Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1676: Don't want him to have an accident

Ye Hao looked at the mysterious mystery of the collapsed sky. Her face was white, and the Emperor did not come out inside. He would not die like this!

"Hey, are you okay?" Fire Phoenix came over and rubbed the shoulders of Ye Ye, worried that she had just been injured by Wang.

"I'm fine!" Just the spiritual power was sucked away. "He's still inside, what should I do?"

Shen Ying whispered, "The city owner will not have anything."

"The mystery of the Scorpio has collapsed. Can he... come out?" Ye Hao looked at the mystery that had disappeared completely. What happened to this mysterious mystery?

Fire Phoenix Road, "will definitely come out, but the city owner needs some time to kill the king, not coming out so quickly, do we have to go back to the holy gate to see?"

Although Ye Hao does not like Mo Di, but does not want him to have an accident here, not because of anything else, because he has just saved her, if he saves her and die, then she will be uneasy in this life.

"When will he come out?" Ye Hao knows that she should return to Shengzongmen at this time. The collapse of the secrets of Tianzhu is not a trivial matter. Plus, she is now lost in spiritual power, and she has no ability to protect herself. In a sensible way, it is conceivable that Modi is still alive and dead, and it is difficult for her to leave here.

Shen Ying said, "The city owner will kill the king."

"The mystery has collapsed. How can he come out?" Ye Hao asked, although she hadn't seen the prince, but she had just been buckled around her neck and felt awkwardly. Such as the coolness of the bones, obviously only illusory, she can not even break free, can be seen how terrible this king.

This is what he just woke up. If he wakes up completely, is it even more terrible?

Shen Ying said, "The king of the king is personally sealed in the secrets of the gods. He knows how to come out."

When I heard this, Ye Hao was not so worried. She really didn't want to owe a life to the Emperor.

"Little bird, let's go first." Ye Hao said quietly, since he couldn't die, she could rest assured.

Don't worry too much! Shen Ying silently looked at Ye Hao, the lady just worried about the city owner.

"Okay." The fire phoenix should have a voice, it knows that the city owner will not come out so quickly, but now let Ye Hao go back to find the supreme spiritual power to say.

Ye Xie sat on the back of the fire phoenix. The place where they were sent out by the secret was at the foot of the holy sacred gate. Others should also be scattered around.

"Have you seen the king of the king?" Ye Hao whispered to the fire phoenix, listening to the meaning of the fire phoenix, as if he had seen him.

"I have seen it, it is the first general of the Emperor of the Devil, when he attacked the Xuantian continent with the sorcerer, and was sealed by the city owner in the secret of the Scorpio." Fire Phoenix said that although the king was not as good as the owner, but in As far as Xuantian mainland is concerned, few people can be his opponents. He woke up at this time, which is a bad news for the whole continent.

Ye Hao thought that Ming Xi might be in the Yan area, her eyebrows wrinkled more tightly. "The Yan and the mainland are two places. Why do they want to encroach on the mainland?"

"Most of the inflammatory fields are not in the grass, and the aura is not as good as ours. In order to survive, they naturally want to engulf the Xuantian continent." Fire Phoenix explained, "But the warriors and the sorcerers are inherently hostile, so, not They die when we die."

"When that Mingxi is really in the Yan..." Ye Hao's face turned white, she did not dare to imagine the consequences.

Fire Phoenix knows that Ye Hao is very worried about Mingxi, and it is also worried, but Mingxi has been so long, still able to live well, it is safe to see him in the Yan domain.

"Ming Xi is still a child, no one wants to hurt him." Fire Phoenix can only say this, as long as people do not know that Ming Xi is the son of Mo Di, so he is the safest.

Ye Hao did not dare to think about what kind of days Mingxi would have in the Yan domain. Every time she remembered, she was heartbroken.

"We are here, Ye Muxin, they are there," said Fire Phoenix.

The elders of St. Zongmen knew about the collapse of the secrets at this time. Ye Muxin had already told them all the things that happened inside them, and this incident immediately aroused the vigilance of the four sectarian elders.

"Look, what is that?" Someone found the fire phoenix and called out loud.

"Ancient mythical fire phoenix?" Li Xianrong recognized at first sight what the flying flame is, it turned out to be a beast!

Ye Muxin saw the fire phoenix, and finally he was relieved.

"Three sisters, Auntie is back." Ye Muxin smiled at Tang Hanyan.

Tang Hanyan breathed a sigh of relief, but his eyes flashed strangely. When was the unremarkable little black bird that grew up, I didn’t expect it to be so dazzling after showing the true face.

"Fire phoenix! It is a fire phoenix!" All the people who saw the fire phoenix in the sacred gates were shocked, especially when they saw the people sitting on the fire phoenix.

“Is there an ancient beast in the mystery? Haven’t the elders of our holy gates been discovered for so many years?”

"Who is this boy? It looks very good, it seems to have never been seen before."

"Isn't that a teenager who appeared with the supreme esteem? Has he already recognized the Lord with the fire?"

The voices of the arguments came from all over, and Li Xianrong looked up to the side and looked indifferent. Is this the first time personally coming to the holy sect, just for the ancient beast?

As the head of the holy Zongmen, he did not know the atmosphere of the ancient beasts in the mysterious secrets of the Scorpio, so that the supreme was first found.

"Tai Zun." Although Ye Hao has heard everyone's arguments, but now she has no time to explain, she has more important things, "The mystery of the sky has collapsed, and the Emperor is still in the secret."

Li Xianrong screamed out, "What do you say? Modi... The Lord of Mexico is in the mystery of the Scorpio?"

"When I left, the king of the king just woke up. I almost got caught back. It was the emperor's appearance... However, he still didn't come out, and the mysterious secrets collapsed." Ye Hao said, she looked up and looked up. Today, probably only the supreme can save the Emperor.

"The major in Motown is unfathomable. The secrets of the scorpio in the district are not able to trap him." The whispered, "Are you injured?"

Ye Hao took a deep breath, "I am fine."

Supremely, I saw that Ye Hao’s spiritual power was impaired. He took out a remedy for her. “The rest is good, and other things are given to me.”

"Okay." Ye Hao smiled slightly and took the remedy in his hand.

Although she has spirits and elixir, the speed of restoring spiritual power is far less than the remedy given to her.

"This fire phoenix... Is it you found in the mystery of the Scorpio? It should be the beast of the town of our sacred gate." A young girl squinted at Ye Hao and pointed to the fire phoenix around her. .

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