Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1724: Cushion together

The courtyard where Modi lived was not far from the underground palace. Ye Hao had come once before. This tower is as big as the palace. The yard he lives in is also very large, and it is not the same as other yards.

"Isn't this where you live?" Ye Hao frowned.

"Yeah." Modi gently beheaded.

Ye Hao stood still and refused to move. "Where did you bring me to the place where you live? You won't... want me to live with you?"

"You didn't hear how to call you just after the law? You have already called your wife. Don't you live with me and live with whom?" Modi asked of course.

Ye Hao endured anger. "I am not really a husband and wife with you. Is it necessary to put it on the bed together with the bed?"

"Well, this is more realistic." Modi took the lead and apparently was very interested in sharing the bed.

Realistic ghosts! Ye Hao sneered. "You don't even think about it, I won't live with you."

"Hey, what if you live in the same house? Do you offend me?" Modi asked seriously.

Ye Hao is going to be laughed at by him. "Who wants to offend you!"

"That's not enough, everyone calls your wife, you live elsewhere, what do people think?" Modi said faintly, "Don't make trouble, go to rest."

Why did she become a fool in his eyes?

"Modi, what do you mean by this?" Ye Hao asked angrily.

"It doesn't mean anything." Modi walked in with her hand. "If the lady must stay with the bed, I can tell me, I won't refuse."

Ye Hao white gave him a look. "I can live here, you can't live here."

"Yeah." Modi whispered, no promise and no denial.

"You let me go, don't touch me and touch me." Ye Hao pulled out his hand and felt disgusted with his touch.

Modi looked back at her with a gaze, and said indifferently, "When you were in the underground palace, you took the initiative to hold me."

Ye Hao's cheeks floated a blush, and she was scared by Ming Xi's appearance. When she was not in the Lord, she would hold on to him.

"I still have something to do. You should rest here first. When Mingxi passed the eighth floor, he would bring him to see you." Modi whispered.

"Ming Xi He..." mentioned his son, Ye Hao immediately became nervous.

Modi said, "When I found him in the Yan domain, he only cultivated to the fourth floor. In such a short period of time, he cultivated to the eighth floor. His talent is unprecedented. You must believe in Mingxi."

"He is born to me, of course I believe him." Ye Haodao, she has always been proud of Mingxi.

"Excellent breed, his father is not bad." Modi said with a smile.

What can really pull him! Ye Haohe smiled, "Don't send it, Mocheng Lord."

Modi raised his eyebrows and turned and was about to leave. Ye Hao stopped him again. "There is one more thing, I want to ask you."

"What?" asked Modi.

"I didn't take long to go to Xuantian mainland, you let Bai Xie come to me. Why can you know that I am here so fast?" Ye Hao didn't want to be angry with him about white thirteen, after all, white thirteen Also to protect her, to say what to sell her, with the Emperor of the Emperor, it is not difficult to know what, she is curious, why he can know that she came from the mainland.

Modi glanced at her deeply, and he would know that she appeared on the Xuantian continent because she was back.

"You are coming back from the gap I opened, I will naturally know." Modi said softly.

"That... I am here, will Azhan in the human world know?" Her most worried is that Murong Chong would think that she and Ming Xi died, but she could not even give him a letter.

Her question is really one that makes him not answer better than one.

"It should be known." Modi replied vaguely.

Ye Hao breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good."

"You are afraid that I am thinking that you are dead on the mainland, and then marry other women as a wife?" Modi asked with an eyebrow.

"A Zhan will not." Ye snorted.

Of course he won't! For him, it would be a rare thing to like a woman. He should not touch a woman other than her.

"Let's go." Ye Hao waved his hand, as if the Emperor Modi was very unsightly here.

Modi smiled and left the room.



"I have seen the city owner."

Modi came to the main hall of the main hall. Apart from the embarrassment, the other three guardians were here, and under them they were the masters.

“Is Shen Ying back?” Modi looked at Shen Ying. “How is it?”

"The city owner has belonged to the holy Zongmen and Taiyimen. In the past few decades, many people have been convicted in the secrets of the Scorpio. They have captured more than a dozen people, and they only know what they want after they ask. The people who live in the house still have to rely on the people of the various factions. I am afraid that they will be afraid of the status of these people in the sect." Shen Ying said with a deep voice.

If some of them become elders, then it will be even worse.

Modi whispered, "Tell this matter to the heads of the various denominations and let them clean up the portal."

"The city owner, is this a conspiracy of the demon king?" Yin Siyue said, "The Yan domain has been so peaceful for so many years. How come so many things recently, will it be... the demon king has returned, in the back Do you manipulate everything in the dark?"

"If the return of the demon king, how did he not return to the inflammatory field?" Bai 13 shook his head and felt that the idea of ​​Yin Siyue was not established. "The city owner, his subordinates remember that there is another character in the Yanqu Palace, that is the high priest."

Shen Ying nodded. "The city owner, after the return of the hatred, can successfully enter the Shengzongmen to become a new disciple. Some people seem to be helping him. The subordinates can't find out who this person is. At that time, he fell into the ghostly secret. His cultivation is not easy to come out of the ghosts and secrets."

Evil! Modi’s twilight sinks slightly. “Is it clear where the hatred is?”

"Inflammatory domain." Shen Ying said.

As he guessed, the ghosts learned the ghost repair, and after his identity was exposed, he had nowhere to go except the Yan domain.

"The city owner, what should we do next?" Yin Siyue asked. "If the demon king really returns, it will definitely not let us go to the city of Tianzhu."

Bai XIII said, "If the Inflammatory King returns, if you are smart, you will not come to provoke our Tianzhu City."

Isn’t the Demon King not afraid to be killed again by the city owner?

Modi listened to several subordinates and talked about it. He faintly said, "The high priest of the Magic Palace is on the Xuantian continent, secretly identifying his identity."

As for the demon king...

According to the ancient demon kings he knows, each generation of the demon king will experience a rebirth. If the body after rebirth is not suitable for practicing the evil spirits, then it will be forcibly won. Now, this generation of the demon king is born again. The Yan domain is still in the Xuantian continent.

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