Those who are controlled by the evil spirits are attacking the enchantment. The sword in the hands of Tang Yan is a magic weapon of the middle. The luster that comes out at this time is somewhat strange. The magic weapon in the hands of these people is clearly hidden in the soul. They are robbing their bodies.

"We want to save Tang Shimei together." Ye Muxin called, Tang Yan is a Sanjiao family, they can't care.

"I will hold them first, you will go." Ye Hao said to Ye Muxin.

Ye Muxin immediately said, "No, they have improved their skills after getting the magic weapon. You are not their opponent."

"I still have fire phoenix to help, and I have absorbed the fire, it is okay to temporarily hold them down." Ye Hao explained in a low voice.

Ye Muxin looked at her in surprise. "Are you absorbing the fire?"

"Yes, you are going." Ye Hao saw cracks in the enchantment, knowing that this enchantment could not be supported.

Her defensive array can't resist how long.

"Look, that is... the ancient beast and the fire phoenix!" Ling Shuangfei looked at the fire phoenix in the sky and cried out in surprise.

Xiao Lin’s eyes lit up. “Is there an ancient beast in the mystery of the Scorpio?”

"That is... your little crow?" Ye Muxin was shocked. It turned out that the little crow grew up overnight and became so powerful and beautiful.

"Little birds, take them away!" Ye Hao ordered the fire phoenix.

The fire phoenix spurted out the flame and forced the few souls to retreat dozens of steps. Ye Muxin finally found the opportunity to leave.

The cracks in the horizon have become bigger and bigger, and it seems that soon after, the mystery will completely collapse.

Ye Muxin escaped from the enchantment. Ye Hao’s whip of the day wraps around Tang’s wrist and finds that the magic weapon seems to be consciously following Tang Yan, and no matter how she can get rid of her.

Ye Hao had to stun the Tang Yan first and forcibly took the magic weapon from her hand.

The red sword came to her hand, as if with suction, it could not be opened, or the claws of the paws of the fire phoenix, burning the hilt directly with the flame, the sword fell off.

"Take her away." Ye Hao threw Tang Yan to Ye Muxin. At this time, other people affected by the evil spirits avoided the fire phoenix.

Ye Muxin saw all this and realized that Ye Hao had already been stronger than her. She did not need her protection at all. If she stayed, she might be tired of her. "Let's go."

Ling Shuangfei hugged Tang Yan, and his eyes glanced at Ye Hao deeply. If it wasn't for Ye Hao, they had no chance to leave. They quickly came to the place where they were transferred, pinched the jade, and left the secret.

They must quickly tell the elders what happened in the secret, and if they leave the secrets of the Scorpio, they will have terrible influence on the entire Xuantian continent.

"Hey, go!" Fire Phoenix felt a more terrible breath approaching, and it hurriedly urged Ye Hao.

Ye Hao also felt terrible. She killed two people in front of her and jumped on the back of the fire phoenix. "There seems to be something under the ground."

Her words were finished, and the place where she stood was collapsed, and the whole ground below turned into a deep hole.

"So many souls are here, I am afraid that there is a king in the ground." Fire Phoenix said.

"...What is the king?" This day, there are such terrible things in the secret, and how the holy gates are still coming in.

Huo Huang said, "The mystery of the Scorpio has existed for hundreds of years, and there has never been such a thing. The king... It disappeared when the sorcerer was killed. It turned out to be hiding in the secret."

It is related to the Yan domain! I don't know why, Ye Hao now feels uneasy about hearing these two words.


Under the ground, there was a roar of annihilation, like what was awakened.

Ye Hao was shocked and looked back at the bottomless black hole. She only saw a pair of cold and horrible eyes.

Suddenly, a powerful suction vortex appeared in the hole, and even the fire phoenix was almost sucked back.

"He woke up!" Fire Phoenix said. "We must leave immediately. What is your transmission?"

Ye Hao also felt that this person in the underground was more terrible than what she had encountered before. It made her feel more terrible than her.

"Here, let's go to the market." Ye Hao said, pointing to the east side to let the fire phoenix fly.

"If the city owner is just fine, we have to tell him about it." Fire Phoenix whispered, when the city owner personally sealed the sorcerer, and now the king is awakened, is it true that the sorcerer is coming back?


The entire mysterious mystery is beginning to collapse.

The fire phoenix flew quickly to the mouth of the law.

Ye Hao grabbed the fire phoenix tightly. She didn't dare to look back. She always felt that she had a pair of eyes following her.

"Ah!" Ye Hao screamed, she was caught by an invisible big hand and slammed down.

"Little bird!" She was separated from the back of the fire phoenix. The invisible hand was too strong, no matter how she used it, she couldn't break free.

The fire phoenix flew down, "Hey!"

Ye Hao’s neck was buckled and she couldn’t say a word.

Is she going to die here today?

No, she hasn't found Mingxi yet!

"Oh, I will save you." Fire Phoenix called.

However, the fire phoenix has just been beaten by the enchanting, plus the original has not really grown up, how can it be the opponent of the king, let alone save the leaves, can protect themselves is not bad.

Just as Ye Hao felt desperate, a strong and familiar spirit shrouded, and the hand that grabbed her neck shrank back and she finally got free.

"Little bird!" Ye Hao muttered and his body still fell uncontrollably.

"Please, I will save you." The voice of Modi came from the ear, and Ye Hao was carried into a warm and generous embrace.

She looked up and it was really Modi.

"I beg you..." Ye Hao's lips were pale and trembling, "Go to death!"

The ink robes suddenly became cold, but there was no way to throw her down. "I don't know how!"

Ye glared at him, and even if she was grateful for his appearance, she could not say thank you.

"The city owner..." The fire phoenix is ​​almost in tears, and it knows how the city owner will be willing to be embarrassed.

"It was hidden here!" Modi looked down at the hole and handed Ye Hao to Shen Ying. "Take her away."

The spiritual power of Ye Hao’s body was sucked away by the big hand, and she could still take her away from the mysterious secrets.

She looked back and saw only the figure of Modi disappeared into the black hole.

"He just went in?" Ye Hao asked in surprise, he is not afraid of death?

"The one who is afraid is the king who just woke up." Shen Ying whispered.

Fire Phoenix said next to him, "Don't worry, the city owner will not have anything, and the king is not his opponent."

"But..." Ye Hao had not finished, had been hit by a strong thrust, they were forced to launch the secret.

"He is still inside!" cried Ye.

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