Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1732: No longer too respectful

For all kinds of arguments outside, Ye Hao is known from the mouth of the fire, but she just listened to one ear, and did not really put it in her heart. Anyway, how can people talk about guessing, even if she is a bad person? Yeah, she won’t care anyway, waiting for her to return to the mainland, here is just her dream.

It’s been a few days ago to meet Ye Shizhong. Ye Hao didn’t go out any more in the past few days. In order to give Mingxi alchemy, she was almost in the room, sometimes in the space, one day and one night, even the Emperor Did not see a few times.

However, Mingxi still has not come out of the underground palace.

Modi said that the most difficult thing to do in the undead is the eighth floor. If you are not careful, you may have to ruin it at any time. Ye Hao heard that he said that he would not go to the underground palace to visit Mingxi. I am afraid that it will affect him. Although Ming Xi is inside the protective cover, it is always necessary to prevent it.

"Madam." There was a loud voice coming from outside.

"..." Ye Hao didn't know what Modi thought. She actually arranged a few prostitutes for her. Now she is not on the mainland. Many things don't need others to serve, and they call her lady one by one. She listens. I am bothered.

A prostitute dressed in a green dress walked in and walked at the door. "Mrs. Someone outside asks to say that it is your family."

"Ye Yezhong?" Ye Hao frowned. She didn't understand what Ye Shizhong wanted to do. She had already made her statement very clear. She didn't want to go to Zhou Guoye's home. Mingxi was here, she wouldn't go anywhere.

"No, it is a man who is supreme." The prostitute said.

Ye Hao stood up and came to the top too respected? "where is he?"

"Madam, he is waiting outside, but ask the slave to come in?" the niece asked.

"No, I am going to find him." Ye Hao went outside, she did not expect to come to Tianzhu City, because I heard that she is not a Yejia niece? Or because of others?

When Ye Hao was just out of the yard, he saw Modi walked over with a blank expression and looked at her indifferently. "Where are you going?"

"Go outside." Ye Hao felt that he didn't seem to like it very much, and he didn't say that he was looking for her.

"See the supremacy?" Modi's thin lips are tight. "He will arrange the king to be with you. You have to go see him? Do you trust him so much?"

"Because of this incident, I have to go see him." Ye Hao is not willing to doubt the supremacy, but the king... If you don't ask clearly, it will be a thorn in her heart.

Supreme is the person who is getting drunk in Xuantian mainland. If he didn't stay with her in Xingyun Mountain, her cultivation may not be able to improve so quickly. She really believes in supremacy. He is also a teacher and friend in her. More to ask.

"Do you believe in the supremacy?" Mo Di sees her so insisting on going to see other men, feeling very depressed.

Ye Hao looked at Modi. "I don't believe him, but who can I trust? I am in Xuantian mainland, he has been helping me all the time. If he can't believe it, I don't know who to believe."

What is the name of the Emperor's heart?

The person she should believe in Xuantian mainland should be him. Only he is the closest person to her. As a result, she actually believes in other men!

"You are not coming to stop me?" Ye Hao looked at him with an eyebrow.

"Don't let you go see him, will you not go?" Modi asked coldly.

Ye Hao seriously considered it, "No."

"Do you believe that I still believe in supremacy?" Modi stared at her lowly. He couldn't find the origin of the supremacy. Perhaps it was concealed. Maybe it was too long, but for whatever reason, it was almost before her. It is in a retreat, he will go out for Ye Hao, which makes him very doubtful.

"Mo Di, don't be so naive, I will think that you are jealous." Ye Hao said with a funny smile.

When Modi’s face changed, how could he admit that he was jealous!

Ye Hao looked at him and turned and strode away. Was it angry and angry?

"Hey, you know that the city owner is jealous, don't say it directly." Fire Phoenix whispered.

"Why is he jealous?" Ye Hao turned her eyes. She remembered very clearly. She first met Mo Di in Blackwater City. He looked at her eyes as much as she disliked, as if her presence made him feel more uncomfortable. Has been helping her, does she believe that Modi does not believe in supremacy?

The fire phoenix moved a few times. On several occasions, I wanted to say that Modi was Murong Cham, but I didn’t know how to export.

Forget it, let Mingxi and Aunt tell the fact that Mingxi is the son of the city owner. How can the city owner not be angry with his son?

"Go, go see the top," said Ye Hao.

Fire Phoenix rushed to follow up. In fact, he felt that the suspicion of the city owner was justified. There is indeed a place where people feel suspicious. However, he is really good for Ye Hao. Why did the king become a disciple of the Great Holy Family? It's really hard to explain.

I have a headache! Fire Phoenix shook his head, still didn't want to, and saw the supremacy.

"Tai Zun!" Ye Hao came to the gate of the city building, and saw a white figure like the Zhilan Yushu standing in front. In addition to the supremacy, no one could have such a temperament.

When I heard Ye Hao’s voice, I slowly turned back and saw the pretty Ye Zi’s smile falling in front of him.

"Too respect, are you coming to me?" Ye Hao smiled brightly, and it was good to see him again before returning to the mainland.

"Ye Ye, are you okay?" The face of Shang Xiu Xiuyi was worried. He looked at Ye Hao. "I should come to you earlier, just... I was blocked by some things."

Ye Hao gently shook his head. "I'm fine, too respectable. It's better to find a place to sit down and talk."

"Good." There are indeed a lot of things to ask her today.

They found a tea house in Suzaku Street and found a quiet room in the corner. Ye Hao looked at it and looked at it. "Too respect, when did you come to Tianzhu City?"

"I have just arrived today." Supremely said, he looked up at Ye Hao. "I heard that you left the Flying Ship and was almost killed by the King of the Kings. Ye Hao, I almost hurt you."

"I am a courtier..." Ye Hao hesitated. "He said that he is a king."

The supremacy was very cold. "I have already heard it. I also went to the Yan domain to check it. I just didn't find him. Did he hurt you?"

"Almost..." Ye Hao remembered the scent of the singer that the king gave her. If she had the chance to meet him again, she would not let him go. However, his cultivation seems to be before her, it doesn't matter, she lets Modi killed him.

"I am very sorry." The whispered, "If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be hurt by the king. Because of this, I am no longer the great sage of the Great."

Ye Hao groaned, "What?"

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