There was no sound of fire and phoenix, and Ye Hao finally felt quiet. She checked the wounds on the king, but it was not a deadly place. She gave him a remedy and re-wrapped the wound.

"Your old wounds have cracked." Ye Hao whispered.

The king looked down at Ye Hao in front of him. Although she had taken Yi Rongdan, he had seen her real appearance, and he also took Yi Rongdan himself. What he saw in his eyes was the real appearance. Leafhopper.

This woman...

Yan Wang smelled the faint medicinal scent of her body, her eyes faintly looked at her white skin like jade, knowing that she was the body of Tongfeng chalcedony, and his interest in her was greater than before.

When the Emperor saves her, she wants to get her body to improve, if this woman is his? The kind of person of the Emperor Mo Di, will you want her again?

"This injury is nothing." Yan Wang gently smiled. "We will wait for another way to go to the Yan domain. You still have no spiritual environment. If you pass from here, you will hurt the sea."

"Have you been to the Yan domain?" Ye Hao asked, although she felt that Huo Huang was biased against Yichen, but she also felt that he was a bit familiar with Yan.

Yu Wang gently nodded, "Go."

Ye Hao looked at him from a different place, "How come you go to the Yan domain?"

"Young and ignorant, want to make meritorious deeds." Wang Wang smiled gently, he looked at her slender little hand, "Why, why must you go to the Yan domain? If you find it, it is not good for you."

"I have a reason to go." Ye Hao whispered.

Yu Wang asked, "Where is Mingxi who is you?"

"A very important person." Ye Hao faintly said, "The wound is wrapped."

"Then let's go to the inflammatory field first." Wang said, "We will go through the nest of blood beasts for a while, and don't let the fire phoenix come out for a while. The smell of the beast is too heavy, it will alarm the blood beast, and we will be hard to live by then. ""

Ye Hao really wants to let the fire phoenix come out. When he heard him say this, she hesitated, and finally did not let the fire phoenix out of the space.

They did not cross the other side of the flower cliff, but found a deep bottomless abyss on the other side of the mountain, to enter the inflammatory field through the abyss.

Under the abyss is the nest of blood beasts.

The blood beast is the beastmaster of the inflammatory field. It is also the protector of the inflammatory field. Now the sorcerer and the scorpion king are not in the inflammatory field, so the blood beasts will rarely come out and move, they just have to pass carefully.

"Don't use any exercises." The king whispered, there was a narrow iron bridge on the cliffs on both sides. If it was an ordinary person, he would never dare to pass through here.

"How is this iron bridge going?" Ye Hao asked in surprise, and he would fall if he was not careful.

The king slammed his voice. "Don't be afraid, there is me, we are careful to walk."

Ye Hao frowned at him and had to believe him.

"This iron bridge seems to be dangerous, but as long as the balance is controlled, it will be able to go." Wang Wang said, walking in front of the wooden bridge.

"Yeah." Ye Hao looked at his back and once again produced a trace of suspicion in his heart.

The king looked back at Ye Hao, "Ye Ye, come over."

Even if this person is suspicious, Ye Hao can only make a decision before going to the Yan domain.

"Be careful." Yu Wang took Ye Hao's hand. "I took you slowly and walked."

Ye Hao slightly frowned, trying to pull her hand back, she only moved, the iron bridge swayed, scared her not afraid to struggle.

"Don't move." Wang Wang whispered, pointing to the bottom, "will alarm the blood beast."

"I can go by myself." Ye said.

The king of the king did not hear it. He still clasped the hand of Ye Hao. They had already walked to the middle of the iron bridge. The mountain wind screamed, and the surrounding black pressure, there was a disgusting **** smell.

Ye Hao seems to have heard the sound of beasts snoring.

They walked on the iron bridge and were swayed by the wind. Ye Hao took a deep breath and forced himself to fly without passing.

She was afraid of alarming the blood beast.

Yu Wang held her hand in the palm of her hand and was surprised to find that her hand was so soft. He actually walked steady, but deliberately went to battle. This iron bridge was built by him. The blood beast below is also raised by him. He is very clear that the blood beast will surely feel his breath.

The snoring sounds in the depths of the following suddenly disappeared, and the sound of the surrounding winds was quiet and terrible.

"What's wrong?" Ye Hao felt that the king seemed to stop, and she looked at him nervously.

"Go, the blood beast seems to wake up," said the king.

Ye Hao’s face changed, “How can I wake up, not...”

Her words had not been finished yet, and there was an earth-shattering noise from the bottom, and the surrounding cliffs were shaken and the rocks rolled down.

The iron bridge swayed, and Ye Hao grabbed the iron ropes on both sides and did not fall.

"Is it okay?" The king slammed Ye Hao's shoulder. "There is no way to do it now. Let's go over there."

Since the blood beast has been alarmed, there is no need to hide the breath.

The spiritual power of Ye Hao to turn to the sea, flew up from the iron bridge, flew quickly across the opposite side, and the king was behind her, it seemed to protect her.

Just as Ye Hao flew to the opposite mountain, she just stood firm. When she looked back, she saw that the king who was a few steps away from her was swept away by the red tail suddenly coming up from under the valley.

what is that? Ye Hao rounded her eyes, she suspected that she was blind, and she seemed to see the huge snake tail will be taken away.

"Yichen?" Ye Hao yelled and looked down. He couldn't see anything.

Just the huge tail is the blood beast? Ye Hao's face is white, only looking at the tail, almost the size of a hill, how big is that blood beast?

Ye Hao hurriedly let the fire phoenix come out of the space.

"Oh, I think that person should be the Yan domain..." Fire Phoenix saw Ye Hao, anxious to explain his doubts about the courtier, but he just came out and immediately felt a terrible breath in the valley. It came underneath.

"Blood beast?" The fire phoenix exclaimed. "How did you alarm the blood beast?"

"Yinchen was arrested, we are going to save him." Ye Hao said.

Fire Phoenix shook his head. "If you can't save it, he must have been eaten by blood beasts. Let's go first."

Just ignore this and leave the court? In Ye Xin’s heart, the heavenly man fought, and she knew that he might have been dead for a lifetime, but he was arrested for her.

"Be careful!" The fire phoenix pulled the leaf scorpion and flew up. A **** beast appeared in the valley.

It spits the serpent, the eyes are like needles, and the ice chills and looks at the fire phoenix and the leaf scorpion. It will spit out from the mouth and look at the fire phoenix.

The fire phoenix flies in the air, and it looks straight and cold.

"Hey!" The blood beast rushed toward the fire phoenix.

It hated the fire phoenix, and many years ago it was injured by this stinky bird.

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