The three-headed dog is a high-order beast. It has already passed the wisdom. When it saw the fire phoenix, it almost wanted to turn around and escape.

"Stand up!" Fire Phoenix drank it. "This is not where you should come. What do you want to do in Nanshan?"

"God and beast, I... I am coming to my child." The three-headed dog squatted on the ground, and the three seemingly terrible heads did not dare to lift them up.

The power of ancient beasts is not something that ordinary beasts can directly face.

Huo Huang turned back and Ye Hao looked at each other and took the hair from her hand. "Is this your child's hair?"

Smell the familiar taste, the mood of the three dogs is somewhat uncontrollable. "This is... this is my child, the beast, please return my child to me."

"This **** did not catch your child." Fire Phoenix said faintly, "How can your child come here?"

The mood of the three-headed dog is still not stable. Its six eyes are staring at the hair of the fire phoenix. "We never go to this mountain. Someone deliberately took my child out of the foggy mountain."

"If you haven't guessed wrong, your child should have been arrested." Ye Hao whispered, did Xu Changzu know that he gave her the hair of the three-headed dog, or...has he been used?

"Hey!" The three-headed dog screamed violently.

The fire phoenix drank it. "Noisy, no, we are arresting your child, what are you arguing in front of us."

The three-headed dog screamed.

"Girl, it seems that someone deliberately wants to lead you to the mountain to meet the three-headed dog." Bai XIII sees this thing more thoroughly than Ye Hao, and understands that this is someone who wants to intentionally frame Ye Xie.

"This is given to me by the elder Xu from the Lingcao Pavilion." Ye Hao said that she felt that Xu Elder might give her the seeds of stinky grass, but she should not dare to do such a thing. "Someone used Xu Elder. ”

Elder Xu should be very clear that he is so brazen that she will end up in the end, and that the supreme and the head will not let him go.

Ye Hao remembered the oriental dragonfly and the leaf magnolia that she saw at Lingcao Pavilion that day. She always felt that this incident was very embarrassing.

"Hey, let's look for its children while looking for the nine-tailed jade fox." Fire Phoenix said to Ye Hao.

"You are looking for a nine-tailed jade fox?" asked the three-headed dog.

The fire phoenix nodded. "Yeah, have you seen the nine-tailed jade fox?"

"The Wuling Mountain has recently added a nine-tailed jade fox, which is paired with the big white fox." The three-headed dog said.

"Big white fox?" Ye Hao raised his eyebrows, how it sounded like the nine-tailed jade fox was abducted.

The three-headed dog said, "It is the fox king. It likes to hook up some exotic beasts."

"The original nine-tailed jade fox is running away with the big white fox." Huo Huang said with a smile.

"Children don't talk indiscriminately." Ye Hao patted the head of the fire phoenix. "We went to help the three dogs to find the children, and then went to Wuling Mountain to bring back the Jiuwei Yuhu."

The fire phoenix looked at Ye Hao. "Do you know where the cubs of the three dogs are?"

"I don't know." Ye Hao shook his head. "Since the three-headed dog can find it here, there should be clues. We will continue to look for it, maybe we will find it."

In fact, Ye Hao can probably guess who the cub will be caught, but there is no basis for it, and it needs to be checked again.

"As long as you can help me find a child, I must go to bring the Jiuwei jade fox out of Wuling Mountain." The three-headed dog immediately said.

Ye Wei asked, "How did you find it here?"

"Smell." Fire Phoenix gave the hair to the leafhopper. "In addition to this hair, there is the smell of the three-headed dog cub, we can't smell it, but it can smell it."

"Then take us to look for it." Ye Hao said.

The Nanshan Mountains are low-level beasts. When they feel the pressure of the fire phoenix, they all hide in the corner, only dare to sneak a peek. The last time the fire phoenix went to Nanshan, there was no such scene. At that time, his repair In the absence of recovery, those beasts were afraid of the fire and phoenix, and did not feel such a strong spiritual pressure.

"Girl, there are the hairs of the three-headed dog cubs." Not long after, the white thirteen found a lot of hair on the ground, and there was blood.

The three-headed dog ran immediately. " my child's hair, it is hurt, there is blood here."

"Calm! Calm!" Fire Phoenix drank it. "It's just hair and blood, not necessarily dead."

Ye Hao found a feather in the grass, and she walked over and smashed it up. "Small fire, come over, look at it, is this a green feather?"

"Green? You mean the ostrich of Ye Mulan?" The fire phoenix smelled a few times. "Is that cowardly ostrich, Ye Mulan has been here?"

If Ye Mulan came here, the whereabouts of the three-headed pups was not suspenseful. As for the elders that Xu Elder gave her, she felt that she could not be separated from Ye Mulan.

"Who dares to catch my child, I want to tear him apart." The three dogs screamed and all six eyes turned red.

"The blood of the three-headed pups can make the electric lions improve. It is probably that someone wants to upgrade their own beasts to lead the three-headed dog." Bai XIII whispered.

The beast of the Eastern Dragonfly is the electric lion.

"Go to the East." Ye Hao said to the fire phoenix.

Dongfang’s attempt to catch a three-headed dog has nothing to do with her, but since he wants to put her to death, don’t blame her.

Nanshan is not far from the Imperial Beast Hall. The Eastern Temple is the apprentice of the Imperial Beast Hall, and his identity is special. Almost no one does not know him. It is easy to find him.

Fire Phoenix moved the three dogs together to the Imperial Beast Hall, and soon found the Eastern Dragonfly that was in the middle of the mountain.

The Eastern Dragonfly is training his electric lion spell, and on the other side is an iron cage, which is the cub of the three-headed dog.

"Sure enough, this is a monk, let's go find him to settle accounts."

Their bodies just moved, and they saw a slender figure on the other side. Looking closely, it turned out to be leaf magnolia.

"Two emperors, I heard that Ye Hao went to Nanshan to complete the task today." Ye Mulan's face is difficult to hide, "They have gone there without returning."

"Not necessarily, don't forget, Ye Hao has fire phoenix around him." Dongfang said coldly, he clenched his fists. If he could kill Ye Hao, it would be better to take the fire phoenix as his own.

Ye Mulan snorted. "What about the fire phoenix? It may not be able to protect Ye Hao. Didn't you send someone to Nanshan to kill her?"

"How come we didn't meet other people?" Ye Hao asked doubtfully.

The three dogs angered. "The original people were sent by him. I have killed them."

"..." Ye Hao cried and laughed.

"Bring my baby back." The three-headed dog saw the electric lion who had been around the iron cage and wanted to eat it. Where could he calm down, he had already broken away from the stealth, and screamed at the east.

The oriental scorpion and the leaf magnolia looked up, and in addition to being scared by the huge figure of the three dogs, they also saw Ye Hao and Huo Huang.

"Two emperors..." Ye Mulan's face suddenly changed.

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