Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1720: Real leaf three girl

The true three girls of Ye Jia are back?

This news is undoubtedly shocking for Ye Jia. It is obvious that their Ye Jiaxuan three girls only came back a year ago. How come a girl again?

"Our Ye Jiasan has come back and drove the people outside." Ye Boshu whispered coldly that he would not recognize others as granddaughters.

"Old lady, the girl has two uncles' tokens, I am afraid... she said something is credible." Mrs. Ye said, she finally remembered that Ye Hao is not the real Ye Jiasan girl, how can she Give up this way.

"Yeah, father, it is better to see you first." Ye Shizhong said.

Ye Boshu resolutely shook his head. "There was no one who pretended to be a leaf lover to recognize the pro, but it was some vain generation."

"Father, if the girl outside is really the flesh of the uncle, we don't care about it, let's not let the second brother and the two younger brothers chill," said Mrs. Ye.

Ye Shizhong nodded. "Father, if I want to see her, no matter whether it is true or not, I will not be able to live down to the population."

"Go." Ye Boshu thought about it for a while, and then nodded.

"Yes, father." Ye Shizhong smiled.

He and Mrs. Ye Da glanced at each other and went to the front hall to see the real Miss Ye Jiasan. They just walked out of the Sifang Garden and saw Ye Wei rushing over.

"Hey, mother, I heard that a woman came out from outside and said that she is the three girls from Ye Jia. What is going on?" Ye Wei asked in a hurry.

"We are going to ask exactly what you are coming to, come with us to see this girl." Mrs. Ye said to Ye Wei.

Ye Wei nodded. "Good."

"Oh, in fact, I feel puzzled. When the old man was personally tested the two children of the second uncle, Ling Yu, Ye Hao did not have a little root at all, how come this time becomes a spiritual root, if When I was a child, there was a spiritual root, and it was not..." Mrs. Ye Da sighed.

"I haven't seen anyone yet, don't settle down so quickly." Ye Shizhong is more veteran and does not immediately negate the identity of Ye Hao.

When I came to the lobby of the front yard, they saw a slender and high-profile back before they stepped on the steps. Mrs. Ye’s memory was awkward. This back looks familiar, much like... Tang Xuezhi.

Is this woman really the daughter of Tang Xuezhi?

She only suspected the true identity of Ye Hao, so it was only for people to check. She originally planned to find a fake to impersonate, but she did not start to act. Someone actually claimed to be the real Ye Jiasan girl.

Hearing the footsteps, the figure slowly turned back.

A bright and enchanting woman, the face of the hibiscus woman.

Mrs. Ye Da’s wife stunned. She felt that there was no suspense at all. This girl must be the real Ye Jiasan girl.

"You..." Ye Shizhong himself also looked at him. He only found the words for a long time. "You said that you are the real Yejiasan girl?"

"Yes, my name is Jingjing, and the girl is quiet. I heard that it was the name given to me before my mother gave birth." Ye Jing said softly.

"You said that you are the real three girls of Ye Family. Is there any evidence?" Ye Wei had seen Tang Xuezhi when he was a child, but his impression was not deep. He only thought that Ye Jingxi looked familiar.

Ye Jingqi looked up and calmly looked at Ye Wei. "If you go to the woods and find some more on the same day, you will find that I am imprisoned in the tree. Ye Hao is the woman I saved by the river. She knows my identity. When the milk lady knows that you are looking for me, the design has confessed my identity."

"Mistress?" Mrs. Ye Da looked at her in surprise. "Isn't it already dead?"

"It was still alive, and was killed by Ye Hao." Ye Jingyan flashed a grief in his eyes.

Ye Wei didn't know if the woman in front of her eyes said it was true. He did check it in the wooden house at the beginning, and did not find other people's figure.

"This is not true." Ye Wei immediately said, "Ye Ye did not return to Ye Family before, there is no way to do anything, **** your wife?"

"Ye Ye's lack of practice is only her statement. She is a celestial root. She should cultivate from an early age. I don't know what it is." Mrs. Ye has fully believed in Ye Jing's statement and regards Ye Hao as a heart-wrenching machine. people.

Although Ye Wei does not like Ye Hao, but the murderer feels that Ye Hao is not like Ye Jingyu said.

"Actually, when I saved Ye Xie back, she did not do any exercises. I don't know that she has a celestial root. We live in the mountains and rarely see outsiders, so she is very caring for her. They all told her, but did not expect..." Ye Jingjun sadly bowed his head.

"Then why did you come to Ye Family today? What have you done in the past year?" Ye Shizhong asked.

Ye Jingxi said without hesitation, "I originally planned to come to Yejia to explain the truth. Although I don't really want to come back, you don't really want to accept me. It happened that I was condensed in the veins. It was just the key. At the moment, when the milk girl left me, I was disheartened and retired. After half a month ago, I heard about some things and thought it would be better to explain it."

“The veins are condensed?” Ye Shizhong looked at Ye Jingyi in amazement. “Have you cultivated the veins?”

"I don't have a spiritual root. I want to practice only the meditation of the veins. Now it is the ninth floor." Ye Jingyan said calmly, not humble.

Although living in the mountains, but Ye Jingyan reveals the silence of a family of thousands of gold, which makes Ye Shizhong very surprised, he thinks this Ye Jingzhen is too much like... Tang Xuezhi.

The tone of Tang Xue’s speech was also like this.

The ninth layer of the earth's condensate... Ye Shizhong took a breath, and it was about to be in the spirit.

"I have already said what I have to say, whether you believe it or not..." Ye Jingyi looked at them and said, "Farewell."

"Wait a minute." Mrs. Ye hurried to stop her. "Since you are the real Ye Jiasan girl, don't you want to go home?"

"It doesn't matter if you can't come back. I just don't want Ye Jia to be deceived this time. Ye Hao is this person... The origin is unknown. I don't want Ye Family to be implicated. Besides, I heard that the hatred has already appeared. He is mine. Killing the enemy, the parents’ hatred has to be reported.” Ye Jingyu said.

Mrs. Ye Da said, "You said that Ye Hao’s origin is unknown. Do you know anything?"

"I don't know." Ye Jingyan shook her head. "At first she suddenly appeared in the mountains by the lake, and she was unconscious. When she woke up, she was still unconscious, but the technique she used was unprecedented. So I am a little worried."

"Master, this must be said to the father." Mrs. Ye said to Ye Shizhong.

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