The king of the king has several ups and downs, avoiding the sword of the black sword.

He used to be seriously injured by the Zhanjian sword.

Zhan Yujian, Zhan Zhan is also black. The black, unseen long sword feels not its sharpness, but its generosity and kindness. It is like a black eye with a deep gaze and a clear view of the sky, watching every move of the whole world.

The English of the hardware, the essence of the sun, the gods, the service is powerful.

"The seal has been so long, it has been dull." Modi said faintly, a black dragon appeared behind the king, and he took it out and took it out.

The king coughed up a bite of blood. He glanced at Modi with a blank expression. His hands were stunned by the sky, and the black-pressed sky was brightened by lightning.

A huge flash of lightning fell on the black dragon, and the black dragon turned into smoke.

Yan Wang stood up straight and looked at the emperor opposite him. The wind blew the clothes of the two men. There were countless lightnings behind him. The black dragon was roaring behind the Emperor.

Compared with two hundred years ago, the repair of Modi was even more unfathomable.

"Xuantian mainland people know that the Mocheng Lord is cold and ruthless, and he doesn't care about anyone. The woman... seems to be very special to the Mocheng Lord. You will take the initiative to save her." The king smiled and remembered that he was almost just The woman he caught.

At that time, he was still in the dark. He couldn't see anything. He could only see a bright spot. The woman seemed to be attracted to him. He was familiar and made him want to be close, so he grabbed it. Living.

He couldn't help but absorb her spiritual power. What made him unexpected was that the woman's aura was so pure, and he immediately recovered all the spiritual power.

When I heard the words of the king, the narrow scorpion of the Emperor Modi picked up slightly. "To destroy your inflammatory field, I will save more than ten million people."

"So, the Mocheng Lord did not know the woman." The king always believed in his instincts. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the Emperor saved the woman.

Regardless of who the woman is, he has to find her.

"You have too much to say." Modi said coldly, the sword in his hand once again sounded the sound of dragons.

The two long shadows were once again entangled in the air, and the lightning filled the entire abyss, and the mysterious scorpio that was in the collapse of the mountain was shaken more.

The king of the king was not the opponent of the Emperor, and gradually disappeared. He avoided the sneak of the Emperor and gasped and looked at him. "The original Mocheng Lord will also rush to the crown and become angry."

"Kill you, not for who." Modi said faintly, "I just want to kill you."

The eyes of the king of the king flashed a trace of anger. "You destroy my inflammatory field, not for the mysterious continent."

"I said that if the Yan domain dares to take care of it, I will destroy the inflammatory domain." Modi looked at the king. "Who is letting the mysterious secrets collapse, who opened your seal?"

Seeing the meditation in Blackwater City, he already knows that the inflammatory field must be ready again, but the flaming domain without the sorcerer does not dare to invade the Xuantian continent. Now even the princes have broken the seal, the only explanation... It’s about to appear.

"Oh, do you think you can really destroy the Yan domain?" Wang Wang sneered.

"The devil has been killed by me, so many years have passed..." Modi looked at the king with a faint look. When he saw him, he went to check it. He knew that if the demon died before the death of the god. The release of the sea is a possibility of reincarnation. "It seems that the sorcerer has really reincarnate."

The face of the king changed slightly, but he quickly calmed down. "The Mocheng Lord, you will not be so easy to ruin the field this time."

The double shackles in his hands made a huge electric ball. "I won't let you destroy my inflammatory field again."

Modi’s thin lips sneered a sneer, and Zhan’s sword blocked the eyes and swept the seemingly powerful electric ball to the other side of the cliff.


The huge sounds swirled, the whole mountain peaks collapsed quickly, and the mysterious secrets of Tianzhu finally could not be supported, and they were completely destroyed.

"The city owner." Bai 13 shouted loudly. "The secrets of the gods must be completely destroyed. If you don't leave, you are afraid..."

"There is still time to kill the king first." Modi did not move, did not kill the king, he did not intend to leave.

White thirteen hearts are very different, do not quite understand why the city owner has to kill the king, is it because... has the king just mentioned the wife?

The woman that Wang Wang just mentioned should be the lady.

Modi’s long and straight figure flew to the king. Suddenly, there was a person behind the king. The man’s face was vague and he couldn’t see the appearance. He should have taken the top grade of Yi Rongdan, so even his repairs were all Not out.

He glanced at Modi and grabbed the shoulder of the king. It disappeared after a few breaths.

Modi’s movements were faster. At the moment they disappeared, a sword had been thrown. The man and the king spit out a blood, but they still disappeared into the secret.

"The city owner, who is that person?" White 13 came to the side of the Emperor, and looked at the two people who disappeared in shock.

"Can't see it." Modi said coldly, "Go out."

At the moment they left the secret, all the exports were completely destroyed, and the mystery of the Scorpio has become a ruin.

Shen Ying saw them and immediately came over, "The city owner, the big law."

“Do you see who comes out of the secret?” Modi asked.

"There are no people on the exit here." Shen Ying replied, "The elders of Shengzongmen have been there several times."

Modi whispered to him, "Come to see how many people entered the secret, who touched the seal."

"The city owner, the fire phoenix said, before the lady got the fire, the empathy seems to be laying out what is the law, the seal is opened, will it be related to this?" Bai XIII whispered.

Evil? The eyes of Modi flashed a touch of coldness. "There is no cure for the ghosts. If he wants to lay down the law in the secret world, he needs someone to mention it. Who raised him?"

Shen Ying immediately said, "Go to the holy gate to find out."

In order to enter the secrets of the Scorpio, only he can enter at will through the transmission line of Shengzongmen. This time, all the disciples of the four major denominations are entered. Therefore, the king is untied and must be related to these disciples. The four major denominations There are spies in it.

Ye Hao got a fire suffocation... was it accidental or someone deliberately arranged?

Modi swept the white thirteen, "Why are you here?"

"Mrs. is very worried about you, let me ask you to come out from the mystery of the day." Bai Thirteen bowed his head and said seriously.

Modi raised his eyebrows, "Is Yeh worried about me?"

"Yes, listen to the fire phoenix, my wife mentioned you every day, I am very worried about your safety in the secrets of the Scorpio." Bai XIII said, this is the original words of the fire phoenix, he did not add a sentence.

"Oh, fuss." Modi snorted, but the thin lips unconsciously tilted up.

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