Ye Hao lived in Tianzhu City in this way. In the past few days, she has received a lot of voices, all of which came from the Great Holy Family. There are also some wooden scriptures, and they all want to know her. Safety, in fact, she understands, what they want to know more is that she is now the identity of the wife of the Scorpio City, but it is not good to ask her directly.

"Ye Muxin gave you a voice again." On the side of the pig's elbow, the sound of the fire and the vague said vaguely.

"Yeah." Ye Hao is watching Dan Fang. She wants to refine the medicinal herbs that help Ming Xi. In addition to practicing the whip of the next day, she spends all her time watching Dan.

"What did she say? She wants to come to Scorpio City to find you?" Fire Phoenix asked excitedly.

Ye glanced at him. "You seem to want to see Ye Muxin."

"It’s boring in Tianzhu City. If she can come over, isn’t it fun? You said that everyone knows that you are the wife of the city now, how can you react enough?” Huo Huo said, he thought I am sure that many people come to Tianzhu City to find Ye Hao.

"Are you bored?" Ye Hao asked faintly.

Fire Phoenix immediately rushed to Ye Hao's side. "White 13 was sent out by the city owner to do things, and others did not dare to go out with me."

Of course, I dare not play with it. He is an ancient beast. He used to be the soul of the Emperor, and his position in Tianzhu City is naturally different.

"Actually..." Fire Phoenix smashed the arm of the 蹭叶蓁. "Hey, there are so many delicious things in the city."

Ye Hao chuckled and said, "You just want to go out and find something to eat, then go, I have not stopped you."

"Without the permission of the city owner, you can't go out." Fire Phoenix said, "Hey, I am going out to help you inquire about the news and see what you are saying now."

"I don't care what others say, I look at me. You can go out and be careful." Ye Hao said, but in the city of Tianzhu, no one should dare to hurt the fire.

The fire phoenix screamed and flew out with a bang.


Ye Hao heard the scream of the fire phoenix and rushed to see what happened.

Modi slowly walked in with the collar of the fire phoenix, "Let you protect the lady, where do you want to go?"

Seeing the tears of the fire phoenix, he looks like Mingxi, and Ye Hao feels distressed. He hurriedly rescued the fire phoenix from the hands of Modi. "What are you doing, I will still be in your Tianzhu city." Is it dangerous? The small fire has been trapped in the space for so many years, what happened when you went out to play?"

"He said this to you?" Modi picked up his eyebrows and looked at the fire phoenix coldly.

"Hey, I don't go out." The fire **** shrank his shoulders and plunged into the arms of Ye Hao.

Ye Hao said softly, "Nothing, go, now I am your master, I will allow you to go out."

"Really?" Fire Phoenix watched Modi carefully, oh, only Ye Hao dared to confront the Emperor, he had to hold Ye Hao's thigh tightly.

When Modi saw the fire phoenix holding the leaf scorpion, the twilight soon cooled down.

"That... then I went out." Huo Huang hurriedly loosened Ye Hao, and did not dare to see Modi and ran out.

"You are fierce, he is only a child." Ye Hao said with no anger.

Modi’s eyebrows were slightly picked up and sat down on the soft couch. “He is a child?”

"He is almost the same as Mingxi, and Huohuang and Mingxi are very close to each other. They are just like their brothers." Ye Hao said, "He doesn't just want to go out and go outside. What can't be done."

"It seems that you like him very much." The appearance of the fire phoenix looks like a child, but he is not too young. He just dared to rush into the arms of Ye Hao in front of him. Oh, the birds are more and more daring. Big.

"Do you still use that?" Ye said, pouting. "What are you looking for?"

She has not seen Modi for several days. A person who lives here is also pure-hearted. In addition to going to the underground palace every day to quietly look at Mingxi, she feels that everything is fine.

"Someone is coming to you." Modi whispered, patted the position around him. "Come and sit down, I have something to tell you."

"You can do this." Ye Hao stood still and kept a distance from him.

Modi leaned on the soft couch and squinted slightly, as if he was very tired, a gesture that would not be said if Ye Hao couldn’t pass.

"What do you want to say?" Ye Hao had to go a few steps.

"In the past few days, I was looking for a place to open the gap." Modi said faintly, the voice could not tell the tiredness.

Ye Hao’s eyes lit up and immediately sat on the other side of the soft couch. “How? How did you find it?”

"Eight years ago, the saints on the mainland of God went to check the loopholes in the Xuantian continent, and all the gaps have been filled." Modi whispered, slender fingers gently tapping on the knees. .

"That... what does that mean?" Ye Xiaoyan’s smile froze. Can she not go back?

Modi did not speak, he did not want Ye Hao to stay in Xuantian mainland than anyone else, and did not say that the mainland and their daughters need her, her special constitution will also bring her danger, Yan Tian is now ready to move, he It may not be able to protect her well, not afraid of 10,000, just in case.

"You talk." Modi's silence made Ye Hao think that he was the default, and his face was white.

"Can't go back, are you so scared?" Modi looked up at her. She was so long in Xuantian mainland. Isn't there a place worthy of her nostalgia? Although he wanted to send her back, but she did not have to see her, he was still a bit uncomfortable.

Ye Hao was anxious to shake his knees. "I am of course afraid. I don't want to see my loved ones in the future."

"There are also your loved ones here!" Modi whispered.

"Ming Xi will also go back with me." Ye Hao, I made a fist, she did not believe that she could not return to the mainland, it must be.

Modi took her hand and pulled her to her chest. "Is there no one except Mingxi?"

"You tell me what the gap is going to do?" Ye Hao asked anxiously.

If she knew that he was Murong Cham, let her make a choice before her daughter and him, it was too cruel for her.

"The gap in Tianzhu City has been fixed. When Mingxi is out, I will look for it again." Modi said softly.

When Ye Hao heard him say this, there is still no way to feel at ease. "If you still can't find it?"

"Then I will take you from another place to send you back." The voice of Modi has become somewhat indifferent.

"You just said that someone is looking for me, who is it?" Ye Hao whispered.

Modi hugged her. "Don't make a noise, let me sleep for a while."

"You let me go first." Ye Hao pushed his shoulder.

"Don't move, move again..." Modi gently pointed her lips. "You will regret it."

"You haven't said who is looking for me." Ye Hao stiffened and did not dare to move.

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