The emperor stunned and looked at Ye Hao, who was absorbing the only smoldering spirit in the mysterious world. He couldn’t wait to smash Ye Hao’s bones. It’s the fire that he expected for so many years, the former body, he Even if he cultivated into the ancestral environment, he still felt that if he could get the fire from here, he would definitely be different. It was hard... he was able to enter the mysterious world and spent so much time to find out where the fire was. He Here, the law is set to bring out the fire, and it is actually cheaper.

How can he swallow this breath!

Now he must completely kill Ye Hao, so that the fire that has not been absorbed by her will burst out.

"Kill her!" The emperor is awkward, he can't take care of the fire phoenix, summon the enchanting back, let the enchanting kill the leaf 蓁.

Ye Hao is the key moment, and he can't be separated to deal with the evil.

"Little bird!" cried Ye Hao, asking the fire phoenix to come over and guard her.

"Hey, I am coming." The fire phoenix flew like a meteor, faster than the enchanting.

However, the enchanting has already shot a chapter to Ye Hao.

The fire phoenix was shocked, and if the enchanting slammed the hit, it would be gone if she was repaired.

The enchanting punch is too fast, and the phantom of a circle is already approaching Ye Hao. The flame on the fire phoenix is ​​even more blazing. It is blocked in front of Ye Hao and takes a enchanting punch.

"Little bird!" Ye Hao saw the flame on the fire phoenix faded because of the lap.

The enchanting man quickly made a second punch.

Ye Hao speeds up the operation of the sea of ​​air, and she wants to integrate the fire and her breath into her sea of ​​air and become her aura.

"I want to get a fire!" The hateful roar, falling with the enchanting big palm, and the ghosts of the ghost.

The power of the ghost claw is heavier than the enchanting cockroach. The fire phoenix screams, and the colorful fireworks are spit out in the mouth, and the enchanting force is forced back. The palm is scattered in the air, and it quickly stops the ghost claws.

Ye Hao looked at the fire and phoenix claws and grabbed it hard. She was so heartbroken that she only hated the operation of the sea, and she was too slow to let her watch the fire phoenix hurt her.

"Oh..." The fire phoenix screamed.

The sky is like a rain, the hate and the enchanting can't stand the flame of the fire phoenix, and immediately the spirit protector avoids it, even the power of the ghost claws is weakened by five points.

The fire phoenix regained its freedom and stood firmly in front of Ye Hao. The beast was so powerful and powerful, and the surrounding beasts screamed.

"She has a fire phoenix, it is not easy to kill her!" The heart of the enemy is angry. Now, only by igniting the fire phoenix, I have the opportunity to start with Ye Hao.

Time is running out. If she doesn't kill her again, it will be even harder to kill her if she absorbs the fire.

The hateful voice was sent to the enchanting, and it was ordered to take the opportunity to kill Ye Hao. He was going to lead the fire phoenix and create opportunities for the enchanting.

Huo Huang knew that this time was the key moment of Ye Hao. He whispered to her, "You don't want to be anxious, bring the fire into the sea, and combine with your aura, so that you can become part of your sea." ""

"I know!" Ye Hao has clearly seen that there is a silvery light around the sea that surrounds her original aura, and her sea is absorbing the fire.

"Ye Ye, give me the fire!" After the hatred, three ghosts were turned out, and at the same time they went to Ye Hao.

Fire Phoenix immediately launched a protective array.

It blocked the hatred, but forgot that the enchanting was still there, and it was too late to stop it.

At this time, Ye Hao has completely entered the meditation, and does not know what is happening outside.

Just as the enchanting man was close to Ye Hao, and when he was about to kill Ye Hao, his body was suddenly split in half.

In this world, the fourth-order enchanting can be cut into two halves, except for Modi, there will be no other people.

The resentment that led to the fire phoenix has changed completely. He doesn't want to kill Ye Hao now. He just wants to escape the mystery of Tianzhu.

"City Lord!" Fire Phoenix saw the huge body of the enchanting slammed down, and a long black figure appeared behind him.

Modi twilight looked at Ye Hao coldly.

The revenge will not be on the fire phoenix, and he will turn to the desert.

At this time, Ye Hao has thoroughly integrated the fire into her sea of ​​air. She opened her eyes and the clear black hair flashed a glimmer of light.

Seeing the empathy to escape, she immediately chased it out.

"Hello!" Ye Hao's whip of the next day caught up with the fire as a fire dragon.

"Ye, if you kill me, you will never find your son." The heroic threatened loudly.

In the hands of Ye Hao, the whip of the next day was more fierce, and a heavy whip was beating behind the hatred, and he vomited a blood.

"If it weren't for you, how could I and Mingxi go to this ghost place? I let you go today, you don't know where Mingxi is." Ye Hao sighed, and at this time, the hatred still dared to show it. Xilai threatened her.

"You don't even know his life and death, if he is dead?" cried the hatred.

If Mingxi has an accident...

Ye Hao’s heart was filled with a strong anger, and after she absorbed the fire, her cultivation was not changed for the time being, but her practice increased her power, and her regrets knew that she could barely cope with the battle, but He saw the enchanting being killed by the Emperor, and now he only wants to escape, and he does not want to stay.

If the ink Emperor shot, without a move, he will definitely be wiped out.

However, this time there is no ink emperor to shoot, Ye Hao also played the hateful can not get back.

"You don't know where Mingxi is? I will give you a chance." Ye Hao grabbed the hatred and made him unable to move.

"He must have died now!" Hexightly laughed, he must have escaped today, although Modi has never shot, but it is surrounded by his spiritual pressure, even if he escapes the pursuit of Ye Hao, flee But the eyes of Mo Di.

Ye Xie looked at him and smiled. She knew that Ming Xi was still alive, and she said that she only wanted to attack him.

"Then go to the funeral." Ye Hao said coldly, the whip of the next day passed through the body of the hatred, and completely broke his sea of ​​air.

Evil, wow, spit out a blood, eyes looked at Ye Hao hate, she actually ruined his cultivation.

"Ye Ye, I will revenge!" cried the hatred. "I want to find Mo Mingxi before you and practice him as my devil!"

"Then see if you still have this life!" said Ye Hao.

The emperor looked at Ye Hao sullenly, and he broke a jade on his body and caused his body to blew himself.

The leaves were changed, and they were shaken by a **** fog.

"He ruined this body!" Fire Phoenix came to Ye Hao's side. "He is a ghost repairer. It seems that he has already trained his soul!"

"What do you mean?" asked Ye Hao.

The cold voice of Modi rang behind her. "That is, he can take other people's bodies to be their own, unless his soul is destroyed."

"You have to do more business!" Ye Hao looked at Modi faintly and asked.

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