Ye Hao wanted to use the excuse of retreating to not see Ye Boshu, but Ye Boshu personally went to Xingyunshan to find her. She had no choice but to go to the main hall to meet them.

"I have seen my grandfather." Ye Hao looked faintly, and thought that it would be better to choose a clear time. She is not the three girls of Ye Family.

The real Ye Jiasan girl should be the owner of the original wooden house.

Ye Bo’s eyes were kind and nodded. “Well, you’ve heard everything, and you’re doing very well in the mysterious world.”

"Xie's grandfather's compliment." Ye Hao smiled slightly, and Ye Boshu felt a little funny about her attitude towards her now. If she is not a Tianling root, he is afraid that she will still be dismissive.

I don't know if Ye Boshu knows that she is not the real Yejia girl.

"Even if you get a fire, you should be generous to your sister." Ye Wei whispered aside.

Ye Boshu looked back at him.

"Grandfather, you also saw Laner. She ended up like that. It is not good for Ye Family's reputation." When he saw Ye Mulan, he was scared. From small to big, Ye Mulan was the big girl of Ye Family. They are all spoiled and spoiled, when when there is such a wolverine, let alone the big saints see her as a joke.

Ye Boshu thought that the granddaughter was indeed pitiful. He frowned and looked at Ye Hao. "What happened to you and Laner?"

"Oh, I took the task to find the nine-tailed jade fox. I didn't expect someone to change the hair of the nine-tailed jade fox into a three-headed dog. We went along the smell and saw the two emperors at Beast Peak. I have misunderstood, let the electric lion to attack the fire phoenix, the temper of the fire phoenix is ​​not very good... The big sister wants to help the second prince, and can't control the scene for a while, I can't help it anymore." Ye Hao looked helpless, she really It’s not that you want to hurt Mulan, you can’t control the fire.

After all, it is a beast, how can it be so easy to control?

Ye Wei listened to Ye Hao’s words and only felt that they were all excuses, but they could not find a rebuttal.

"This time I will bring Laner back." Ye Boshu said in a deep voice. In fact, he saw it. Ye Mulan is clearly a scorpion, but he is not as good as others. He wants to find ways to frame it, and he does not want to think about it. There are ancient beasts around me. "She and the two emperors have such a thing, it is better to go back to get married earlier."

"That is a congratulatory big sister." Ye Hao said faintly.

Ye Boshu did not have a happy smile on his face. "There is one more thing about the marriage of Ye Family and Tianzhu City..."

"Grandfather, I don't want to marry into the city of Tianzhu." Ye Hao frowned, thinking that Ye Boshu wanted to revisit the matter.

"I know that before I came here, I have already gone to the country to discuss it, temporarily delaying the marriage with Tianzhu City, and then finding the right person to say." Ye Boshu said that he chose to marry a niece to Tianzhu City. In order to perfuse, now Ye Hao has such a cultivation, and ancient beasts and beasts, if it is really married to the city of Tianzhu, the strength of the city is not as strong as that day?

Even if Ye Hao is willing, he will not agree to this marriage.

It seems that as she expected, neither Ye Family nor Zhou Guo will marry her as a chess piece to Tianzhu City.

There is no need to have any relationship with Tianzhu City. Ye Hao’s mood is still good.

"Thank you grandfather." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Ye Boshu beheaded. Since he knew that Ye Hao had a spiritual root, he had the heart to want to oppose this marriage. Not to mention that he was not willing to marry the Emperor, and he was married to the Dafa Law of Tianzhu City. Is this not the face of the Ye Family?

It is only the lord who does not seem to intend to recover his life, or the performance of Ye Hao in the secrets of the Scorpio, and the ancient beasts, which allowed the lord to completely change his mind.

"There is one more thing, your second brother will be in the Great Saints," Ye Boshu said.

Ye Hao is the brother of Ye Hao. Originally, the qualifications could not be cultivated by Da Shengzong. Now, because of Ye Hao’s relationship, Ye Boshu brought him.

"Which brother is in the name of the seat?" Although Ye Hao does not like the Ye family, Ye Muxin and Ye Hao are exceptions. They are very good to her.

She also sincerely hopes that Ye Hao can do something.

"Yang Zhangzuo accepted him as an apprentice." Ye Boshu said, his heart suddenly felt awkward, and the two sons left by his second son, he did not take good care of him, especially the grandson of Ye Hao, who is not good at the fire. It’s the land, and he hasn’t found it for so many years. He still feels that his qualifications are too bad.

I hope that he can truly cultivate the exercises that suit him in the Great Holy Trinity.

Ye Hao carefully thought about it. Yang’s palm seat seems to be the seat of the civil temple. It seems that like her last thought, Ye Hao should not learn the fire.

"That's great." Ye Hao said with a smile, Ye Hao did not have to stay in the Ye family was ruined.

Ye Wei’s face is not so good-looking. He has already seen his grandfather’s attention to Ye Hao’s brothers and sisters. If he continues, Ye’s future resources will fall on their brothers and sisters, and his former glory will become a bubble.

"When we came to Xingyunshan for so long, why didn't we see it so supreme?" Ye Boshu said with a smile. As the law enforcement elder of the law enforcement hall, he never saw it supreme. He thought that he had the honor to see the Xingyun Mountain.

"This time I came back from the mysterious secrets of Tianzhu, a disciple was seriously injured. I was treated with a great retreat for rehabilitating him. I have not seen it too much for a few days." Ye Hao said, she felt that she must know the arrival of Ye Boshu. It didn't appear for a long time, obviously I didn't want to see him.

Ye Boshu laughed a few times, "Then you are here to practice."

"Yes, grandfather." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Grandfather, that is what Laner is like..." Ye Wei whispered, and he felt that his mother would be very angry if he went back.

Ye Boshu whispered, "Is she all self-satisfied, who can blame?"

"I didn't manage the fire phoenix," Ye said.

"It has nothing to do with you. Fire Phoenix is ​​a beast. If someone does not deliberately provoke it, how can it hurt innocent?" Ye Boshu snorted and said to Ye Wei, "I still have something to go to the law enforcement hall. You will go see you first." Master."

Ye Wei looked at the back of Ye Boshu and looked back at Ye Hao with a cold look. "I really look down on you. You have been playing pigs and eating tigers."

"I never said that I am a pig. As for other people, it is not a tiger. It is not known." Ye Hao was faint.

"You have to be too much, be careful to have retribution." Ye Wei said with a grin.

Ye Hao chuckled. "I don't know if I have retribution. I only know that other people's retribution has come."

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