Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1674: Don't need him

Ye Hao knew that Mo Di came, he killed the enchanting, but she never thought about thanking him, saving him from being smug, thinking that he had caused him trouble again.

Modi was waiting for Ye Hao to be grateful, who knows that she dared to say that he is nosy!

"If it weren't for me, do you think you will have a life?" Modi asked coldly.

Ye Hao didn't know how he came to the mysterious world, but she really didn't hope that he would appear. "How do you know that I will be dead?"

"That is the fourth-order enchanting, do you think you can deal with the evil and enchanting at the same time?" Modi's thin lips are tight, regretting today's impulse to save her!

"If you don't kill the enchanting, how do you know that I can't kill it?" Ye took a look at him. "Mucheng Lord, can't you make a special trip to save me? You are too boring or full, you It’s not very self-contradictory to be so innocent, but to abandon others’ troubles.”

Modi only knows to what extent her teeth are so sharp, and he will come to save him if he is unconscious.

"Next time, there will be trouble again, you can't think of me again." Modi said with a grin.

He really wants to know how the avatar would fall in love with her? And the feelings are deep, so it is so self-sufficient, still do not understand the grateful swearing head, what is good in the end?

Fire Phoenix snorted around Ye Hao and whispered, "Hey, don't offend him."

"How dare I offend him!" Ye Hao took a look at the fire phoenix, it was really no good!

Modi was trying not to personally kill Ye Hao, so that she would not be mad at her.

"The city owner." Shen Ying finally caught up with the speed of the Emperor, and he spent a lot of time in order to enter the secret.

However, it seems that something happened, the face of the city owner is so ugly.

Ye Hao didn't want to see Modi, "Fire Phoenix, let's go."

Fire Phoenix hesitated to look at Modi and left with Ye Hao.

"Hey, the city owner seems to be saving you to the mysterious world." Fire Phoenix whispered.

"I have no relatives with him, why should he come to save me." Ye Hao said faintly, "Even if he has a relationship with Murong Cham... they are always two people, I don't want to owe him."

Modi and Murong Zhan were originally a person! He came to save Ye Xie because of the emotion of the avatar. In fact, Murong Chan wanted to save her.

"You don't think the city owner is actually... is it hard-hearted?" Huo Huang wants to help Modi as much as possible, so that Ye Hao can easily forgive him in the future.

"I really didn't feel it." Ye Hao said faintly, she touched the head of the fire phoenix. "You just got hit by the enchanting, is it hurt?"

"I'm fine, I will recover soon." Fire Phoenix said.

Ye Hao fed a poison to his mouth. "You rest in the space, the ghost is not here, I have absorbed the fire, and there is no danger."

The most dangerous thing in the mystery of the Scorpio is not the regret!

"Would we go back to the city owner?" Fire Phoenix asked, it was very surprised to see that Modi appeared in the mysterious secrets of Ye Hao, maybe soon... The memory of Murong Cham could not be blocked.

"In the end, who is your master, how do you always speak for the Emperor." Ye Hao did not ask.

Why did she go to find the Emperor? He felt that her existence was troublesome. Every time she met, she only warned her not to bother with a look of disgust, especially if he kissed her twice, although the first time she took the initiative...

He looks too much like Murong Zhan, no matter what his appearance or breath, all his things will remind her of Murong Cham, even with him, she feels like he does not know the truth before the ink This feeling is terrible.

Therefore, she must stay away from the Emperor.

"I am not talking for him. He is the city owner of the city of Tianzhu. After all, we have a good relationship with him. Is there not a backer?" Fire Phoenix smiled happily.

"You don't need him to be a patron, but the top is already very powerful." Ye Hao said.

Danger! The plumage of the fire phoenix is ​​tight, and why did it start to depend on it? If you know that Mo Di is Mo Rong Zhan in the future, you should not empathize with it?

There is also a Murong Yu who is infatuated with her on the mainland.

Thinking of Murong’s intentions to Ye Hao, Huo Huang really worried that the city owner could ask for Ye Hao’s forgiveness in the future.

"Yemu heart they are there." Ye Hao said, "Let's go find her."

After they entered the secrets of Scorpio, they didn't know the day and night. I didn't know how long I had been in. When I saw the people around Ye Muxin, she realized that the second group of disciples had come in.

"Auntie!" Seeing Ye Hao's figure, Ye Muxin's face changed, and she waved her hand hard as if she wanted her to leave.

The fire phoenix stopped. "Hey, there is something wrong right below."

Ye Hao also felt it. Besides the people of Ye Muxin who had several holy sects, there seemed to be other sects, but their expressions were not quite right.

"Auntie, get out of here." Ye Muxin's voice passed over.

"There is a breath of sorrow." Fire Phoenix whispered, "The people below are robbed!"

Ye Hao whispered, "Go and save the leaves!"

Fire Phoenix cried, "Hey, the most dangerous place in the mysterious world is to trigger the seal of the soul. This is someone who unlocks the seal. Once the soul appears, this secret will collapse at any time."

"So I have to go to save Ye Muxin." She can ignore other people, but Ye Muxin has tried several times to save her from her own safety. If she can't help, she will be too ungrateful.

"You look at the sky, the secret is about to collapse," said Fire Phoenix.

Ye Hao came down from behind the fire phoenix and quickly flew toward Ye Muxin.

"What are you doing down?" Ye Muxin yelled. "These people don't know what is controlled. When we see us, we will kill them. Even our ancestral doors are crazy."

"It's a soul!" Ye Hao came to Ye Muxin, hurriedly laid the defensive array first, only to find that in addition to Ye Muxin, Ling Shuangfei and Xiao Lin.

"Even Tang Yan is crazy." Ye Muxin said, "See people kill, we have to find a way to leave."

They are now hiding in the enchantment, so the talents outside can't come in, but this enchantment can't be opened for a lifetime.

"The secret is going to collapse. What have you done in the end?" Ye Hao whispered, there would be a reason for the soul.

"We found the magic weapon in the underground. Tang Yan took a sword. Everyone else grabbed the magic weapon. Then they went crazy. It didn't take long for the whole underground to shake up. We managed to escape." The heart explained.

That is the problem with the magic weapon! It may be related to the conversion of hatred into a soul.

Ye Hao said, "Now don't care a lot, the kill will kill, otherwise we will die here."

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