"I don't know." Mingxi threw one into his mouth. He just thought it was delicious, and the tree was tall and big. He was planted in the Temple of the Priest in the Magic Palace. He was not stealing.

When Modi saw that he had eaten with gusto, he took a deep breath. "This is called the magic fruit. Once it is done in five hundred years, it will not only improve the magic of the body, but also... forget it, you can live away from the Yan domain." ”

"I have left some for my mother." Ming Xi said, "Without your share."

"..." Who is rare! Modi’s palms are itchy, and it’s true that his son is angry with Laozi. “Quickly clean, there is something to tell you.”

Ming Xi took off his clothes and smothered the impurities on his body. He looked at Modi with a squint. "Have you ever done anything to my mother?"

"Even if you have done something, do you think you can manage it?" Modi said coldly.

"Oh." Ming Xi sneered. "You are a stranger who looks like me to me and my mother. Do you say that I can manage it?"

Modi looked at him faintly. "How do you know that I am a stranger?"

Mingxi turned his head and looked at Modi seriously. "Do you think of the memory of the human world? No, it is impossible, it is your own memory of the world, how can you think of it."

"Your mother personally went to the Yan domain to find you a few days ago." Modi said faintly, "I was almost hurt by the king."

"What did he do to my mother?" Ming Xi immediately asked.

"Children don't ask too much." Modi coughed a lightly. "Son, your mother has a celestial root, and there is a body of phoenix and chalcedony. She stays in the Xuantian continent, whether it is those who are warriors or inflammatory It will be bad for her, I can protect her, but I can't take risks, and I don't want to force her to make a choice. Your sister is still on the mainland, if you know... she will be very painful."

Mingxi is silent, yes, if the mother knows that the Emperor is actually the father, she will certainly suffer, because she loves the father and reluctant to give up the father, but what about the Mingyu?

This is a tough choice. It is better not to know, then there is no second choice.

"What is the body of Tongfeng chalcedony?" Ming Xi whispered.

Modi frowned, explaining to the child that this is not a bit too good? "you do not need to know."

"You don't tell me, I will ask others." Mingxi said that the indifferent expression is exactly the same as that of the Emperor.

"The body of Tongfeng Chalcedony is a rare dual-cultivation physique. It is not only helpful for your mother's cultivation, but also for others." Modi explained vaguely, "What do you know of a child?"

Mingxi screamed, "You are worried that my mother was taken away by another man. What if my mother fell in love with someone else?"

"Do you really think I can not beat you, right?" Mexican Emperor said coldly.

"Come on." Mingxi waved his hand, and he has already completed the cultivation of immortality, but he is not afraid of him.

Modi sneered, "Do you think that you can cultivate the undead, you can win me? Even the demon king has been killed by me once, and you dare to talk back with your old man?"

"Don't call Laozi Laozi, you count..." Mingxi glanced at him with contempt and swallowed the last word. "You say the point, what do you want to tell me?"

"Do you want to stay in Xuantian mainland?" Modi asked.

"I don't want to." Mingxi answered the question with ease and no interest at all.

When Modi’s thin lips were slightly stunned, he knew that the stinky boy would answer this question. “The Xuantian mainland has no gaps to go to the human continent.”

"And then?" Ming Xi asked.

"I will take you to the mainland of China, where there is a gap that can lead to the mainland." Modi whispered, "Your cultivation is no problem to go to the mainland of God, your mother still can't, after waiting for her spiritual environment, I will send You are leaving."

"Okay." Ming Xi said with a blank expression. "If you don't plan to go to the mainland together, then what you hide is best to keep hiding."

Modi took a picture of his back. "Get up, go back, don't let your mother wait too long."

Mingxi turned around and slammed his eyes hard. Without the father, he had a mother and a sister. This is enough.

He jumped out of the shore of the lake and was already dressed neatly.

"There is one more thing." When the Emperor Modi came ashore, his clothes had been changed. "If you dare to marry your mother, Mingxi, you will not have to marry in this life."

"That depends on my mother's willingness to give you widows when I arrive." The sadness in Ming Xi's eyes disappeared without a trace.

"You..." Modi gas knot, when I first came to Xuantian mainland, why is it not Mingyu, my daughter is more intimate.

Ming Xi anxious to go to see Ming Xi, do not want to continue to waste time with the Emperor, "take me to find my mother."

"Follow me." Modi sullenly face, with Ming Xi to find Ye Hao.

Ye Haogang came out of the kitchen and made a table of dishes waiting for Mingxi. It was the most favorite thing before Mingxi. Fortunately, it was in the tower, and many ingredients were not difficult to find.

"Good incense." Ming Xi rushed in. "Mom, I am hungry."

In fact, how can he be hungry, but he misses the dishes made by his mother, especially when he thinks that the mother will know the truth soon, he thinks it should be better for her mother.

"Ming Xi, you grow a lot higher." Ye Hao touched Ming Xi's face, only to find that Ming Xi was much taller than a year ago.

"Yeah, because I have a good night's sleep in the Yan area." Mingxi said with a smile.

Not only grows taller, it seems that the words have become more! Ye Hao smiled and looked at the details. When I was in the palace, the child was studying in addition to practicing every day. If she didn't talk to him often, he would become a gourd.

"Quickly eating, they are all done by the mother." Ye Yan said with a smile.

Mingxi looked back at Modi, "Mucheng Lord, thank you for sending me back, then don't send it."

"..." Modi really wants to take this stinky boy back to her mother. "Can't I stay?"

"Our mother and son are so easy to reunite, what are you doing here?" Ye Hao asked in confusion, their mother and son said that they couldn’t do anything privately. If there were outsiders, it would be inconvenient to talk. Doesn’t he understand this truth?

Modi coveted Ye Xie. "Is it an outsider?"

"Is it my own?" Ming Xi has sat down and is eating with a chicken leg.

Standing in the corner, the fire phoenix slammed into the side of Mingxi and looked at Mingxi and said, "I am my own person."

"..." Ming Xi slammed the fire phoenix and turned to look at Ye Hao. "Mother, is he your son?"

"He is a fire phoenix. When you were not born, you will accompany me. You can call his brother." Ye Hao said, she is raising her son as a fire.

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