Tianzhu City, the underground palace.

Looking at the skin of Mingxi gradually no longer presents gold, but when it comes to red, Modi knows that he is ready to practice the eighth floor.

This child...

Actually, he was able to practice the immortality to the eighth floor. His talent is indeed amazing.

"What are you doing here?" Ming Xi has already got rid of his heart and his mind is clear. He opened his eyes and saw Modi in front of him. "What about my mother?"

"If it weren't for you, I would have brought her back." Modi said coldly.

Mingxi glanced at him. "I am fine, you go to my mother."

"If you are enchanted?" Modi asked.

"What if my mother had something in the inflammatory field, what would I do if I became a fairy?" Mingxi said with a grin, if he did not reach the most critical moment, he would rather go to his mother.

Modi looked at him faintly. The son and Ye Hao had a very good relationship. Originally, he moved the idea of ​​leaving the child on the mainland. It seems that he does not have to open this mouth. He will not agree.

"You have cultivated to the eighth floor. You can eat this medicinal herb, at least to stabilize your qi, I can safely go to find your mother." Modi said softly.

Mingxi did not hesitate to swallow the medicinal herbs. "You can go find it."

"Your mother is going with other warriors, there will be nothing." Modi said faintly.

"My mother is not at ease with anyone." Ming Xi cold channel.

When Modi was about to say that he didn't have to worry, somewhere in his heart suddenly flashed a fluster, as if something was happening.

"I will go find it now." Modi said with a deep voice. Although he locked his memory, he seemed to have an inexplicable relationship with Ye Hao because of his emotional emotions. If she was in danger, he could feel in his heart. Arrived.

I don't know what happened to her!

From Tianzhu City to the Yan domain, even at his speed, it will take several days at the earliest. If you want to find Ye Hao directly, the only way... is to go straight from the space.

This will expose them to the secret of sharing the same space.

Modi wrinkled his eyebrows, and his uneasiness became more and more serious. He couldn’t care so much. If Ye Hao really had an accident, he would definitely become his knot in the future.

Troubled woman! Modi was cold, but he still entered the space. His space and Ye Hao were the same one. When he was separated into the human world, he was divided into two.

Now I have to open the seal first.



On the border of the Yan area, the fire phoenix and the blood beast fought fiercely. The blood beast did not seem to put Ye Xie in his eyes. All his hatred values ​​were filled with fire and phoenix.

Ye Hao looked at the fire phoenix worriedly. Seeing that he could cope with the blood beast, she was relieved to see the king.

The injury on the king is very heavy and it seems to be dying.

"Yichen, are you okay?" Ye Hao helped him up in the past and looked at the blood beast. "I will take you out of here first."

"I am fine, you are going." The king said with a sigh of relief.

How could she leave him alone!

"You eat the medicine first." Ye Hao stuffed a remedy into his mouth, lifted him up and went to the other side, intending to take him to a safe place and come back to help the fire phoenix.

While the fire phoenix was dealing with the blood beast, he looked worriedly at the back of Ye Hao. Compared with the blood beast, he was more worried about which court.

Those who have been taken away by blood animals can still live! This is very abnormal.

Ye Hao did not notice the fear of the fire phoenix. She had already found a cave with the king of the dragon. She set up an enchantment outside the cave. "You are here to rest, I am going to find the fire phoenix, and come back to you later."

"Don't go!" The king grabbed her hand. "It doesn't matter if you go. You are not the opponent of the blood beast."

"I know, but I can't care about the fire phoenix." Ye Hao said, she looked at Wang Wang. "You don't mean that you won't easily alarm the blood beast? Why are you still alarming it?"

Naturally, the blood beast senses his breath, so he will wake up from the slumber. The injury on his body is not true, but he wants to see Ye Hao.

"I don't know." Yu Wang sat up hard. "I almost got eaten by it."

"But you have not been eaten." Ye Hao looked at him, "Yichen, who are you?"

The king revealed a helpless smile. "Do you doubt me?"

"I just feel weird." Ye Hao whispered, dressing the wound for the king, this wound... She looked at the king. "Is your wound really blood-scarred?"

"Otherwise?" Yan Wang asked with a smile, knowing that Ye Hao had seen that his injury was problematic.

It seems that it is very difficult to let Ye Hao believe him again.

Ye Hao did not dress up the wound for him. "I am going to find the fire phoenix. You should take a break here first."

"The blood beast will not be the opponent of the fire phoenix."

"How do you know? You seem to know the blood beast very well?" Ye Hao has stood at a safe distance. She began to suspect that there is a problem with the courtier, but she can't say where he is wrong.

The king’s posture naturally leaned against the wall of the cave, and looked up at Ye Hao. “It’s true, I know a little.”

"You deliberately led me here." Ye Hao said almost certainly.

"Ye Ye, you are not too stupid." Wang Wang looked at her with a smile, but unfortunately, she was a little late, if she heard the fire phoenix, she would not come here.

Ye Hao is worried about the fire phoenix, and he is more vigilant against this courtier. "What do you want to do?"

"I want you." Wang said with a smile, when he was called to protect her, he had been guessing her identity. She said that she had a great relationship with the return of the devil, just because she is the root of the gods. .

The return of the devil king does not need to count on such a weak woman.

Ye Hao looked at him coldly. "You are cheating on the top too, who are you?"

"The disciple of the Great Shengzong is just..." The king thought that supremely supreme might be the object of his suspicion, and he dared not drag him into the water. "There is a bottleneck in the world. I heard that the body of the phoenix can make people improve. Repair, I want to try."

"You are not afraid of being expelled from the division?" Ye Hao asked coldly, she did not want to go to the sorcerer to go to the sorcerer, only to treat him as a warrior.

He must have known this when he was fighting with him, and then he became evil.

The king stood up and slowly walked toward Ye Hao.

"You are not hurt!" Ye Hao was shocked and finally realized why his wound was so strange. "You...you are not a disciple of the Great Holy Family. The blood beast has not hurt you at all."

Yan Wang smiled, "Yes, blood beasts don't dare to hurt me."

Ye Hao’s face changed slightly, and there was a whip in his hand. “You are an evil!”

She didn't see it for a long time with a flaming demon!

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