Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1735: Mingxi breaks through

Ye Hao was taken to the tower by the Emperor Mo, because he was faster, so she did not struggle, she wanted to see her son earlier.

Soon, they have come to the door of the underground palace.

"Ming Xi..." Ye Hao just landed, and has already pushed the Modi to run into the underground palace.

"Mother!" Mingxi just ended the forty-ninth reincarnation of Qihai. When the aura just closed up, he saw his mother rushing forward. He immediately rushed into her arms. "Mother, how do you know me?" it's here?"

Ye Hao’s nose was sour. At first she looked at the hatred and took him through the gap. She thought she would never see Mingxi again. She had waited for a long time for this day.

"Mother, where have you been in the past year? Has anyone bullied you? It doesn't matter, I will protect you in the future." Ming Xi's voice is still full of childishness, but bright eyes have the stability that his peers do not have.

"Yeah." Ye Hao's voice choked and couldn't speak. She held Ming Xi tightly in her arms. The feeling of being recovered was too heart-rending.

Ming Xi smiled and tightened Ye Hao, "Mom, I miss you every day."

For the first time, Ye Hao heard this sweet talk in Mingxi’s mouth. She couldn’t help but laugh. “I thought you had forgotten your mother in the Yan domain.”

"How come, I want to find you every day." Ming Xi immediately said.

“Is there any hardship in the Yan domain?” Ye Hao touched Mingxi’s little face. “How come you went to the Yan domain?”

"Mother, don't worry, I will tell you slowly." Mingxi said with a smile, his eyes looked at the emperor behind Ye Xie. "Mother, since I have already broken the border, let's leave here, don't be I am disturbing people here."

Modi had thought about the next stupid boy who would be grateful to him. He said a few good words in front of his mother, but did not expect that the exit was to leave.

"Ming Xi, we are back to the mainland." Ye Hao immediately said, "Your father and Mingguang must miss us very much."

"Father of the Emperor..." Ming Xi’s face was heavy and he looked coldly at the Emperor.

When Ye Hao noticed his sight, he whispered, "That is the city owner of the city of Tianzhu, not your father, but only looks similar."

"It turned out to be similar. When I first saw him, I thought I saw my father." Ming Xi was born again and he was very cute.

Modi’s handsome face has become stinking.

"Well, let alone, we will soon see your father and sister." Ye Hao said with a smile, she bowed her head in Mingxi's forehead. "Ming Xi, we have to find the way." The gap in the human continent, wait until we find us."

"Mother, then we are looking for a side to play, I am in the magic palace of the Yan Dynasty this year, I still don't know what Xuantian mainland is like." Ming Xi said, he does not want to return to the mainland so quickly, once Going back, the mother will be gone, and it is a big blow for her.

Ye Hao looked back at Modi, "Mu Chengzhu, what is the gap?"

"Not found yet." Modi said coldly, this pair of mother and son really did not put him in the eye.

"Nothing, we are looking for it." Mingxi said with a smile to Ye Hao.

Modi took a deep breath and he resisted not throwing the son out. "The gap will be found sooner or later, and you haven't found it yet. You have also cultivated the ninth floor."

"I have cultivated the undead work to the ninth floor, and now it is a great consummation." Ming Xi said, during his practice, he did not know whether this Modi had bullied his mother and looked at his eyes like a father. Emperor... Did he think of the world on earth?

impossible! If you think of it, he should not be so cold.

Ye Hao looked at Mingxi with surprise. "Really? Mingxi, you... so powerful?"

"So, I won't let anyone bully you in the future." Ming Xi looked at Modi, but he spoke to Ye Hao.

"Well, we are the best in Mingxi." Ye Hao has no troubles at present. As long as Ming Xi is around her, she feels that the heart that has been hanging in the air has finally landed safely.

Modi’s eyes flashed a glimpse of darkness. Today she smiled at the supremacy and smiled more and more brightly at Mingxi. She only had no smile on him.

"Mother, I have sweat on my body. Let me wash it first." Ming Xi looked up and said to Ye Hao.

"Well, let's go, mother takes you there." Ye Hao took the hand of Ming Xi.

Mingxi looked at Ye Hao’s posture to bathe him, and immediately shouted, “Mother, I will wash it myself.”

"I will take him there." Modi took the waist and hugged Ming Xi. "I can just check if he is not perfect."

"That... that's okay!" Ye Hao saw Ming Xi's body dirty, all the impurities in the body, it should be washed, she wants to help her son bath, but in the human continent At that time, the son had refused to wash him, saying that he grew up, she could not help but wash it.

"You let me down, I don't want you to wash it for me." Mingxi struggled hard.

Modi sneered, "Let your mother help you wash."

Mingxi thought about it and didn't struggle.

They look really like fathers and sons... Ye Hao’s heart is sour, and Ming Xi’s eyes are the same as those of Mo Di’s, all red and black, more like a father and son than standing next to Murong Cham.

"I... I am going to give you something to eat, Mingxi." Ye Hao said.

"Okay." Ming Xi immediately replied happily, "Mother, I want to eat meat."

Modi knocked on his head. "You have already cultivated, will you still be hungry?"

"What's the matter for you!" Ming Xi slammed back. "I am hungry and hungry."

This stinky boy!

When Mo Di took him directly, he left the underground palace and went directly to the small lake behind the back of the tower. He threw Mingxi into the lake.

"You abuse me!" Ming Xi spit out a sip of water and roared with Emperor Modi.

"Oh." Modi sneered a sneer. "You can cultivate the undead and practice to the great consummation, and are afraid of being drowned here?"

Ming Xi erased the water on his face. "I am different from practicing to the great consummation."

Modi took him out of the lake and held his breath in the air. He was surprised to find that the child’s cultivation had reached the peak of the spiritual world. "What have you done in the Yan domain?"

"If I didn't do anything, I accidentally ate a kind of fruit planted in the magic palace. I don't know what it is." Ming Xi took out two from his arms. "On this, I feel very delicious, and I can also increase my spiritual power. I will pick up the fruit of a tree and put it in the ring space, and keep it slowly."

"..." Modi simply wants to smash this son. Why was he not killed in the Yan domain? "Do you know what this is?"

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