Ye Hao thinks that Modi seems to be a little different.

She thought that he would ridicule her for recognizing that the king is a good man, but he didn't say anything, as if he had a lot of thoughts, just sitting there straight, looking uncomfortable, seemingly restraining, even When she talked to her, she even had a softer tone.

Before he talked to her, it was cold. Now his tone is cold, but she can still detect the difference. This way, she makes her feel more like ink-handedness.

She shook her head and couldn't miss Murong Cham at this time, otherwise she would collapse.

When she was in the cave, she thought that Murong Chan could appear. Her thoughts were all about him. Later, there was Modi. What happened behind her, she didn’t think about it, but at least... she Not defiled by the king.

She is just curious, why does Modi seem to have changed personally.

Thinking about it, Ye Hao felt that the eyelids were heavy, and the smell of the fragrant soul was too strong. Although she had already detoxified, she still felt that her body was weak and she didn't know if it was because she had not recovered her spiritual power.

Ye Hao wants to hold on to the spirit, but still sleepy, and even sitting is not stable.

Modi did not hear her voice again, and her eyebrows looked at Ye Hao slightly, but she saw that she had already slept.

He shook his head helplessly, holding her in his arms and letting her lie on him to sleep.

"Do you really forget, or do you want to think about it?" Modi gently glared at her chin. He was still thinking about how she would react after she woke up. She still didn't know that he was Murong Cham. In her opinion, he is still stranger.

After waiting for Tianzhu City, she should leave here after seeing Mingxi.

Then why let her know that he is Murong Cham.

Modi’s fingertips fell on her lips, so soft and so sweet... Every time he felt that he was still in his mind, as if he didn’t taste enough.

When he thought so, he had lowered his head and gently covered her lips. After a while, he let go of her and watched her lips more red. He felt that the blood in his body was boiling.

Ye Hao’s sleep lasted a day and a night. If she had already cultivated into the Qing Dynasty, she would have been hungry.

"Let's let go!" Ye Hao didn't expect to wake up again, she was kneeling in the arms of Modi, and the whole person curled up.

"It's your own holding me." Modi said faintly, his eyes flashed a touch of unnoticeable smile.

It must be because his breath is too much like ink-tolerance, so she unconsciously regards him as ink-filled.

Ye Hao pushed him. "Then you still hold it, you really grievances, the Lord of Mexico."

"When you regain your strength, you turn your face and don't recognize people?" Modi saw that she had regained her spirit and simply held her tighter.

Ye Hao screamed in anger, "Mu Di, let me go!"

"When you hold me, I can't pull it." Modi said softly.

"I..." Ye Hao was so angry that he wanted to bite him. How could she hold him and refuse to let him go.

Modi bowed his head to her ear. "You still kiss me."

Ye Hao rounded his eyes and looked at him in horror. "You lie!"

"Is it?" Modi smiled and asked.

It’s a fart! Ye Haohuo wants to beat him with the slap of the next day, and Modi easily holds her whip of the next day in his hand.

"It’s already dark, and tomorrow passes through the Flame Desert.” Modi said, holding her directly into the carriage.

"Isn't the beast king not afraid of you? When is there a difference in the flames of the desert?" Ye Hao asked in a sigh of relief.

"Yeah." Modi nodded faintly, but he did not refute.

Ye Hao was held in his arms and felt that his body was uncomfortable. "Then let me down first."

"Are you sure?" Modi coveted her. "You have come, you want me to let you down now?"

"..." Ye Hao's face was white and red, and he was so reminded that she really felt the discomfort of the lower abdomen, and the moistness of the place, she rose red face waiting for him, ""

Modi whispered, "I saw what you saw in your clothes. Where did you want to go?"

Ye Hao simply wanted to dig a hole to bury himself.

Seeing the leaves of her face with her hands on her face, Modi refused to laugh when she endured, so she went to a big house.

"Citymaster." He just entered the gate and saw Yin Siyue coming up. She took a ritual and looked straight at the Ye Wei in the arms of Modi.

Ye Hao felt that he had no face to see someone, and he was squinting and refused to see someone.

Yin Siyue did not expect the city owner to return with a woman this time. The smile on her face screamed, "God, give it to me."

"Go down." Modi frowned, not giving Ye Hao to others.

"Yes." Yin Siyue was in the heart, she was the first time she saw the city owner holding a woman. Who is that woman? The city owner suddenly disappeared in the city of Tianzhu, is it to find this woman?

Modi sent Ye Hao directly to the yard of the backyard. "You don't have to lick your face. There are no outsiders here."

"Then you are still here!" Ye Hao cried angrily. He has not left this outsider, so there is no outsider.

"You really have to cross the river to break the bridge." Modi said with a smile, "Would you like someone to give you some hot water?"

"You go out and go out!" Ye Hao didn't want to see him at all. Except for Murong Zhan, she hadn't lost her face in front of anyone.

When Modi glanced at her, he still said, "There is hot water in the clean room, which is drawn from the hot spring eye on the mountain. If you have what you need, tell the outsiders."

Ye Hao still doesn't look at him. She feels too embarrassed and doesn't know how to face him.

"I am going out." Modi said softly.

When she heard the movement of Mo Di, Ye Hao came back. She checked her clothes and found a pool of blood in the back. She cried with her hands and her face. How could she just let him see it!

She hurriedly took out the changing clothes from the space and flew to the clean room to wash.

Modi did not go far, he stood outside the door of the room, heard the voice of her annoyance inside, he finally could not help but laugh.

"The city owner, Li Xinxin asked for it outside." Yin Siyue came over. When she saw the smile on the face of Modi, she was even more shocked. The city owner would laugh so happy.

"It's too late, not suitable for guests." Modi said faintly.

Yin Siyue laughed. "This is going to send her away."

"Is there any news from the sects in these days?" Modi asked.

"The sectarian ship of the major sects was hit hard in the Yan area. Now, when the Shengzongmen is negotiating when to attack the Yan area, the city owner, Zhou Guo and Tang Guo have sent people. I hope you can go to Shengzongmen to attend this conference. "Yin Siyue said.

Modi whispered, "Tell the whole continent, the life of the king is mine."

Yin Siyue looked up and said, "Yes, the city owner."

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