Ye Xie was suspected of being a courtier, but he was rescued by the court several times. He was sent to the Supreme Court too much. Her doubts about him had already been eliminated. No matter how doubtful she was, she never thought about it. He will have a relationship with Yan.

When Wang Wang saw Ye Hao, he no longer believed in him. He did not use his identity to suppress the cultivation. Before Ye Hao’s shot, he suddenly broke a medicinal herb, and the cave was filled with a strong fragrance.

"What is this?" Ye Hao immediately held her breath when she smelled the scent. She rushed out to the hole, only to find that her enchantment had been changed. She could not get out of the hole.

This person deliberately brought her here.

"As long as you help me break through the realm, I will naturally let you go." Wang said with a smile.

In the hands of Ye Hao, the whip of the next day turned into a golden bow and arrow. She did not speak, but she shot several arrows with the king of the pilgrimage.

The king shunned her arrow, and the eyes appeared in his hand. He squandered the viciousness, forcing Ye Hao to resist all the effort, and inevitably inhaled those fragrances.

This taste...

Ye Hao felt that the spiritual power of the body could not be made, but the whole body became soft.

"What is this fragrance?" Ye Hao hurriedly took out the detoxifying medicinal herbs and ate it. However, it seems that there is no use at all.

Her spiritual power seems to be limited, and even the sea can't work, but there is a strange enthusiasm.

"Let you relax, the most powerful fragrance of the inflammatory field, no matter how much detoxification medicine you eat, it is useless." Wang Wangxiao said, he has already come to Ye Hao, "Ye Ye, I don't want to be so right." You, but... you are the body of the phoenix, the temptation is too big, I can't resist the temptation."

The king of the king deliberately said evil, he did not want to hurt Ye Hao, but he could not let Ye Hao get the ink Emperor before the return of the devil.

If you know that Ye Hao is already his person, you should not touch her again.

Ye Yilian did not have the strength. She stepped back and fell to the ground and looked at the king coldly. "You are an evil, who are you?"

Yu Wang did not answer, "The body of the phoenix and chalcedony that is rare in the millennium, can not be cheaper than the Emperor, Ye Hao, I can't help, you believe me."

"You hurt me, I will not let you go." Ye Hao thought that this person was even concealed.

"When he found out, I had already broken the border. You thought he could hurt me. He didn't even see anyone, but he won the house. He really took me as a disciple of the Great Saint." The king whispered.

Ye Hao felt that there was a emptiness in the lower abdomen. She was coming over, and she knew what it meant. She had a thin sweat all over her body.

"True incense!" The king attached to Ye Hao's neck and breathed on her skin. "The body of Tongfeng Chalcedony is really different. This kind of temptation, who can resist the whole continent."

Ye Hao regrets that she should listen to the fire phoenix. Shouldn't believe this person, what should she do if she is really here today?

For the first time, she hates that she is not strong enough. If she is strong enough, she can kill the bastard.

"You are a woman who can't bear to hurt." Wang Wang bite her earlobe. "But... I'm sorry, I can't give you to Emperor."

Ye Hao grinned and angered, "You are going to die!"

"I heard that Modi has saved you twice, but unfortunately, he will not come this time." The king untied the belt of Ye Hao, she wore men's clothes, and it was easy to take off the clothes outside.

She did not expect that Mo Di will appear again to save her, only the fire phoenix... I hope he can come.

"There is a battle in this cave. The people outside see it as a rock. You won't find a cave here."

Although he was a last resort to Ye Hao, he had to admit that she was holding her in her arms and he still wanted her.

Ye Hao clenched her teeth tightly, and she was afraid that she would groan when she opened her mouth.

Yan Wang smiled, "I will be good to you."

Azhan... Azhan...

Ye Hao felt that she was going to sleep, and her body feels so clear, as if the man in front of her eyes had to become ink-filled.

She really wants him.

Yan Wang reached out and tried to pull the apron on Ye Hao.

His hand had not touched her body. Suddenly, a sting was coming from the arm, and he watched as his arm was cut.

"..." The king hurried back a few steps, wondering if Ye Hao was pretending to be poisoned, he saw a long figure around her.

"Mu Di!" The king screamed, and he was shocked to see the man who suddenly appeared. How did Modi appear here? He didn't feel the breath of the other party at all, and he had already laid the squad. He couldn't find it here.

"Hey, you **** it!" Modi slammed the smashing of the king's number, hitting the crack of the king's sea, seeing the scent of the scorpion, and the scent of the cave, he did not need I also want to know what Wang wants to do with Ye Hao. There is a strong anger in his heart. He wants to kill the king!

The king spit out a blood. He didn't have time to think about why the Emperor Modi suddenly appeared. He slammed a black smoke toward Ye Hao. When Modi went to protect Ye Hao, he immediately rushed out of the hole.

Modi wanted to chase out and heard Ye Hao’s whisper in his ear. He stopped again and hugged her in the past. “Damn, how many times have I told you, you...”

"Azhan!" Ye Hao inhales a lot of fragrant soul fragrance, she can't tell if the person in front is Murong Zhan or Mo Di, she only knows that she needs him, "Azhan, I am uncomfortable..."

"You are poisoned, I will detoxify for you." Modi said coldly, but there is an unspeakable distress in his heart. If he does not open the seal of space, then she is not... When she thinks about the possibility, he wants to The king smashed the corpse.

He couldn't imagine that she was bullied by other men. He felt like he had been dug away.

"Azhan, hold me." Ye Hao was wrapped around the Emperor like a snake. The slender arm of the white squatting on his neck, she had kissed him when he had not spoken.

Modi’s breathing sank, she actually sat on him!

"Do you know what you are doing?" Modi's muscles are tight, and he needs great control to ignore the slippery body.

The answer to him was that Ye Hao took the initiative to open his clothes. "Azhan, help me, help me."

"Help you, I detoxify for you!" Modi called, trying to push her away from her arms.

"Azhan, I want you." Ye Hao cried and said that she was really uncomfortable, she wanted him.

Modi’s heart beats faster, the body is swollen and painful everywhere, the whole body’s blood is boiling, and his feelings about her are suppressed. He dreams about her almost every night, so the two people’s entanglement is already unknown. How many times have you experienced in your dreams?

Even if Modi has strong control, she can't stand the temptation of her.

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