Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1723: I finally saw my son.

Ye Hao stood firm and was completely speechless to someone who was doing things in a mood. She just wanted to find Mingxi as soon as possible and then tried to leave Xuantian.

She really misses Ming Yu and Murong Cham.

"What do you bring me here? Mingxi?" She remembered that it was his palace, and the yard where he lived was not here.

"Ming Xi is inside." Modi said softly, "Come with me."

Ye Hao’s heart paused. “Is there anything that Mingxi has?”

Modi looked back at her. "How do you know that Mingxi has an accident?"

"Otherwise, what do you bring me here?" Ye Hao frowned and looked at everything around him. It looked like the mountain temple of Xingyun Mountain, but the aura seemed to be more intense.

"This is the underground palace where I cultivated. The gap in the world's mainland was also opened here." Modi explained in a whisper that his underground palace had never come in outside, except for Mingxi, who now has more of her.

Ye Hao speeded up his steps. "Can that still open the second time?"

"Not necessarily." Modi said that he actually tried to open the world, but he has not succeeded. He did not want to tell Ye Hao, lest she was too disappointed.

Seeing her talking about her daughter, she should miss Ming Yu.

"It doesn't matter, I will try again after seeing Mingxi." Ye Hao said that she could see her son soon. I hoped for so long, she was so worried that she could finally see it.

Modi has always brought her to the bottom of the underground palace. A thick and mysterious bronze door is in front of them. Ye Hao looks back at him. "What happened?"

"Come in." Modi used the power to drive the bronze door, and the door slowly opened to both sides.

At first glance, Ye Hao saw the four-legged beast on the four walls. Although it was not as shocking as she saw in the Suzaku House, the Quartet beasts here are also vivid and awesome.

"Ming Xi?" Ye Hao took his eyes back and landed on the child sitting on a round table in the middle. Isn't that Mingxi?

Ye Hao hurriedly walked over, not close to the round table, has been stopped by Mo Di, "He is practicing, has not broken the border, you don't go over, so as not to affect him."

"How did Mingxi become like this?" Ye Hao lowered his voice and asked almost collapsed. How did his body become... It was like a monster, and it was gold and bronze. Where is the normal skin?

Ye Hao unconsciously grasped the hand of the Emperor's arm tightly. If she did not do so, she could hardly stand.

"What happened to Mingxi?" Ye Hao asked in a trembling voice.

I know that he saw the reaction of Mingxi!

Modi put her in her arms and prevented her from going to see Mingxi. "When he was in the Yantian, he was living in the magic palace as a high priest. I don’t know how to cultivate the immortality. Before the eighth layer, each layer has different changes. He is now practicing the eighth layer. When the situation is broken, he can restore normal skin color."

"I don't die?" Ye Hao looked up white and looked at Modi. She couldn't care for him in his arms. "Isn't that the magic trick? Is there any danger to Mingxi?" ?"

"If it is the practice of ordinary people to cultivate the evil spirits, it will be very dangerous, but Mingxi is born with fire and anger. His spiritual roots and body are even stronger than the evil spirits. He can cultivate in such a small age. Law, he should be the first person in the millennium." Modi tried to make it easy, so Ye Hao was not so worried.

"But it is still dangerous." Ye Hao clutched his arm tightly. "How long does Mingxi still have to practice?"

Modi gently glared at the top of her head. "He has cultivated to the eighth floor, don't worry."

“How many layers do you have?” Ye Hao asked with a white face, and his heart hurts. Just listening to the name of this practice knows how hard the cultivation process is. When such a small child of Mingxi suffers, she is not at all. By the side, who knows what torture he is suffering in the Magic Palace.

"The cultivation is up to the nineth floor and it is perfect." Modi whispered.

Ye Hao’s face was white again. “So, Mingxi is not yet perfect?”

Although she did not practice any undead practice, she also knew that the last level was the most difficult. If she was not careful, she would go into flames. If this is the case, if there is anything wrong, then it will be abandoned, and even the body will be abolished.

"If I am here, I won't let Mingxi have something to do." Modi hugged her in her arms. "I will take you away first. Mingxi is in a pinch. Now he can't be distracted, waiting for him to break through." Come to him again."

Ye Hao has calmed down a bit, she shook her head gently. "I am here waiting for him."

"You are not afraid that this will distract Mingxi?" Modi said, "It will affect him. I let him practice in the underground palace and I don't want people to disturb him."

"Okay." Ye Hao looked at Mingxi with a distressed and reluctant look, and had to leave with Modi.

"What if Mingxi does not cultivate the ninth floor?" Ye Hao asked.

"The appearance does not seem to have any effect." Modi said, but the body is hard to say.

Ye Hao said, "That's waiting for Mingxi to cultivate to the Great Consummation and let us go again."

Modi Wei Wei, he originally wanted to persuade her like this, did not think she would actually mention it, "that is naturally the best."

"In any case, I can't open the gap in the world." Ye Hao comforted herself. In fact, she was eager to go, and really wanted to leave with Ming Xi.

But she can't, for Ming Xi, she has to wait a second.

Modi took her hand out of the underground palace and closed the bronze door again, and it appeared in front of them.

"The city owner."

"Is there a different kind of Mingxi?" Modi asked quietly.

He quietly glanced at Ye Hao. "Since the city owner left, the young master has been practicing the eighth floor, and he has not gone into flames. It is very smooth."

Modi nodded with satisfaction. "Well, you continue to guard Mingxi."

"Yes, the city owner." Ying Yingdao, hesitated for a moment, saluting Ye Hao, "I have seen my wife."

"..." Ye Hao stunned, and this reaction came to her. She was close to Modi. She opened his hand and said to her frown. "I am not your lady."

I didn’t seem to hear it, and I fell into the corner again.

"Let's go." Modi wants to hold her hand again. Her hand is small and soft, and it is very comfortable in her hand.

"You don't need to take my hand, I can go by myself, where are you going to take me?" Ye Hao asked.

Modi looked at her with a funny smile. "The speed at which you cross the river is too fast."

"What has been to bridge the river, I have always been like this." Ye Haodao.

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