When the Emperor Modi heard the blood on his side, they took the fire phoenix as their own, but drove him away as an outsider.

"Motown Lord." Ye Hao frowned at him, looking at the face of how you still can't leave.

"I am also hungry." Modi said coldly.

Ming Xi and Huo Huang looked up at him at the same time. If they were so shameless, they actually said it?

"But, I didn't do much..." Ye Hao didn't intend to stay in the Modi to eat. He was hungry and could ask someone to do it for him. Isn't he a city owner?

"No problem, I don't eat much." Modi sat down and swayed. "You can sit down."

Ming Xixi bit a bite of chicken legs, and the fire phoenix was holding his elbows.

Ye Hao had no choice but to sit down next to Modi and send a plate of green vegetables to him. "Then eat it!"

"I don't eat vegetables." Modi said with a blank expression.

"The meat is for the children to eat." Ye Hao frowned, even picky eaters are the same as the ink-handed, "you eat fish."

Modi smiled at Ye Hao, her heart was too far away!

"Mother, the city owner just asked me if I want to stay in the Xuantian continent." Ming Xi said softly.

"What?" Ye Hao immediately stunned Modi, "What do you want to sit for Mingxi?"

"Don't listen to him nonsense, I just ask." Modi said faintly, "I will not force you to leave."

Ye Hao looked at him coldly. "If you ask, you don't have to ask. Mingxi must follow me."

"Good, I know." Modi said helplessly, "When you have passed the spiritual world, I will take you to the mainland of God, and the mainland can go to the mainland."

"Why do you have to wait until I am in the spiritual world, can you not go today?" asked Ye Hao.

She really can't wait to leave, and she has no attachment to him.

"If you are too low, you will be hurt by the sea on the mainland." Modi said quietly. "You have already cleared the border and it is not difficult to get to the spiritual world."

"I started to cultivate tonight." Ye Hao frowned and said that she had already eaten a few condensate dan.

Modi nodded faintly, "Yeah."

Ming Xi looked at Modi and looked at Ye Hao, bowing his head and continuing to lick his chicken legs.

"Oh, I haven’t said goodbye to me. I will go find him later." Ye Hao finally remembered that she was going to go up, she had to go to tell him clearly, she didn’t want to go back to the Great Saint, and Mingxi no longer has to After retreating, she has to start thinking about ways to return to the mainland.

"You don't have to go to him, he left the city of Tianzhu." Modi said faintly.

Ye Hao, a sigh, the first to leave Tianzhu City? "How come, he said that he would stay in Tianzhu City for some time."

"He left with Ye Shizhong." Modi said faintly, "It should be with Ye Jingzhen to go back to the Great Saint."

"Ye Jingwei?" Ye Hao slightly frowned, has you seen Ye Jingzhen? "How can you take her to the Great Saints?"

"That's his business. Even if you want to accept Ye Jingjing as an apprentice, it doesn't matter to you." Modi said faintly.

Ye Hao whispered, she certainly knew that it had nothing to do with him. It was his business to do what he wanted. It was just... Ye Jingyan only smeared her a few days ago, saying that she killed someone, for Ye Jingwei... she felt very Complex, and supreme, she did not think that he must stand on her side, but he brought Ye Jingqi back to the Great Saints so soon, and she still felt a little uncomfortable.

"I won't go to the Great Saints anyway anyway." Ye Hao smiled. "However, before I leave Xuantian, there is one more thing I must do."

"What?" Modi coveted. He didn't really want her to leave here so quickly. However, the longer it was dragged, it was not good for them. He didn't want to end up holding her here.

"Find the hatred, let him not even the soul!" Ye Hao said with a grin.

Mingxi nodded immediately. "Yes, mother, where is he? I am going to find him."

"I will go with you." Fire Phoenix said immediately.

"You two are so busy." Ye Hao gave them a look.

Modi said faintly, "Their two of them are not high, let them go, I let Shen Ying and Yi follow them."

"Then I..." will also go, Ye Hao’s words have not been finished, have been interrupted.

"You will stay here for retreat." Modi said faintly, "unless you don't want to go to the mainland."

"Okay." Ye Hao thought for a moment, no more important things than going back to the mainland.

Mingxi and Huo Huang exchanged a glance, one never went out to play, could not wait to have such an opportunity, one is most afraid of boredom, go out to catch the hatred, can take the opportunity to play for a few more days, in the middle of their mind, naturally rushed to eat A few mouthfuls, I said I was going to find a hate.

"Go now?" Ye Hao said, "Ming Xi, go tomorrow."

"The evil spirits must control the imp, not too far from the city of Tianzhu. If you look for it tomorrow, you may have to spend more time." Modi said faintly.

Mingxi looks at Ye Hao, "Niang!"

"That... let's go." Ye Hao sorted out the clothes for Mingxi. "If you can't find it, don't go too far."

"Mother, you can rest assured, I will not have anything." Ming Xi whispered.

"Hey, I will protect Mingxi." Fire Phoenix is ​​also guaranteed.

The cultivation of these two children is above her, she is useless to follow, and she can't tie Mingxi to her side. "Good, be careful."

Mingxi looked at Modi and said, "Let's go."

Looking at the two children leaving the room, Ye Hao’s heart was sour.

"What's wrong?" Modi asked, looking down at Ye Hao.

"Nothing." Ye Hao shook his head. "You have eaten and eaten, so you can't take it."

"In your opinion, am I an outsider?" Modi asked lowly as he asked Ye.

Ye Hao looked at him strangely. "If you are not an outsider, what is it?"

"Where is it?" Modi calmed down and remembered how she smiled at the tea house.

"Your looks like jealous." Ye Hao said with a smile. "Mc. Lord, I remember you said, let me not bother you."

Modi approached her a few steps. "Ye Ye, I was almost humiliated by the king in the Yan Dynasty. Do you have no doubt that it is supreme?"

"The person who hurts me is not supreme, and the king of the king won the body of the great saint disciple, otherwise he would not see it." Ye Hao said.

"You trust this supremacy?" Modi asked coldly.

Ye Hao thought carefully. "I just can't think of the reason why he wants to harm me. He is the great sage of the Great Saint. The king is the sorcerer. Why do you want to help the king to hurt me? I came to Xuantian mainland. For more than a year, if I didn't, I don't know how I will be."

"I saved you a few times, why don't you say it?" Modi yelled.

"You are really inexplicable." Ye Hao grinned and didn't want to pay any attention to him.

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