyes turned cold, and she still thought about how to find him. I didn’t expect to see him!

"Hey, you have to be careful about the hatred. He suppressed the cultivation. You can hurt him on the ladder. It seems to be the reason." Fire Phoenix saw at a glance that the enemy was suppressing his strength if he was today. In the outbreak of the secret, Ye Hao is not necessarily his opponent.

"Why should he suppress the cultivation?" He was obviously full of killings to her yesterday, but he did not break out of actual cultivation. Should he have any conspiracy?

Fire Phoenix snorted. "This hate is despicable and shameless. It is a utilitarian victory. It is definitely for the sake of entering the secret. Isn’t he the first person in the new disciple of Shengzongmen? If everyone knows that he is a And what I got was to fall down the stone, not to be valued by the Holy Zongmen."

"He entered the secret is the fire that you said to you?" Ye Hao remembered the shock when he found that there was a suffocation in Mingxi, and it seems that he intends to start again in Shengzongmen.

She won't let him do it!

The enemy is laying down the defensive formation. He made a lot of preparations for today. The fire in the secret has finally let him find it. As long as he absorbs it into the sea of ​​air, his cultivation will definitely advance by leaps and bounds, definitely more than him. The original body is more powerful. At that time, he is not only a ancestral environment, but may be a royal world at any time.

Then he has the opportunity to find Mo Di revenge.

When the hate was just a triumph, suddenly, he felt a strong spiritual pressure. He looked up in surprise and saw only a golden stream of fire flying towards him. As the figure came closer and closer, His face has finally changed.

Ye Hao! She actually found it here!

"Ancient beast?" The deep breath took a deep breath, and he was shocked to see the flame under the leaf of Ye Hao, which is clearly a fire phoenix.

He remembers that the fire phoenix should be the soul of the Emperor, how can it be here?

Is it still Modi behind Ye Hao? impossible! He quietly inquired, and Mo Di did not pay much attention to Ye Hao. It seems that he did not know that this woman was his wife who was separated from the mainland. If Modi knew it, he would definitely go to see Mo Mingxi himself.

It seems that he is guessing wrong!

Since Mo Di gave fire phoenix to Ye Hao, it proved that his previous judgment was correct. This woman came from Mo Di, very special.

As long as he can control Ye Hao, can he not want to marry the Emperor?

"Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you." The sneer sneered, and led the defensive array around, not letting Ye Hao find traces of fire and anger, he went straight to fight.

He only hides his strength and let Ye Hao get hurt. Today he will let this woman know how powerful it is.

"Ye Ye, you dare to appear!" Qiu Xian took the first step to stop Ye Hao.

"Why don't I dare to appear?" Ye Hao looked at the hatred slightly. "You haven't died yet, how can I not come?"

Evil sneer, "I didn't care about you yesterday, today you are looking for yourself."

"Is it?" Ye Hao did not want to say more about the hatred. They had already formed hatred when they were on the mainland. If it was not a hate, she and Ming Xi would come here.

In the hands of Ye Hao, the whip of the next day appeared, and she let the fire phoenix fly toward the hatred.

The emperor will focus on the aura of the sea, and will immediately improve the refinement of the repression.

"Be careful!" The fire phoenix did not fly to the enemy in the front, because the hatred suddenly increased and repaired, the strong impulse was too big, it did not want to hurt Ye Hao.

“What is he doing?” Ye Hao asked, and she felt that the hatred seemed to be a little different from yesterday.

The fire phoenix looked at the enemy with dignity. "He actually learned the ghost repair! And he suppressed the peak of the Qing Dynasty to the first floor of the Qing Dynasty. It seems that the body he found is more spiritual than the original."

"He has been in the clearing of the peak?" Ye Yiqiu, actually has been so high, it seems that the fire in the mysterious secrets is very important to him.

"He is not stable now, we are looking for an opportunity to kill him."

Ye Haozheng wants to say that this method is good, but he sees a giant beast in front of the enemy.

"What is that?" Ye Hao was shocked to see the white giant, she had never seen such a big, just like a mountain.

"It's a enchanting!" Fire Phoenix whispered, "He can actually conquer the enchanting!"

"What do you mean, is that a monster? Isn't it only that the fire can only accept the monster?" Ye Hao asked in surprise.

Fire Phoenix Road, "He entered the ghost repair, and there is no difference between the fire and the evil spirits, I will deal with the enchanting, you go to kill the evil."

"Can you beat this orangutan?" It’s really a mountain, and you can blow them all for a hundred thousand miles.

"I am a beast!" Fire Phoenix snorted, although it is now only 50% of the skill, but deal with the enchanting... It is always no problem to fight.

Ye Hao feels that this method is only used to deal with the evil, but if he is stable, he will be at the peak of the situation. She wants to kill him again and she does not know when to wait.

She flew away from the fire phoenix and flew from behind to the moon.

The whip of the next day is like a fire dragon, and it is almost necessary to swallow the hatred.

"You are still a grandfather, actually sneak attack behind!" Hate regrets to avoid Ye Hao's whip of the next day, he has taught her awesome, so I dare not use this unstable sea front.

"I am not attacking behind, I am going to kill you in the light." Ye Hao is cold, in the process of fighting with the hate, she secretly set a fire character around him, today she is trying to kill everything. his.

For the time being, the hatred will not improve the cultivation, but will be repaired to the fourth floor, and the fifth floor of the peak will wait until after killing Ye Hao.

Ye Hao officially and hate to fight, only to feel the pressure, the fire phoenix said right, it is not easy to kill him today.

She really used all the exercises to resist the black ghosts of the hatred. The ghosts he repaired used the sinister evil. She is now only defending.

The giant python is not the opponent of the fire phoenix, but after all, it is not a low-order monster. It takes time for the fire phoenix to kill it.

"Ye Ye, you are going to die!" The hate finally found a trace of flaws, and Ye Hao actually distracted to worry about the fire phoenix, and the huge ghost claws hit her heavily.

The leaves spit out blood in the mouth, and the body falls like a leaf.

Huo Huang screamed and hurried to save her, but was stopped by the cockroaches who did not know how to live.

"Get out!" The flames of the fire phoenix broke out, and the spiritual power around them seemed to condense.

The speed at which Ye Hao fell was slowed down. She felt like she was being held by her. Her sea of ​​air was running fast, and a hot stream of air poured into her qi.

A silver ray stalked her, and Dan Tian, ​​who was hurt by her hatred, quickly recovered.

It seems that because of the silvery light, the air sea Dantian is running so fast.

The hate that was intended to laugh loudly was stiff at this time, and the eyes were unbelievable. "No, no, that fire is mys..."

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