Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1706: Don't touch her

He did not put the king in his eyes. He felt that this young man should be a qualified disciple in the sect. He did not expect to know his own enemy.

The two of them went from the air to the abyss, and the two were very surprised at each other's cultivation. In the impression of the king, the singer was only a small follower around the demon king, and it was not even as good as the vice-person around him. How long has it been, he can actually go to such a realm.

"Who are you?" He whispered to the king, why the exercises he exhibited were so flamboyant.

The king sneered, "What do you say?"

The silver soft sword in his hand suddenly changed into a black pair.

"You are... 煞王?" 缭 大 大 , , 缭 , , , , , , , 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭

"It seems that you still have some insights." Wang Wang sneered, screaming for a moment, and his eyes were on his shoulders. "You are not in a low position in the Yan."

He knew that the king had awakened. He had been preparing to greet him back these days, but after a few days passed, the king seemed to be re-emerging in the world, and he did not expect to meet here.

"Since the Devil was defeated by the Emperor Modi, you have all been sealed. There is no general in the Yan domain. I am the demon king. After she left, I will protect the people in the Yan domain. I have been waiting for your return in the past few years." I looked at the king and said.

"Why did they wake up from the seal?" asked the king.

I shook my head. "I don't know. Suddenly I woke up. They slept for two hundred years. They haven't fully recovered yet. They are in retreat, so I took the monsters here to intercept those warriors."

"What are you doing to catch Ye Hao?" asked the king faintly.

"Why did the king of the sect join the sectarians to attack the Yan domain?" He asked, and he looked at him, making sure he hid his true appearance. He didn't understand that since the king had returned, why? Do not return to the inflammatory domain.

The king of the king is cold, "You are not qualified to ask me, why do you catch the leaves?"

"She is the body of Tongfeng chalcedony, I am going to break through the realm of the demon king. If I can get her, then I will..." Yan said, he has cultivated to the peak state of the magic, only a little bit Can be a monarch.

However, he has always been difficult to break through. It has been going on for many years. If he does not break through, his position in the Yan domain will definitely fall.

In the past, there were no four big devils, and there was no king. He could have a status in the Yan domain. In order to get the devil's reuse in the future, he must improve his cultivation.

“Ye is the body of Tongfeng chalcedony?” Wang Wang blinked slightly. “It turns out that you are the one that upgraded her.”

"Yes, isn't the king knowing?" He asked ridiculously that he wanted to get Ye Hao to get close to her.

Supreme did not tell him this thing!

"You want to break the border, don't touch Ye Hao." Wang said coldly.

"Don't the king of the king not return to the inflammatory field for a long time, is it for Ye Hao? That Ye Hao actually let the king and the emperor have such a heart?"

Wang Wang grabbed the neck of Yan Ming with one hand, and a magic force rushed to his sea. "What did you just say?"

"Is it wrong?" asked the gnashing teeth.

"Do you say that Emperor Modi is on the heart of Ye Hao?" He said that he was only interested in Modi and Ye Hao.

Did the Emperor and Ye Hao have seen each other before the mysterious secrets of Tianzhu?

I don’t know what the king is doing, but he knows that today I probably don’t want to get Ye Hao.

"The last time in Blackwater City, Modi saved Ye Hao." Yan Ming said.

The king dismissed his hand, and his guess was correct. The Emperor was really different for Ye Hao.

"You..." There are still a lot of words to ask the king, but I have just opened it, but I have been interrupted.

"You can deal with those who are armed, and you are not allowed to hurt Ye Hao."

He looked at him suspiciously, "Why?"

"For the return of the devil." The king said coldly, "Go back and let the four great devils stay in the Yan area, and the devil and the high priest will return soon."

"High Priest?" He looked up fiercely. "I found a child near the ghostly secrets a year ago. He has a natural fire and he is a high priest?"

"Children?" Wang Wang frowned. "What about people today?"

"I was taken away by Mo Di!" He bowed his head and his hatred towards Modi became heavier and heavier.

The king swayed his hand. "The high priest is still somewhere else. In short, you can do as I said."

"Okay." If you don't feel reluctant in your heart, you still have to agree.

"Through me a sword, you will leave again." Wang Wang suddenly said.

He looked at him differently, "What?"

"Do you think that leaving like this, others will not be suspicious?"

"Hey, you are close to Ye Hao... Is it for the devil?" He knows that the demon king will return one day, but where is the demon king? The four great devils will open the seal again. He still doesn't know it yet. He always feels like someone is secretly manipulating everything behind his back.

Wang Wang coldly said, "I don't have to look back at you when I do anything."

He took a deep breath, his identity and cultivation were always under the king of the king, so he did not dare to oppose it. He raised his sword and forced him to pierce the chest of the king. Seriously hurt his heart.

"I thought you would stab my sea of ​​anger." The king looked up and looked at the cold voice, and he shot him out.

He was also seriously injured.

At this time, Ye Hao finally finally passed through the thick black fog to find the figure of the king.

"Yi Chen, Yi Chen!" Ye Hao shouted, and there was a good old elder to come down to the abyss.

He walked away from the other end with his chest, and he looked back at the king.

"I am here!" The blood of the king's mouth overflowed, and the whole body weakly leaned against the protruding rock.

"Are you okay?" Ye Hao hurriedly asked, looking at his wound.

The good elders used to check his injuries and said to Ye Hao, "There is no injury to the meridians, but the aura of the sea is affected and needs to be recuperated for some days."

That's okay, at least not to die!

Ye Hao did not want Yichen to help her accident, after all, he was sent to the top.

"Yi Chen, what is it?" Ye Hao came to him and whispered.

"He was hit by me and fled from there." The king's face was pale, pointing to the direction in which he left.

"Ye Ye, you first take him back to the Fei Ling boat, I go to chase the meditation." Shan said the elder.

"Okay, big elder." Ye Hao will hold the king on the back of the fire phoenix. "I will take you back to the Fei Ling ship to heal."

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