Modi did not sleep for a few nights, although he was very high, but when she came to her, he suddenly wanted to lie down and rest.

"Hey?" Ye Hao gently pushed him, and he fell asleep like this.

"Mo Di, can you let me go first?" Ye Hao whispered.

It is a pity that Modi pressed Ye Hao and did not move.

Can you open him up with one foot? Ye Hao thought anxiously in her heart, she really wanted to kill him!

"Oh..." Modi suddenly called her name in a dumb voice.

Just like before, Murong Chan likes to bite her earlobe, constantly calling her name, Ye Hao is a little embarrassed, almost thinking that the person around her is Murong Cham.

Why... can he be so similar to Murong Cham?

"Oh, it's me." Modi held his arms in his arms, his eyes didn't open, and he still looked completely in his sleep.

"What are you talking about?" Ye Hao didn't hear clearly, and asked him on his shoulder.

Modi did not say anything, suddenly pressed Ye Hao under his body, bowed his head and kissed her pink lips.

"Oh...hey..." Modi called her name in a dumb voice.

"Bastard!" Ye Hao avoided his kiss and reached out and pushed him hard. "Wake up, don't touch me."

Modi didn’t know if he slept too much, or for other reasons. No matter how Ye Hao pushed him, he didn’t wake up. He kept calling the name of the donkey. He was vague and didn’t know what to say. Ye Hao’s anger and anger were strong. Not enough for him, she wants to take out the whip of the next day, and he is restrained by him to make no effort.

"Oh, I don't want to be separated from you." Modi said with her earlobe, the voice was very painful.

"What are you talking about?" Ye Hao groaned, her most sensitive is the earlobe.

Modi's hand skillfully untied her skirt and held her nephrite in one hand.

Ye Hao’s mind flashed a few pictures in an instant. She saw herself sitting on his body and kept asking him to hurry...

Her face turned white, and she shook her head hard to shake the picture out. She must have fainted and regarded Azhan as him.

"Don't touch me!" Ye Hao screamed, biting **** the cheek of Modi.

"What are you doing?" Modi was awakened by the pain, touched his cheek, and actually bleed. "Ye, are you looking for death?"

Ye Hao hurriedly tightened his clothes and skirts and glared at him with resentment. "You give me a roll! Get out!"

"You..." Modi frowned at her, only to find that Ye Hao's clothes were torn open, revealing a tender yellow apron, smooth shoulders and obvious hickey.

What did he just do to her?

"What happened?" Modi wanted to hold Ye Hao's shoulder. Isn't he sleeping?

"You are less confused, you go out, go out!" Ye Hao screamed violently. She didn't want to see Modi. Every time he appeared, she would miss her more, and she couldn't tell her and ink. What is the difference between Rong Zhan.

In particular, he has just called her in her ear, she seems to see that she does not know when to entangle with him, non-stop... eager... she knows that person is him, but that is not possible! How could she be entangled with him, the person she loves is Murong Cham, except for Murong Cham, she does not want other men to touch her.

Modi’s face was not very good. He looked at Ye Hao deeply. “I will come back to you later.”

Ye Hao hugged herself tightly, her shoulders twitching gently, she was afraid.

When she was kissing her, she actually had a feeling of heart. It felt like Murong Chan was by her side. She must have missed him too much, and she would treat him as him.

"I didn't mean it." Modi, who should have left, returned again. He appeared in front of Ye Hao, his eyes fixedly and deeply looking at her eyes full of uneasiness. "Because I used to have a avatar, when I lost consciousness." At the time, it is possible that the memory of the avatar is back."

This is already an explanation he can think of. He knows that he is definitely under extreme fatigue, and that the memory of the mainland has completely dominated himself.

Ye Hao didn't quite understand his words. "What do you say? Just... is A Zhan?"

"Yes." Modi gently beheaded.

"No, no, he is on the mainland, even if you have his memory, you are not him." Ye Hao pale face, she knows that he and Murong Zhan are exactly the same, but she still can not be his ink.

Modi smiled a little, "Yes."

"Even if this is the case, it does not mean that you can treat me..." Ye Hao’s mind flashed a few pictures, and her words could not be said. What happened in the cave that day?

She did not dare to ask Mo Di.

"How about you?" Modi whispered.

Ye Hao clutched her clothes tightly. "Can't touch me."

"Can't do it." Modi said coldly, "I don't want to touch it, but the memory makes it. Sometimes I can't control it."

"You..." Ye Hao glared at him.

Modi whispered, "The people of Yejia came to you."

"What?" Ye Hao was still on the spur of the moment, and the Emperor suddenly changed his mind to the subject.

"Ye Shizhong and Ye Wei." Modi looked at her lowly. "If you don't want to see them, you don't have to go."

Ye Hao said, "I don't want to see today."

"Good." Modi nodded. "You rest."

After confirming that Mo Di will not return after this departure, Ye Hao will organize the clothes and close the door tightly. Her heart is shaking. It is not her illusion. It is just Murong Cham...

I must find a way to go back to the mainland soon. She missed the dragon station so much. He definitely missed her more, and her Mingyu, she thought it hurts.

"Hey, hey!" The voice of the fire phoenix came in anxiously outside the door.

"What's wrong?" Ye Hao opened the door and saw the fire phoenix rushing in. "Do you know who I just saw? Ye Shizhong and his son, they came to you."

"Well, I know." Ye Hao nodded faintly. "Seeing what they are anxious, is it so nervous?"

"No, not only, but there is another person. I secretly went to inquire. The original three girls of Ye Family appeared. Ye Jia knew that you are a fake three girls."

Ye stunned. "The real Yejia girl appeared? Where is it?"

"They lived in the inn at Suzaku Street. Hey, how did you pretend to be a girl at the leaf?" asked Fire Phoenix.

"When I woke up, I was in a wooden house. Someone changed clothes for me. If I didn't guess wrong, it should be this girl." Ye Hao also has a lot of questions about this real Ye Jiasan girl. It’s suddenly appearing now, and she always feels that it’s not that simple.

"That... do you want to go to her?" asked Fire Phoenix.

Ye Hao said, "Going tomorrow, I want to go see Mingxi."

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