The Fei Ling ship has been repaired, and it has been steadily stopped in the air. Many people in the mainland have been injured, but the scare beasts in the Yan domain are more serious. With the escape of the scorpion, the monsters have also left, and The first war of the Yanmo was finally suspended.

The elders of Ouyang Grand let everyone hurry to the Fei Ling ship to heal.

"Ye Ye, good old elders?" Lu Zhangzuo did not see the good, only see Ye Hao with another disciple back, the tone is not very good to ask.

"The elders went to chase down." Ye Hao helped the king to come down. She looked around and saw a lot of people injured. Even several elders were slightly injured. I don’t know if I will continue to go to the Yan domain. She is a little worried, they will go back like this.

Lu Zhangzuo snorted, "I really don't know what the head is for you to follow!"

“It’s useless.” Ye Hao said faintly, “It’s just killing a few bandits.”

"You..." Lu Zhangzuo glared at Ye Hao's face and wanted to swear at her rudeness. She suddenly remembered that Ye Hao is now an apprentice of Taizu. She is even older than her. She turns her sleeves to see. Other disciples.

"This old woman is jealous of you." Wang Wang smiled and said to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao looked at him faintly. "You know you can't beat yourself, you shouldn't fight with him."

"Supremely, let me protect you, I have to fight hard." The king looked innocent and he was injured for her.

Ye Hao took out a remedy for him, "eat it first."

"What is this?" Wang Wang raised his eyebrows and flashed a smack in his eyes. He would not eat the medicinal herbs of Xuantian.

"Do you eat or not?" Ye Hao asked, what he disliked, and she was reluctant to take it out.

Since she used the space of the spring and the medicine to refine the medicinal herbs more pure, and the success rate is also high, she gave him this condensate Dan is the top grade.

The king has already smelled that this is a condensate, and it is still top grade. He took the medicine from Ye Hao, "Thank you."

He took the medicinal herbs and sat down to heal the wounds. The therapists on the flying spirits had too many wounded people to look after. There was no time to take care of him as a nameless pawn. Ye Hao was there to protect him from the side, lest he be affected.

The fire phoenix has become a little boy, and he is clinging to Ye Hao's side, and his round eyes are staring at the king.

This man... makes him feel a bit familiar, as if he had seen it before.

No, he has not seen it, but he feels familiar. This feeling is too strange. He has been to the mainland for so many years. When he was in Xuantian mainland, this young man named Yichen should not be born yet.

"What are you thinking?" Ye Hao saw the expression of the fire phoenix strange, he whispered to him.

"Do you not think he is very strange?" Fire Phoenix and Ye Hao said their doubts, "He did not kill him."

Ye Hao said, "This can't prove anything."

The phoenix's small face wrinkled into a ball, and he knew that this could not prove anything, but he just thought that this man named Yichen was suspicious.

The healing king is actually able to hear their conversation.

He knew that Fire Phoenix would doubt him.

However, is it true that the words of meditation are true? Ye Xie is the body of Tongfeng chalcedony. Why he didn't feel it. People with phoenix and chalcedony have different breaths.

It is Yi Rongdan!

The mouth of the king's mouth does not leave any traces. The supremely-supplied Yi Rongdan of Ye Hao is able to cover her breath. Today, if she does not recognize her, it is estimated that no one knows that she is a body of phoenix and chalcedony. .

I don't know how much I can improve with the body of Tongfeng Chalcedony.

When I think about it, Yan Wang feels that the body is a little hot. He has seen Ye Hao’s face. It is clear that she has a lot of love in the city. It’s no wonder that she is too supreme to take her to Yi Rongdan, otherwise the man of Quanxuantian is sure I want to get her.

Modi... Is it because of this that she is on her heart?

Unfortunately, if Modi is here, he can test him.

"Good then the elders are back." Someone called.

Ye Hao looked up and saw that only the good old elders came back, and they knew that he did not catch the sorrow.

Yan Wang glanced slightly and closed his eyes to heal.

"Great elders, what about it?" asked the landlord.

"The abyss below is all black fog. I am too familiar with this place. The old man did not catch him." The good elder said, "How are everyone's injuries?"

Ouyang Da’s elders snorted. “I knew that the old man would catch the beast himself.”

"Fortunately, it is not for you to go." Lu Zhangzuo glanced at him with a mocking look. "It seems to be your apprentice before that, Ouyang Grand Elder."

"Land Palm, what do you mean by this? The shackles of the martyrdom of the martyrdom, I was expelled from the holy sect." Ouyang Dachang called.

Lu Shangzuo’s glamorous face is ironic. “We’ve all heard it when we’re just swearing. What’s going on, only Ouyang’s elders know.”

"What do you say?" Ouyang’s elders had a bad temper, and they were so provocative by the landlord, but they were even more angry.

"Ouyang Grand Elders, it is better for us to discuss, what should we do next." Shan said the elders, he looked at the land of the palm of his hand and gestured to her not to have any contradiction with Shengzongmen at this time.

The elders of the other two sects also came out to play round.

"The Feiling ship has been repaired, but everyone has been injured. At this time, I went to the Yan domain and I am afraid that the chances of winning are not great. We will first return to the Xuantian mainland, let the people heal first, but I will send more people together. Go to the inflammatory domain." Ouyang Dachang said, they underestimated the strength of the Yan domain, thinking that after so many years, no Yan Dewang's Yan domain is simply vulnerable.

Both Xue Lingzong and Tai Yimen’s elders were injured. They all nodded. “Now the four big devils have not yet appeared. We didn’t expect their high-level monsters to come out. What to do next, Need to be long-term."

The good elders and the landlord looked at each other. "That would have been the case."

Ye Hao heard their words, slightly frowning, not going to the Yan domain, then what is the meaning of her squatting?

"Or, will we go to the Yan domain next time?" Fire Phoenix whispered, in fact, some of them were lucky not to go to the Yan domain.

"Wait we leave the Flying Ship quietly." Ye Hao whispered, she must go to find Mingxi, have come here, and then can't say no more than to find him.

Fire Phoenix hurriedly advised, "You still have no spiritual environment, so it is too dangerous to go to the Yan domain."

"I know the danger, but I must go." Ye Hao said.

"Ming Xi may not be in the Yan area." Fire Phoenix blurted out. "Maybe... I have already gone somewhere else. I didn't sense him."

Ye Hao looked at the fire phoenix, she gently coveted, "that will be nearby, I will go to find him."

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