Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1712: His out of control

The enchanting incense in the cave faded away, but there was still a touch of lightness.

He wants her...

I wanted her from the beginning, but I didn't want to admit it.

"Azhan, I have no strength." Ye Hao's voice is soft to drip out of water.

Modi said in a dumb voice, "Take it to me."

Before he came back, he never thought about which woman he would like. Before he saw Ye Hao, he didn't know what he wanted. In the past, no matter how many women showed him, he would only feel disgusted. I don’t want to touch it.

Once there was a time when he was also a few of his subordinates.

It turns out that he is not without desire - he just has not met the woman he wants.

"Azhan..." Ye Hao just felt that the light gradually saw the light in the dark, and finally it was clearer.

I don't know how long it took, Ye Hao finally got tired and fell asleep. Modi tried to hold her in her arms and did not continue to ask her again.

It turned out... this feeling is so wonderful.

Modi looked low and looked at Ye Hao, who slept in his arms. His brain suddenly felt a strong pain, and his heart seemed to have something to spurt out.

He closed his eyes and flashed countless pictures in his mind. All the pictures were women in his arms. Modi deliberately ignored the instigation of his heart, and did not care about those pictures. His arms would be in his arms. Ye Hao is holding tighter.

"Oh..." Ye Hao snorted and squatted in Modi's arms, buried his face in his arms and slept again.

Modi suppressed the pain in his head and looked down at the woman in his arms. He had just tried to restrain his impulses. She was influenced by the charm of the soul, so she was so active, it was in her dreams. He did not see her so active.

"Hey, hehe..." The sound of the fire phoenix sounded outside, and the cave still had a battle. It could not find the hole.

Modi gently let go of the leafhopper, coveted him for a while, bowed down with her pink lips and sucked for a while, until the body burned back, he let go of her, put on clothes to the hole to find the fire phoenix .

The fire phoenix and the blood beast were injured when they fought, and the wings were still bleeding. He watched as Ye Hao was taken away. If something happened to Ye, he would not forgive himself.

"Don't be noisy." Modi appeared in the hole, his eyes faintly watching the fire phoenix.

"The city owner?" Fire Phoenix called out in surprise. "How come you are here? Look at her..."

Modi said faintly, "She is sleeping, you shut up."

"..." How can I sleep at this time? Fire Phoenix was puzzled, but he still listened to the words of Modi, and did not call it loudly. "What happened to the city owner? She was taken away by the courtier, and the man looked suspicious."

"Of course he is suspicious, he is the king." Modi said coldly, "How long have you been with him, have you not noticed it?"

"Hey King?" The fire phoenix exclaimed, and he felt that the man had a sense of familiarity. It turned out to be a king. "So, is she all right?"

Modi was silent for a while. "Not a problem, you are hurt, let's heal yourself."

"The city owner, I am really worried about Ming Xi, if she does not know that Ming Xi was taken to Tianzhu City, she will still go to the Yan domain." Fire Phoenix whispered.

"Well, I will take her to see Ming Xi." Modi whispered.

Fire Phoenix sighed in his heart. He wanted to go in and look at Ye Hao, but with the meaning of the city owner, he didn't seem to want him to go in at this time.

"The king of the king..." The fire phoenix remembered that Wang Hao was pretending to be a great sage disciple to deceive Ye Hao, and his heart was angry. He should kill the man when he was at Xingyun Mountain.

"Escape, I will not let him go." Modi whispered that the king's hand was cut off by him and would not be able to pick it up so easily.

Fire Phoenix glanced inside the cave. "The city owner, then I will go back to the space to heal."

"Go." Modi nodded lightly.

"That... you take care of you." Fire Phoenix couldn't help himself.

Modi looked at him with a slight wink. "Do you think I will hurt her?"

Isn't it already hurting? Fire Phoenix said in his heart, "I don't like the warrior of Xuantian mainland. She is practicing to find Mingxi, not for sanctification. She is not suitable for living in Xuantian."

"What do you want to say?" Modi was impatient. He was here to talk nonsense with the fire phoenix. It is better to go in with Ye Hao.

"If the city owner really does not want to think about the things on the mainland, then send him back to Ming and Xixi as soon as possible. They are not suitable for this." Staying here is not only threatened by the evil, but also hurt by his indifference. It’s too distressing.

Modi said coldly, "You don't have to teach me how to do it."

Fire Phoenix glanced at him and blinked in the air. He was forced to send space by the Emperor.

It’s finally quiet!

Modi turned back to the cave and looked at the leafhopper wrapped in his clothes. The face that often appeared in his dream seemed to be a little uneasy at this time. The little hand clutched his clothes tightly, as if Give her the same sense of security.

The pain in the head was on schedule, more and more pictures flashed, and he wanted to suppress it.

"Azhan..." Ye Hao whispered in a low voice, reaching out to grab something.

Modi shook his head and held her hand in the past. "Hey, I am here."

Ye Hao calmed down and held Modi's hand for a few moments.

"Even..." Modi’s slender fingers gently scraped her cheeks. "You can't stay here. When you wake up, you can see Mingxi. Go back to the mainland."

There will be a big battle between Xuantian Continent and Yantian sooner or later. Her cultivation is not high. The most important thing is that her body is full of phoenix and chalcedony, which will bring her danger.

He does not want her to have an accident here.

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