Ye Shizhong has no doubts about Ye Jingqi’s identity. She can’t find anything suspicious in everything she said. On the contrary, Ye Hao’s appearance everywhere reveals doubts that people can’t understand. If Ye Hao is not the three girls of Ye Family, Then who is she?

"Madam, you should take it first... quietly to the second brother's original yard to rest, I went to the father and talked with him later." Ye Shizhong knows his father, and is a Tianling root for Ye Hao, he may not believe Ye Jingyu if.

Even if you believe it, you may not believe it. He only values ​​those who can bring benefits to Ye Family.

"Hey, I am going to see my grandfather with you." Ye Wei said that Ye Hao was brought back by him, and he has an unavoidable responsibility for this matter.

Ye Shizhong nodded, "Go."

"Excuse me, is Ye Hao at home now?" asked Ye Jingyu.

"She is in Tianzhu City." Mrs. Ye Da said, "The news has just arrived today, and she has become the wife of the city owner of Tianzhu City."

Ye Jingyan’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light, “Mrs.

"You should have heard of Modi, the city owner of Tianzhu City, I don't know how Ye Hao approached him." Mrs. Ye said with resentment that she was planning to marry her daughter to Modi.

"I have been in the mountains since I was a child. Although the milk girl sometimes goes down the mountain, she still knows too little." Ye Jingyu whispered, his mouth slightly tilted.

Ye Hao, Ye Wei... It is not simple, so soon became the wife of Mo Di.

"Hey, seeing your first sight, I know that you are the real Ye Jiasan girl. You and your mother are exactly the same." Mrs. Ye sighed. "I thought I saw the snow."

If she had a look at Tang Xuezhi’s anger, she thought it was a hell.

"I haven't seen my mother." Ye Jing whispered, she looked around and said, "Ye is not the first family in Zhou. If not, Ye Hao should not fake my identity."

Mrs. Ye Da looked at Ye Jingyan and said, "If you are not coming back today, we don't know the true face of Ye Hao."

"Maybe, she has a hard time." Ye Jingyu said.

"You are so kind, saved her and she was bitten by her. You don't have to talk to her. Maybe she even deceived the Lord of Mexico." Mrs. Ye said with a hate.

What does it mean to be a Scorpio City Lord? It means that Ye Hao’s identity is comparable to that of the Queen of Zhou. Her daughter can only become the prince of the second emperor. With Ye Hao, she can become the wife of the city. When the news of her fake identity is passed, Mo Di will let her stay. In Tianzhu City?

Ye Jingyan smiled and shook his head. "Mu Di should not be deceived by anyone."

"Don't worry so much, take a rest first," said Mrs. Ye.



Sifangyuan, Ye Shizhong had already told Ye Boshu the words of Ye Jingyu, and he said that he looked at Ye Boshu’s reaction.

"Father, quietly said that they should all be true." Ye Shizhong whispered.

"Hey, the mouth said nothing, how do you know what she said is true?" Ye Boshu snorted. "Ye Ye is a gods root. Wherever she goes is Tianjiao, why do we have to fake our girl? This Ye Jingwei is the most suspicious." Ye Boshu said.

"Father, do you remember? When you personally tested the child's roots, she didn't have any roots at all when she was a child. How could she become a spiritual root after returning, and there is no spiritual root, but she practiced The veins are now the ninth floor, and her talent is not worse than Ye Hao." Ye Shizhong said.

Ye Boshu did not speak. He did not intend to pick up the granddaughter at the beginning. However, he later learned that Ye Hao had a natural root. He was very happy. This is the hope of Ye Family.

Now a girl is saying that she is the girl of Ye Family. Doesn't this completely destroy his expectations?

"Now the whole continent knows that Ye Hao is the girl of our Ye family. I don't want any more changes." Ye Boshu said in a cry.

"Father, if Ye Jingzhen is really the flesh and blood of the second brother, we don't recognize her. The second brother and the second younger brother will not pay attention to the spirit of heaven." Ye Shizhong did not expect that he had explained this so clearly, but his father still refused to accept the facts. .

Ye Boshu remembered the second son he had valued the most. He closed his eyes. "You have to pick up Ye Hao. I will not tell you the third brother for the time being."

"Yes, father." Ye Shizhong whispered. He knew that this was his father's delay. Even if he finally proved that Ye Hao was not a Ye family girl, his father would probably let her stay at Ye Family.

"Grandfather, do you want to explain the Great Holy Family?" asked Ye Wei.

"What is the use of the interpretation of Da Shengzong? Ye Hao is already a registered disciple of his ancestors. Do you think that the supreme honor of leaving her in the Xingyun Mountain is because she is surnamed Ye? We have so many children and grandchildren, which can make Taizun special treatment, if it is not Ye Xing's Tianling root, but also in the mysterious secrets of the scorpion, Ye family, in addition to her, will no longer have others." Ye Boshu said coldly.

Ye Shizhong had to admit that his father’s words were right. No one in Ye’s younger generation could match Ye Xie.

"Does there are two three girls in our family?" Ye Wei frowned. He felt that Ye Hao’s heart was deep and sinful. He did not deserve to be a disciple of the Great Holy Family. After exposing her identity, the supreme sage would drive her out of the Great Zong.

Ye Boshu whispered, "What is it?"

"Father, let's go to Tianzhu City to find Ye Hao." Ye Boshu said.

"Go." Ye Boshu nodded faintly. "Let Ye Hao come to see me first, then I will make another decision."

It seems that my father is not planning to see Ye Jingwei.

Ye Shizhong took his son out of Sifangyuan and he sighed. "You go with me to Tianzhu City."

"Yes, hey." Ye Wei nodded immediately. Even if he was not allowed to go, he was going to go. He didn't personally expose the true face of Ye Hao. He was not feeling well. "Would you like to go quietly?"

"Alright, bring her, when Ye Hao can not deny it." Ye Shizhong said.

Ye Wei clenched his fists. "Hey, who is that leafhopper?"

"That would only be known when she saw her." Ye Shizhong said, "Let's go find your mother and tell her about it."

"Hey, how does Ye Jingzhen cultivate the condensed veins? Her mother is not... don't know how to practice?" Ye Wei raised his confusion. It is not easy for a person without a root to practice the exercises, unless they can Condensed gas, through the cultivation of the veins and condensate gas into a sea of ​​air, so that can become a practitioner, Ye Jingzhen is a girl, she actually has the perseverance to practice this practice, it is not so simple.

Ye Shizhong frowned. "Inquire later."

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