Ye Hao didn't know how long she had slept. She seemed to be trapped in a dream that couldn't be awake. In various dreams, she couldn't remember what she dreamed of.

it hurts! She didn't open her eyes, but she already felt sore. This kind of long-lost soreness made Ye Hao wake up at once.

She opened her eyes violently, and the confused consciousness gradually became clear. She remembered everything that happened before she lost her consciousness. She had a fascination, then the priest...

Was she defiled by him?

"Wake up?" The low, magnetic sound came from the top of the head, and Modi looked down at Ye Hao, who was stunned.

Is it Murong Cham? Ye Hao listened to his familiar gentle voice, his heart swelled and sour, his eyes could not help but red, "Azhan, I... How can I be here? That Yichen?"

"Hey, that person is the king, but fortunately the city owner arrived in time to save you." Fire Phoenix heard Ye Hao's voice, hurriedly leaned over, kneeling beside Ye Hao worried about watching her.

Ye Hao wants to try to think back to everything that happened before, but I can't think of anything. "Wang Wang? Is that the courtier is the king?"

"Yes, he deliberately led us to the blood beast's lair, but he has been seriously injured by the city owner." Fire Phoenix said with a smile.

City owner? Ye Hao discovered that she was lying in the arms of Modi. He was not the ink-constrained Chen that she thought. He was Modi.

Ye Hao hurriedly left his arms, only to find that she still could not afford a little strength.

"Hey!" Fire Phoenix reached out to help her.

His hand had not touched Ye Hao, and he was stopped by a cold eyes of the Emperor. He retracted his hand.

"Do not tamper, the toxicity of the fragrant soul is too strong, you still need to rest for a few more days." Modi whispered to Ye Hao.

"How come you are here?" Ye Hao still sat up and frowned, looking at Modi, finally remembering that she saw him in the cave before she lost her consciousness. "How did you appear at that time?"

When Emperor Modi tightened his thin lips, she actually forgot everything that happened in the cave? "Just like that, you don't remember what happened in the cave?"

"I..." Ye Hao frowned, as if something had been forgotten by her, she couldn't think of it. "What happened later?"

Huo Huang looked curiously at Modi, and he also wanted to know what happened to the city owner in the cave and Ye Hao, as if... his attitude toward Ye Hao was somewhat different.

"Nothing." Modi's twilight became deeper and deeper. Maybe she didn't remember it was a good thing. If she remembered that she took the initiative to pounce on his arms, I would definitely feel uncomfortable.

Ye Hao leaned against the wall of the car. She gave up and recalled everything that happened in the cave. At least she was not tarnished by the king. This is already a great fortune in misfortune.

"What about the king?" Ye Hao whispered, she was really blind, and she didn't recognize her for so long.

Did the king of the king deceive the supreme too?

"It was seriously injured by the city owner." Fire Phoenix said quickly, "I killed the blood beast."

"I'm sorry, if I listen to you, then it would be fine." Ye Hao took the head of the fire phoenix, she was so stupid, thinking that the king had helped her several times is a good person.

Fire Phoenix smiled shyly. "Nothing."

"You should go to the healing." Modi looked at the fire phoenix.

Ye Hao asked in surprise, "You are injured, not serious, I will look at it."

"It's okay, it's fine to rest for a few days." Fire Phoenix obviously felt the dissatisfaction of Modi, how did he feel that Modi was jealous?

It must be that he played too much with the blood beast, and that his brain is not clear.

How can the Emperor Modi, who has no human memory in the world, have a possessive desire for Ye Hao.

Ye Hao smiled at the fire phoenix. "I still have medicinal herbs, you..."

"He can heal himself." Modi said coldly.

"Yeah, hey, I will go inside the space." Fire Phoenix laughed happily, and consciously returned to the space in the dark eyes of Mo Di.

There are only Ye Hao and Mo Di in the big carriage. Ye Hao feels that he is close to him and wants to move away from the other side. She forgets that she can’t make any effort now, and her hands can’t hold the soft couch. Only when the whole person is soft is down.

Modi reached out and took her in her arms. "What are you going to do?"

"You let me go." Ye Hao whispered.

"Don't always be able to." Modi helped her, coveted the hickey on her neck, his breathing stagnate, "I really can't remember anything?"

Ye Hao looked at him doubtfully. "What happened in the cave yesterday?"

"Nothing." Modi looked a little deep, and he felt that it was not a good thing to let her know what she had done at this time.

"How do you know where I am?" Ye Hao asked, her heart was grateful for his timely appearance, if she was really smashed at the time... then she really has even dead people, beggars The king touched it and she felt sick.

Modi said faintly, "I will know wherever you are."

"That..." Ye Hao was a bit hard to say. "How did you detoxify me?"

How to detoxify her? Modi’s heart pounded, and her mind remembered that she took the initiative to sit on him. She bloomed under him like a gorgeous peony, clinging to his shoulders tightly, the skin was as smooth as water, he groaned. Her waist can't hold back...

"Breaking the poison." Modi mouth dry, forced himself not to see her.

"Thank you." She really thanked him. Although she couldn't remember what happened later, she was able to escape from the claws of the king. She felt that she was fortunate.

Modi whispered, "Don't know people in the future, don't trust others easily."

Ye Hao knows that this is her intention, so there is no rebuttal. "Where are we going now? Is this the Yan domain?"

"Xuantian Continent." Modi whispered, "Do you dare to go to the Yan domain?"

"I didn't get to the Yan domain!" Ye Hao's face changed. "How can you bring me back?"

Modi frowned and asked, "Why are you going to the Yan domain? You can't even recognize the king, can you come back safely in the Yan domain?"

Ye Hao was so anxious that tears would come out. "I am going to find my son."

"Ming Xi is no longer in the inflammatory field." Modi looked at her anxious look, and his apex tingled slightly. He could only turn his eyes away and not look at her. "He is in Tianzhu City."

"How could he be in Scorpio City?" Ye stunned. "You brought him, what do you want to do?"

"What can I do to him?" Modi sighed in his heart. Mingxi is also his son. What else can he do to his son?

Ye Hao looked at him suspiciously. "So... how could he be in Tianzhu City?"

"You ask him when you arrive," said the Emperor.

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