Finally, I was able to go to Tianzhu City. Ye Hao’s depressed mood was finally better, but she still didn’t want to see Modi. I don’t know why, she always felt that something was missing by her. What is it?

"I heard that there is a daughter on the mainland." Modi did not bring other protection methods, only took her through the flame desert.

Ye Hao’s heart was sore, and Ming’s bright and lovely smile flashed through her mind. She pressed all the thoughts, “Yes.”

"And Ming Xi is a dragon and a baby, does it look like Ming Xi?" Modi asked again, his memory did not really unravel, and he did not know what the daughter of the mainland would look like.

"Not the same." Ye Hao didn't want to miss Mingyu at this time. She was said by the Emperor Modi. She felt that Mingyu seemed to be in front of herself. "She and Mingxi are different, lazy and cute. Still snoozing, most like to spoiled with her father, when doing something wrong, talking spoiled, people are reluctant to marry her..."

Modi listened to Ye Hao talking about her daughter, and what she remembered in her mind was her appearance.

Daughter... should be more like her.

When she was on the mainland, did she like to spoil him?

"You miss Mingyu very much." Modi whispered.

Ye Hao took a deep breath, "Yeah, how can you not want to."

"Ming Xi is actually very talented. He stayed in Xuantian mainland..." Modi remembered that Mingxi had cultivated to the ninth floor of the immortal martial arts. He will come to the human world, and his life expectancy will be longer than that of mortals. To be a monster.

Ye Hao interrupted him when he hadn't finished. "Impossible! Mingxi can't leave his family."

"Don't I be his father?" Modi asked helplessly, he just asked, and did not really force.

"I am clear with you, how can you be his father? His father is Murong Cham!" Ye Hao cried, cold face does not want to talk to the Emperor.

Clear and white...

Modi glanced at her and she could see how she and she could be clear.

"I will not force Mingxi to stay, you can rest assured." Modi said, "You don't have to be so excited, you don't have to be a big devil."

He is a big devil in her opinion.

“How long will it take to get to Mingxi?” Ye Hao asked, and it seems that she can see Mingxi’s share right away. She does not want to continue to argue with Modi.

"Through the flames of the desert, you will go to Tianzhu City. However, it is another matter to see him at the same time." I don't know how Mingxi's practice is cultivated.

Ye Hao turned his head and stared at him. "What do you mean?"

"You will naturally know when you get there." Modi said faintly.

"You are this person..." Ye Hao was appetizing and applauded him with resentment. "How so annoying!"

Modi’s mouth tilted slightly. “Is it? Then you will fall in love with me on the mainland?”

"Azhan is much better than you." Ye Haodao.

"You still don't understand." Modi leaned close to her and said with a low voice. "Ink is a me, I am him. What is it like now? What is he like on the mainland? Hey, ask yourself, Do you divide our differences?"

Ye Hao suddenly said nothing, if she got the points, she would not... kiss him at that time.

Today's Modi, just like when he first met him in the palace, how to look annoying!

"The person you fell in love with has always been me, hehe." Modi looked down at her eyes, her heartbeat accelerated, and she kissed her lips again.

When Ye Hao wanted to resist, he had already left, and he sat back in a self-satisfied manner, and he was so angry that Ye Hao wanted to take out the arrow of the next day to poke him.

She rubbed her mouth hard, disgusting! too disgusting!

"I warn you, don't kiss me again." Ye Hao cried.

Modi picked up his eyebrows and he didn't want to kiss her, but... every time he saw her, he would remember everything that happened in the cave. He couldn't control himself.

Some things, if you have never tried it, can still be restrained, but once you have tasted the good and want to restrain yourself, you need more control.



The news that the Fei Ling ship was defeated in the Yan domain soon spread on the mainland. The major sects and countries were more vigilant against the Yan domain. They worried that the next inflammation of the king would really hurt them. However, soon the whole The mainland was covered by another news.

The owner of Tianzhu City has actually become a relative.

For the whole continent, it is not a trivial matter for the emperor to become a pro, no matter the sect or the family, they hope to marry the city of Tianzhu, but for so many years, it has never been said that Modi has been close to any woman, even serving Nothing in the ring, I didn’t expect...

Ye Hao! Actually it is Ye Hao!

Modi is a girl who has a phoenix and chalcedony, so she is married to her lady!

This matter quickly spread to the Ye family of Zhou Guo.

"What the **** is going on?" Ye Boshu crushed the sound of Yu Pei in his hand and looked at the son below with anger. "When did Ye Hao marry the Emperor?"

Ye Shizhong looked blank. "Father, I... I don't know. I have never heard of this. Have you ever been to the Great Saints? Didn't Ye Hao mention it?"

"Why did the Emperor Modi become silent, when did Ye Hao meet him?" Ye Boshu frowned in confusion. He told her last time that the marriage contract with Tianzhu City had been cancelled, and it was not necessary to care. Marrying is not that she is married to Tianzhu City. How can she spread her and Modi at this time?

"Father, do you want to send someone to Tianzhu City to pick up Ye Hao?" Ye Shizhong asked.

"Do you think that if you force the Ye Hao to bring it, will the Emperor Emperor agree?" Ye Shizhong frowned, and he didn't even want to know why Modi changed his mind. It must be because of the body of the phoenix.

Originally, the emperor was planning to let Ye Hao marry the Prince, so that it is good for both Ye Family and the Royal Family.

"This Ye Hao is also true. How can marriage be a masterpiece!" Ye Shizhong said, although Ye Hao is now the most talented warrior of Ye Family, but if it weren't for her, how could his daughter be like that in the Great Shengzong? joke.

Nowadays, it is still not the righteousness of the two emperors. Zhang Guifei does not want Laner’s daughter-in-law at all, but can only become a shackle.

"This matter may not be related to Ye Hao." Ye Boshu said, "In any case, she is married to Modi... It is also good for us."

When his words were just finished, Mrs. Ye Dad hurried in and her face was very anxious. "Old man, outside... There is a woman who said she is the three girls of Ye Family."

"What?" Ye Boshu stunned.

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