Returning to Xingyun Mountain, Ye Hao took out the kit and jade, and she broke the jade. The message about the primary alchemy poured into her mind. There was only Danfang in the space, and they were all scarce Dan. It is not easy to make it out.

She took out the kit and there was a jade slip and a bag of seeds. The original task was to cultivate these seeds and I didn't know what it was.

This is really not difficult. Ye Hao took the seeds and went to the space. Her space expanded a lot with the growth of her cultivation, and there was still a large open space.

"What are these?" Fire Phoenix was locked in the space by Ye Hao, and he was very lonely. When he saw Ye Hao coming in, he immediately went up.

"Seed, the task given by Elder Xu." Ye Hao said, the seeds were scattered in the ground, and they were poured out with Lingquan. "When you grow up, you can use it to change points."

Fire Phoenix licked the arm of the 蹭叶蓁, "Hey, let me go out and play."

"You want to go to Ye Muxin again?" Ye took a look at it. In her opinion, Huo Huang is no different from a five- or six-year-old child. She loves to play, naughty, and likes to be lively. However, after all, it is Dasheng. Zong, she is afraid that the fire phoenix will go out and blame, it is difficult to protect it at that time.

However, the fire phoenix is ​​a beast, even if something is wrong, it is estimated that no one dares to blame it.

Fire Phoenix said, "I am going to find other beasts to play."

"Where are you going to play, you are obviously going to scare them." Ye Hao said with no anger, don't think she didn't know, the great beast of the Great Saints who dared to raise his head in front of the fire phoenix, almost met it when he met it. Going to the ground.

"Hey, hey..." Fire Phoenix screamed, it has been in space for too many years, and finally has entities, it does not want to continue in space.

"Go, don't play for too long." Ye Hao waved helplessly.

The fire phoenix screamed and happily went out of space.

Ye Hao shook her head helplessly. She took out a simple Dan Fang. This is the alchemy square of Condensed Dan. The Ling grass needed is in her space. She can try it first. It should be done in the primary alchemy way. .

She took Danding and the elixir back to the room, and after setting the enchantment around, she began to make alchemy.

The size of Dan Ding is controlled by her. She magnifies Dan Ding to Xiao Ding, and then throws the necessary grasses into it, and starts alchemy according to the method of Jade.

Dan Ding already has a multicolored flame, and Ye Hao controls the size of the fire. According to Dan Fang’s reminder, he added three condensate dan.

After about an hour, Dan Ding exudes a clear fragrance, and Ye Hao’s heart is happy, so fast can be refined?


Suddenly, there was a sound of explosion inside Dan Ding, and a black smoke came out in Dan Ding. Fortunately, this is Dan Ding. If it is ordinary, it must have been blown up.

Ye Hao looked at the damp grass inside the Ding Ding, she sighed and failed!

She clearly has done it according to Dan Fang. What went wrong?

This box, Ye Hao is devoted to the study of Dan Fang, Bai 13 has come to the vicinity of the mysterious secrets of Tianzhu to find the shadow.

"Shen Ying, the city owner?" In addition to Shen Ying, there are several church owners here, it seems that the city owner is still in the mysterious secrets.

"The city owner has not come out yet, I am going to go in and find him personally." Shen Ying whispered.

White Thirteen looked at the mountain surrounded by the mist. "I went in to find the city owner. You sent someone to look around and there was no entrance to be destroyed. When the king awoke, it will surely alarm the fire, maybe there will be inflammation. The devil appears."

The shadows are smashing, "Yes."

He knew that the cultivation of Bai XIII was above him, so there was no arrangement against Bai Shi.

White thirteen nodded to him, and told the church owners a few words, which went in from a gap that did not collapse.

Because of the collapse of the mystery, the transmission array is no longer usable. It can only be entered through a long dark passage. White 13 has not yet sensed the breath of Mo Di. However, when passing the dark passage, he killed a few cockroaches. soul.

"The soul is still there, it seems that the king has not been killed." Bai 13 grabbed one of the souls, let him lead the way to the place where the king seal.

When the king of the king was sealed here, these souls can only survive on the magic weapon. Now the mystery collapses, the king waking up, and the souls come out from the magic weapon. If they let them out of the secret, they will find someone outside. She will not know what will happen.

Passing through the underworld is the secret place of the sacred, and the disciples of each sect are killed. One does not see alive, but now, even if it is alive, it is probably taken away.

"City Lord!" White thirteen sensed the breath of the Emperor, and immediately speeded up to fly to his side.

Modi is still under the cave, his long body is suspended in the abyss, and opposite him, is a pale young man, the man looks thin and clear, his hands are holding a black tiger head, his eyes are cold and cold. Look at Modi.

"Who is unblocking the seal for you?" Mo Di's black and red eyes were deep and dark, and he did not rush to kill the king. During this time he had been searching for the king in the abyss. He finally found it today. He did not immediately start.

It was he who personally sealed the king, so he knew that it was not easy to unlock the seal. There are not many people in the world who can unlock his seal. It will not be accidental that the king will wake up.

"Who is important?" The king's voice was hoarse. He slept for two hundred years, and now he just woke up and was not in a hurry to kill him.

Even if he swears that one day he will kill Modi himself.

"It doesn't matter, I will seal you again." Modi looked at the king, and the king before the seal was not his opponent, let alone the king who had been sleeping for two hundred years.

The king smiled silently. "Mu Di, do you think there is still this ability?"

Modi moved his position instantly and was closer to the king. "You can try it."

"Even if you seal me again, I can still wake up." The king smiled faintly. "Mu Di, our inflammatory domain will return again."

"It seems that the sorcerer did not die that year!" Modi frowned slightly, how could he still live alive, and the matter was too embarrassing.

He Wang Hehehe smiled.

"When did you wake up?" Modi suddenly asked.

"The rumored that the Emperor Modi knows everything, isn't this a guess like you?" Wang Wang laughed.

It seems that this year’s palace was not awake. As long as I didn’t know when to start, the soul had already begun to leave the mysterious secret.

It seems that there are traitors in the four major sects!

Modi’s thin lips floated a little and smiled. “I don’t like to guess.”

There was a long sword in his hand, and the sword was like a dragon. The mighty and mighty arrogantly roared toward the king.

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