Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1698: She is the one you wait for

Ye Hao was very surprised by the teacher who suddenly appeared in Xingyun Mountain. But since he was brought up from the top, she said that she didn’t say much. It didn’t appear these days, probably he was healing him.

"Too respect, since you have to heal this sergeant, then I will go to practice first." Ye Hao said, I thought that Xingyun Mountain only had her and supreme. Nowadays, there are more individuals, and everything should be more careful.

"Calling in the lower court." The king’s mouth was pumped a few times and was called a courtier by a little girl. It didn’t feel very good.

Ye Hao smiled and nodded.

"..." Wang Wang looked indifferently.

"Your injury has not healed, where do you want to go?" The supreme voice asked coldly.

The king and the supreme looked at each other and bowed his head. "Yes, I am so respectful, I will take care of it here."

Supremely, look at Ye Hao. "You must go to the Qingjing Peak to go to Wuling Mountain."

"..." Ye Hao is also speechless, clearing the peak! How long does she still need to practice?

"You have to be quiet, don't be influenced by the outside." Speaking softly.

Ye Hao thinks she is already very quiet. "I have not been affected."

"Too much to improve, it is also an impact." The whispered.

"Tai Zun?" Ye Hao did not understand, she wanted to cultivate into the spiritual environment, so that she could go to the Yan domain to find Mingxi, what is wrong with this idea, is it because this thought has become a hindrance to her improvement? ?

Supremely looked at her gently. "You should make good use of your celestial roots."

Ye Hao didn't understand very well. "Is my cultivation method wrong now?"

"Of course, the benefit of Tianlingen is that all the exercises can be learned." Wang reminded her.

"Tai Zun means to let me not only learn the whip of the next day?" Ye Hao whispered in a low voice, she slammed to the top. "I understand, too respect, I will go back first."

Ye Wei's slender figure disappeared into sight.

The hearty smile on the face of the king gradually faded away, and the dark black scorpion floated a chill. "This is the woman you said, do you think she is?"

Slightly nodded, "I never doubt my judgment."

"There is no memory for the reincarnation of the devil." The king whispered, "You should be clear that she never wanted to be the sorcerer. Maybe she didn't want to restore her memory. Then she would never want to go back to the inflammation." Domain."

"Who told you that she didn't want to go back to the Yan domain, why didn't she want to be the demon king?" She looked at the king and went to the cave house.

The voice of the king is low. "She is growing up. I certainly know that she is not willing to stay in the Yan domain. She likes Xuantian."

"The way to find a way, as she wishes, can always stay in the Xuantian continent." Supreme said.

"Who are you?" The king stopped in front of the supremacy. "You saved me, and you are familiar with the Yan domain. You will also seal the demon king here, using Xingyun Mountain to keep her cultivation, if the demon king is born again. In an ordinary mortal, the mortal body cannot bear her cultivation."

Supremely said, "When your injury is good, repair is restored, you come back to ask these questions."

"In the secret of the Scorpio, Modi personally saved the girl." The king said coldly, "What is her relationship with Modi?"

"It doesn't matter." The whispered.

Wang Wang frowned and looked at the back of the supremacy. He did not believe that Modi had nothing to do with the girl. At that time, although he could not see it, he could still feel that Mo Di was nervous about the girl.

Now the girl is in front of him, he must test it.

"I am repairing, will you say your identity?" asked the king coldly.

"The time is up, you will naturally know." Supreme said.

The king looked at the back of the sky with a cold eyes. "Is it?"

Is the supreme being the person he wants?



On the other side, Modi sitting on the rock was frowning at the son in front of him.

"You know what you like now?" These days have kind of want to beat his son the idea of ​​ink Emperor Chen Sheng asked.

"Not like you will do." Ming Xi gently pinched his arm, hey, really hard, he is now like an iron man.

Modi was once again taken back by his son. If it wasn’t for Mingxi’s appearance, he really suspected that he had saved the wrong person.

"You are now a ghost to let your mother see, she will be scared." What is not dead, the fourth layer actually the whole person has become a bronze-like color.

It’s ugly than a ghost.

"No matter what I look like, my mother is the one who loves me the most." Ming Xi said.

Modi took a deep breath. "Can you return to the mainland?"

Mingxi frowned, it looks like a little ink emperor, "I am normal to practice on the eighth floor."

The fifth layer seems to turn into a golden skin, and the sixth layer is another color. As long as it reaches the eighth floor, the immortality is basically a great achievement, and he can be like a normal person.

"That's waiting for you to practice on the eighth floor and then go to Ye Hao." Modi chilled his face, although he knew that he should bring Mingxi to Ye Hao so that he could ignore their mother and child, but see Mingxi looks like this. He feels that if he sees Ye Hao, he will be very sad.

He didn't want to see Ye Hao's sad look.

"When can I cultivate to the eighth floor?" Ming Xi rolled his eyes.

Modi picked him up and "follow me."

“Where to go?” Mingxi asked.

"Scorpio City, you need a spiritual place to cultivate, the next time, you give me the fastest speed to practice on the eighth floor." Modi said coldly.

Mingxi cried, "No, I have to go see my mother first."

"As you go to see her like this, do you think she will accept it?" Modi reprimanded. "When you practice, I am just looking for a gap to open the world."

"Mother's space has a gap to go back." Mingxi cried, "You don't need to bother you."

Modi gave him a low look. "I came back from the mainland and the gap disappeared."

"What?" Mingxi shouted. "So how do we go back?"

"You still think about how to repair the undead and practice." Modi said faintly.

Mingxi cried, "I advise you, never restore the memory of the human continent, or you will cry and regret it."

"What can I regret?" Modi asked contemptuously, he did not think how important the memory of the human continent is.

Mingxi sneered with a grin, "When you see my mother marrying someone, you will regret it."

"No." Modi was cold and cold.

"We are walking around." Mingxi grinned and really wanted to see the guy regretting.

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