The white thirteen-eye corner is aimed at the smile of the mouth of the Emperor, and his eyes are slightly bright. It seems that the owner of the city said that he does not care about his wife. In fact, he still cares.

"Mrs. is now the registered disciple of the Great Shengzong Taizu. The last time she was in the mysterious world of Tianzhu, her spiritual power was lost. She has been practicing in Xingyun Mountain. Now she has recovered her spiritual power and is already in the Qing Dynasty." Bai XIII said, "Everyone is very kind to the lady."

Modi nodded faintly. "She has improved her ability to at least improve her self-protection."

"Yes, my wife is very grateful now," said White.

"She is grateful for the supremacy?" Modi was dull, and his mood was inexplicably depressed.

White thirteen did not find the dissatisfaction in the tone of the Emperor of the Modi. "Supremely save her when she was in the flames of the desert, and she was very well-maintained to the lady in the Great Sacred, and the lady was helpless in the Xuantian continent. Supreme has become her dependence, and relying on it is normal."

It is him who saved her life in the Flame Desert!

Modi’s face was gloomy. “The supreme purpose is not pure. Didn’t she see it? It’s stupid.”

"The city owner, did not use his wife to do anything, so the lady is still grateful to him." Bai XIII said that the supreme lady is really inexplicable, retired for so many years, for the wife to re-export, but again Not accepting his wife as a disciple, he remembered the rumors of the Great Saints.

"Ignorance." Modi chilled, but suddenly found his reaction is not normal, Ye Hao grateful who has anything to do with him, he is not the most hope to sever any relationship with Ye Hao?

He remembered the words of the king. If you let the king know that the person he was caught in in the secret is Ye Hao, it will definitely be bad for her.

It is a pity that the king was saved, otherwise he would not have to worry about this problem if he killed him.

Bai Xie looked at the city owner, he can clearly feel the dissatisfaction of the city owner, it seems that he and his wife are good days are just around the corner.

"Ye Ye and the last two people live in the Xingyun Mountain?" Modi suddenly asked.

"Yes, the subordinates want to protect the lady in Xingyun Mountain, they are all driven out." Bai XIII said, the lonely man and the widowed woman, the city owner quickly went to find his wife.

The blue-legged violent burst of the hand of the Emperor of Modi, the woman really thought that the supremacy would be good for her for no reason? This does not seem to have a problem.

"Since she is going to die, she doesn't have to pay attention to her." Modi said coldly, "You don't have to follow me when you return to the Great."

He wants to go to the Yanyan area in person. Since the king has been rescued, it must be back to the Yan area. He will kill the king.

"City Lord, you... don't go to find a lady?" Bai Xie asked in amazement, and said so much, the city owner was still indifferent.

"Since she feels good in Da Shengzong, let her be in the Great Shengzong." After he killed the king, he will naturally bring back Mingxi, and then they will send their mother and son back to the mainland, saving him every time. I have to save her.

"..." Bai Xie silently sighed in his heart, always feeling that the city owner would regret the treatment of his wife now.

Just when the Emperor Modi was about to leave, he suddenly saw a white figure in the distance approaching here. This spiritual pressure... is supreme!

“Supreme?” Modi’s twilight was cold, and the figure that looked at the slender figure was slowly approaching.

"Motown Lord, you came out from the mystery of the Scorpio? What about the king?" The supremacy of seeing Modi here, his face flashed a strange, "This seat has been around for a long time, and the other three sects I have been looking for the whereabouts of you and the king. I haven’t found it for so long. I have already given up, but I didn’t expect to see you here.”

When Emperor Modi saw him and many people came to the back, he whispered, "The king has been awakened and rescued."

"Is the Lord of Mocheng not killing the king?" Li Xianrong, the head of Shengzongmen, screamed.

Bai XIII said, "The king of the king had been seriously injured by the city owner. The secrets of the gods were broken, and more than one other person appeared, and the king was saved."

"White Thirteen? Why are you here?" Suddenly looked at Bai XIII.

"The girl is worried about the Lord of Mexico, let me ask if the Lord of Mexico has come out of the secret." White Thirteen whispered back.

In order to save Ye Xie and stay in the secrets of Tianzhu, Ye Di worried that he was also normal.

There is no doubt that Bai Shi’s explanation is supreme. He looks at Mo Di, “How can the king of Mocheng wake up? He is sealed by you in the secrets of Tianzhu. Who else can unlock the seal besides you?”

"Then ask who is among the four major sects who are spies, and those who can open the seal are definitely not new disciples." Modi said faintly.

"There are not a few new disciples who came back from our big sects. Our Shengzongmen also lost the best disciples of the talents. I heard that Qiu Chengyu and the disciples of the Great Shengzong competed for fire, and finally they were disciples of the Great Holy Family. Killed." Li Xianrong looked at the supremacy without conviction. If it were not the disciples of the Great Sacred, now they will add a powerful disciple.

Modi said coldly, "You said that Qiu Chengyu is the lord's hatred before the ancestors."

"What?" Li Xianrong screamed out, "How is it possible!"

"I hate me in the past, I was killed by me. I let him go to the gods. I didn't expect him to practice ghost repairs, to take over other people's bodies, to suppress himself to return to the holy gates, and to be your holy gates. Sovereign, do you really know nothing about him?" Modi asked coldly.

Li Xianrong's face suddenly changed, and the elders behind him looked at each other.

"Don't this time the king is awakened, and the collapse of the mysterious secrets is related to the hatred?" asked the elder of Taiyi.

"I haven't checked the truth yet, so I can't make a conclusion." Supreme said.

Modi whispered, "This is the problem of your four major denominations. You can solve it yourself."

"Mucheng Lord, then...Do you know who saved the King?" Li Xianrong asked, don't be a ghost, otherwise they will be suspected of collusion with Yan.

Too one door shouted, "Isn't that a hate?"

"There is no ability for the enemy to save the king from the hands of the city." White thirteen said faintly.

Supremely looked at the white thirteen, "it seems to be a good thorough investigation of the disciples of the four major denominations."

Modi looked indifferent. He didn't look at other people again. The figure had disappeared from the place.

"Since the Lord of Mexico has come out of the mysterious world and the king has been rescued, then we must discuss how to prevent the inflammatory domain from invading our mainland again. The most important task of our four major sects is to protect the Xuantian continent for the mainland. The safety must not allow the inflammatory domain to invade again." Li Xianrong said loudly.

"The king has awakened, then... what about the evil?" someone asked quietly.

Li Xianrong’s face changed.

The first hand gently covered his chest and coveted.

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