When Ye Hao returned to the watchtower and was about to visit Mingxi, he saw Modi at the door.

The fire phoenix that had been holding her hand instantly went back to the space. It seems that the Emperor Modi is a cow and a zombie, and he did not dare to see him.

"..." Ye Hao was shocked by the speed at which the fire phoenix disappeared. She looked at Modi dissatisfied. "You are too bad for the fire phoenix. He is afraid of what it is."

"That is what he did to lose money." Modi said with a cold voice, "Have you seen Ye Family?"

Ye Hao temporarily put down his attitude toward the fire phoenix. "I saw that the real prostitute of Ye Family appeared, but..."

"But what?" Modi asked with an eyebrow.

"She said that I killed her milkmaid. I have never seen Ye Jingwei, let alone kill her milkmaid. She doesn't look like she is lying. Is it something I did when I first came to Xuantian?" I don't know?" Ye Hao had no doubts about his memory. Just listening to Ye Jingyu said that she was somewhat uncertain.

Modi looked down at her. "Do you think you will kill? Do you kill someone?"

"If I have not lost my memory, it is Ye Jingwei lying, why should she smear me?" Ye Hao is still very confused.

"What did she say to you today? The people of Yejia want you to do something, you explain it carefully." Modi whispered, he knew that Ye’s niece had appeared, thinking that they came to Tianzhu City just wanted Confronted with Ye Hao, it seems that he is not as simple as he thinks.

Ye Hao told him the words of Ye Shizhong and Ye Jingyu today. No one can analyze her now. Modi has been in Tianzhu City for so many years, and it should be clear.

"Ye Shizhong didn't blame you? I still want you to go back to Ye Family?" Modi's eyebrows condensed a layer of chill. I don't want to know what Ye Shizhong is playing. He wants Ye Hao to return to Ye Family, and does not blame her for fake. The meaning is that I want to leave Ye Family forever in Ye Family.

Really do his dream of spring and autumn.

"You don't have to pay attention to the people of Ye Family." Modi said coldly. "As for Ye Jingwei, you said that when you woke up, you didn't see anyone else. The clothes on your body were changed. If Ye Jingqi did it, she was this time. It will definitely not just be back to Ye Family."

"I think so too!" Ye Hao said immediately. "She made me feel... too strange, her grief is too real, as if I really killed her milkmaid, and, she looks... looks Not at all like bad guys."

Modi chuckled. "Does the bad guy's face still write the word bad guy?"

"I don't mean this, just feel..." Ye Hao couldn't tell her thoughts at the moment. "I just think that Ye Jingyi makes me very upset."

"I am going to check what she did during the year. After the Ye family people look for you, don't bother." Modi said faintly, anyway, Mingxi is here, she does not have to go back to Ye Family.

Ye Hao gently nodded, but felt that Ye Jingyi would not forget this.

"I am going to see Mingxi." Ye Hao said.

"Yeah." Modi dagger, looking at her back disappeared into sight, his gentle eyebrows condensed a layer of ice, and his fingertips drew a voice, and brought it to the dark guard, "to check Ye Jingwei ""

If he can't protect her in his city, then what qualifications does he have for her to stay here?



Without the expectation of Ye Hao, the news that she was not a true niece of Ye Family soon spread. Especially in Tianzhu City, it was only a while ago that Ye Hao was the wife of the city. How long ago, she actually already Not a niece of Ye Family?

"This matter must tell the city owner, Ye Hao is a man who works hard. She not only fakes the identity of Ye Jia girl, but also does not know how to deceive the city owner, Shen Ying, you don't stop me, I want to go in." I heard that Ye Hao’s fake Yejia niece was coming to tell Modi immediately.

"Did you forget the order of the city master?" Shen Ying asked faintly. "I think, you better not go in."

“Is it so that Ye Hao stays with the city owner?” Yin Siyue asked, she had already seen that Ye Hao was not simple. “She robbed the identity of Ye Jia’s girl and killed others. The milkmaid is simply a slap in the face."

Shen Ying said coldly, "She is the wife of the city owner on the mainland, and the city owner will not know the true identity of the lady? You should be awake a little."

The face of Yin Siyue has changed. How can she forget this? The city owner should know early that Ye Hao is not the real Yejia girl.

"If Ye Hao really came from the mainland, how could she have a sacred root? How could there be a body of phoenix and chalcedony? I think the city owner must have been deceived..." Yin Siyue shook his head, still Find an excuse.

"You should be clear about one thing." The figure said coldly, "The city owner never gives up because we are protecting the law."

Yin Siyue’s face is white. “What do you mean by this?”

"You don't want to be killed by the city owner," Shen said.

The city owner will really kill her! Yin Siyue froze. "Okay, well, I will one day reveal the true face of Ye Hao."

Shen Ying looked at the back of Yin Siyue and shook his head helplessly. "Don't be too obsessed."

Regarding the true identity of Ye Hao, the whole continent is now talking about it, because no one knows where she came from, and this news is also spread in the Great Holy Family. However, for Ye Hao, is Ye Family, the whole The mainland is not too concerned about it, but rather wants to know her true identity.

Ye Muxin also heard about this.

"Sancha, have you heard of it?" Ye Muxin hurriedly found Tang Hanyan. She had just heard of this incident. The voices sent out have not been echoed until now, so I have to come to Ye Muxin to inquire.

"You three uncles have come to me, it is true, Ye Hao she..." Tang Hanyan frowned, she liked Ye Hao very much, did not think she was not the daughter of the snow.

Ye Muxin is hard to accept this news. "How can this be, Sancha, do you know how the old man plans to be Ye Hao?"

"It shouldn't be what she is, maybe she still wants Ye Hao to stay at Ye Family." Tang Hanyan smiled bitterly. "I want to go to Tianzhu City."

"I want to go too!" Ye Muxin said immediately. "I heard that the supreme sage has gone to find Ye Hao, I... I want to see her personally."

Tang Hanyan nodded. "Alright, Ye Jingzhen is also in Tianzhu City."

"Ye Jingwei? Is that the real third sister?" Ye Muxin asked, she had a libra biased to Ye Hao, although she knew that Ye Hao was a fake, but she still liked her.

"Yes, she said that Ye Hao killed her milkmaid." Tang Hanyan said.

"I don't believe it!" Ye Muxin said immediately. "Auntie will not be such a person."

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