I heard that the electric lion of the Second Emperor’s Dongfang was killed! Ye Mulan was almost burnt out of the clothes by the fire, but it was still in front of many disciples, or tied with the same almost naked two emperors.

Many people think of the jokes of the East in the flames of the desert.

The two men made such a big joke, and their respective masters couldn’t watch the apprentice being bullied. They immediately found out the truth. As a result, it was found that the Oriental scorpion first provoked the three-headed dog, so he was killed. Lions, as for whoever burned their burned clothes to the main hall, and finally found out the truth, no one dared to really go to Xingyunshan to settle accounts.

If it weren't for the Eastern Dragonfly, the hair of the three-headed dog would be placed in the elder's kit, and they would not have such an end.

"Xu elder, this is the Jiuwei jade fox, it turned out to go to Wuling Mountain." Ye Hao smiled and held the nine-tailed jade fox to Xu Elder.

"Good." Xu’s face was not so good-looking. After picking up the nine-tailed jade fox, he did not dare to go to see Ye Hao.

Although he did not put the hair of the three-headed dog in the kit, he knew that the oriental cockroach had touched the kit. He knew that it was not good for Ye Hao, and he only did not know.

"Xu elder, I don't know how many contributions can I change this time?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

Since the incident of Dong Fang and Ye Mulan, she has found that even those who talk gossip are gone.

However, everyone sees her expression as if she is watching the big devil, which is afraid of her.

This is also very good!

"Five hundred points, no, Wuling Mountain is more dangerous, so give six hundred points." Xu said.

Ye Hao Xiumei picked one, "Thank you Xu Elder."

Xu Changla smiled slyly. He knew that the seat of the Imperial Beast Temple went to Xingyun Mountain to find the supremacy. He wanted to find justice for his apprentice. As a result, even the people who were too honored were driven out. He was also reprimanded to indulge his apprentice to bully Ye Hao, and did not put Taizu in his eyes.

Supremely guarding this short, who else dares to bully Ye Hao?

Ye Hao did not pick up the task, she changed the seeds of a few spirit grass, and was ready to leave the Lingcao Pavilion.

"Auntie, finally found you!" Ye Muxin smiled and walked over to Ye Hao, she lowered her voice. "Grandfather and big brother came, but Mulan first passed, certainly will not say you good words, you Just don't go see them."

Ye Hao thinks that even if she does not go to see Ye Boshu, they will definitely come to her, not that she is self-righteous, she thinks Ye Boshu, they are mostly because of her at this time.

"Then I will return to Xingyun Mountain first, and I don't care what Ye Mulan said." Ye Hao said with a smile on Ye Muxin.

Ye Muxin is a big parent in Ye. She knows her grandfather very well. Now Ye Hao is not only a few disciples of Taizu, but also gets a fire in the secrets of Tianzhu. In the younger generation of Yejia, it will not Someone can be more talented than Ye Hao.

Even the eldest brother... is nothing in front of Ye Hao.

"Good." Ye Muxin nodded with a smile.

Ye Hao glanced at her and turned and flew out.

Xingyunshan is now only her and supreme. Bai 13 continues to return to the mountain. However, it has not appeared since the last time. Ye Hao went to look for him and only heard his voice.

Today, only the fire phoenix is ​​most active on the Xingyun Mountain.

"Hey, you are coming back." The fire phoenix, who was eating roast leg of lamb, saw Ye Hao, and immediately came over with a greasy smile.

"Where did you come from the roast leg of lamb?" Ye Hao frowned and looked at him. "You let Bai 13 give you a roast sheep?"

Although Bai 13 can't live in Xingyun Mountain, he can go up the mountain once a day. From time to time, he will let him bring food.

"I am looking for something to do with White Thirteen, otherwise he is bored." Fire Phoenix said with conviction.

"It’s a foodie." Ye Hao smiled. "Is it so supreme today?"

Fire Phoenix shook his head. "No, it’s always in the cave. Is he injured?"

"How can you be hurt when you are too respectful?" Ye Hao shook his head. "I am going to find him."

"I am full, go to sleep." Huo Huang yawned, Xingyun Mountain is too stuffy, and then went down to find the white thirteen to play.

I don't know if the city owner caught the king, if the king found the evil king, and let the four great devils wake up, then the Xuantian mainland will face another demonic war.

The city owner should send Ye Zi and his mother away in the demons.

Thinking of this day, Huo Huang feels too a headache. It still has a lot of things to do with Ye Hao. One day, Ye Hao knows that Mo Di is Mo Rong Zhan, and the identity of Bai San... and his own... Maybe he really wants to be grilled when he arrives.

Ye Hao didn't know the heart of the fire phoenix. She went to the Dongfu Temple behind the mountain. It was too strange to go to Taizun this time. Is it really like the fire phoenix, he was injured?

"Too respect, are you there?" Ye Hao came to the lake, she did not cross the lake, but to the top of the hole, please meet up.

After a while, the figure of the supreme Junxiu appeared on the edge of the hole. He looked at Ye Hao with a clear look. "What?"

Ye Xiao smiled. "Since you came back, you have been in Dongfu. I am worried. Are you okay? Is it hurt?"

Listening to the words of Ye Hao's concern, I smiled a little. "The injured person is not me. The disciple who went out with me this time was almost stunned in the secrets of Tianzhu, and the sea was damaged, so I took him to the Xingyun Mountain. Healed."

"It turned out to be like this." Ye Hao had no doubt that it seemed that there was nothing suspicious about the healing of the disciples of the Great Holy Family. "I will not disturb the great respect."

“Is there anyone still bullying you?” asked the supremacy.

Ye Hao chuckled. "I don't think anyone dares to bully me now."

Supremely smiled, "If you want to go to Wuling Mountain to practice, you must first tell me."

"Tai Zun, how do you know..." Ye Hao took a moment, her thoughts were not even fire phoenix, how to see it.

"Don't you borrow a spirited beast?" The top whispered, and there was a faint smile in his eyes.

"The Wuling Mountain is too dangerous, I have not decided not to go." Ye Hao said with a smile.

The supremacy has not yet been answered. There is a figure behind him. "Sister wants to go to Wuling Mountain. I can take you there."

Ye Hao looked at this sudden appearance of a young man, wearing a big saint's disciple suit, handsome and handsome, standing with a smile on the front, looking at her with a gaze.

"How come you?" Frown up, looking at the man's eyes a little more warning.

"Sister, I am calling Yichen, I don't know what your name is?" Wang Wang smiled and smiled and looked at it. Since he wanted to live here as a disciple of Dasheng, he could not hide in Dongfu, otherwise he would More suspicious.

"She is the registered disciple of Taizu, you must respect her as a teacher." Supremely said coldly.

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