As Ye Yu guessed, what happened in the auction building was quickly spread around through the sounds. Not long after, there were several versions of her identity.

Some people say that she and Modi had been in love with each other five hundred years ago. In the name of suspended animation, they have been living in Tianzhu City for so many years. If they were not mistaken for Ye’s niece because of accidents, they have not yet revealed their identity. of.

Others said that she was the reincarnation of the Demon King, but she had fallen in love with Mo Di before she was awakened. She also gave birth to a child. After she was awakened, she killed Ye Jia’s wife and faked Ye Jiasan’s identity to Ye Family. Going to the Great Holy Family, if it is not the real girl of Ye Family, it may be that the Great Holy Family has been removed by her.

There are other kinds of sayings. Anyway, Ye Hao is described as a demon ghost who will soon destroy the Xuantian continent. For a time, all the warriors are angry, all of them are coming to the city of Tianzhu, wanting to crusade. Ye Hao.

Bai Shi, who was originally sent to work by Modi, came back. He went to check the whereabouts of the high priest of the Demon Palace. He only found a little news. He had not found out more news. He heard that Ye Hao was the news of the demon king. He immediately rushed back to Tianzhu City.

Modi let him protect Ye Zi.

"Mrs." White thirteen gave Ye Hao a bow, and stood down in the eye.

"White Thirteen? Your city owner asked you to monitor me?" Seeing White Thirteen, Ye Hao can probably guess how he would be here. It must have been that Modi had let him come. After returning from the auction building, she was already good. She did not see Mo Di for a few days, and she did not want to see him.

"Madam, the city owner asked me to protect you." Bai XIII said.

Ye Hao smiled. "Protect me? It seems that there are a lot of rumors outside now. It’s better to tell me what to say outside."

"No matter what people say outside, you are the wife of Scorpio City." Bai XIII said.

"You must never call my wife again. Now everyone thinks that I am the demon king. You are the **** of the heavens. You have a lady like me. Are you afraid of being an enemy with the world?" Ye Hao mocked her, she Already tired of listening, they always call her lady.

Bai XIII said, "The city owner will not be afraid of being an enemy of the whole continent."

"..." Ye Hao endured the impulse to turn his eyes, and asked the white thirteen cold voice, "How is it passed outside now? Say I am the demon king, will soon destroy the Xuantian continent?"

"Tianzhuo City has recently come a lot of people, but the city owner has ordered the closure of the city." Bai XIII said.

"Do they want to kill me?" Ye Hao sneered, although he did not care, the big devil who could be called as an adult, there is really no way to do nothing.

In the past few days, she has been thinking about it. From her arrival to Xuantian mainland, she seems to have been arranged for her fate. Even she went to Ye Family... It seems that they are all arranged, carefully recalled, the most suspicious Ye Jing is stunned.

She thought that Ye Jingyi didn't want to go back to Ye Family, so she used her instead. Now, in retrospect, it seems that this is not the case.

Ye Jingwei... Who is she?

"It's her!" Ye Hao stood up. She had already forgotten that White Thirteen stood by, and muttered to her mouth. "It must be her. She wants me to go to Yejia. She must have thought that I can be holy." Zong, from the time she said that I killed the dumb mother, I wanted to smear me to frame me, let me lose my name, let everyone mistakenly think that I am a sultry person, just came out of my murder and fake identity, then someone found me to be the demon king Isn't that too good?"

"It is very clever." The low voice of Modi came over.

Ye Hao suddenly looked back and saw a layer of frost in his eyes.

Modi waved and let White Thirteen retreat. He came to Ye Hao and said, "Is it going?"

"Ye Jingxi." Although Ye Hao didn't want to see him, he also knew that this time he needed the help of Modi. "She asked me to go to Ye Family and let me become a disciple of Da Shengzong. She held me high. High position, then appeared to say that I am a fake... She is the King of Fire, but I can't figure out what she wants?"

"Quiet, your body." Modi said quietly.

Ye Hao clenched her hand, and it was like this!

"You can rest assured that as long as we return to the mainland, she will not hurt you." Modi said.

"Her is not as good as me, what am I afraid of her?" Ye snorted, don't let her see Ye Jingwei!

Modi smiled helplessly. "Hey, she has a high priest. The king has been seriously injured and not threatened, but... I have not seen the high priest of the Magic Palace. He has been in the Xuantian continent for two hundred years, and may already be a sect. Taizun or elder, I don't want you to be a little dangerous."

"You mean, the Mo Taizun who is too one door may be their high priest?" Ye Hao was shocked. How many people in Xuantian mainland were killed by the sorcerer, if the sorcerer really returned, these people would Is it a killing in the Xuantian continent?

"Even I have only recently found out that you have the smell of magical Dan in you. If he is not as good as mine, how can he see it at a glance." Modi snorted. "Those people go to Tianzhu City." Can find out who is being chosen by the wicked."

Ye Hao looked at him. "I have a magical dragon in my body. In the eyes of others, it is also an evil king. Isn't that a **** revenge with you? Why do you want to help me?"

"Why do you think I want to help you?" Modi looked at her deeply, she would ask this question!

"I don't know." Ye Hao don't open his face.

Modi helped her cheek and forced her to face him. "I told you, I am Murong Cham."

"You are not!" Ye Hao immediately retorted, she would not regard him as Murong Cham.

"Hey, you know that I am him, I am with you, you can't help yourself, in your heart..." Modi's thin lips clasped with Ye's earlobe, and before he finished, Ye Hao had pushed him hard. It is.

"Stop!" Ye Hao cried, she couldn't help herself. He was Modi, and Murong Chan was two people!

Modi laughed softly and didn't want to tear down her guilty conscience. "Well, I don't say, Mingxi?"

"I don't know." Ye Hao calmed her face. She also wanted to know where the kid went, and she must have gone out with the fire phoenix.

"I am going to find him." Modi looked at her with a smile.

Ye Hao turned and went into the space. Her current situation is too dangerous. Before she returns to the mainland, she has to speed up her cultivation.

Modi flashed a smile at the bottom of his eyes. "What about Mingxi?"

"The city owner, the young master is on the side of the city wall... and the people of Taiyimen and Xuelingzong are fighting." Bai XIII whispered.

"Don't you let him stop him?" Modi's voice cooled down.

White thirteen smiles, reluctantly said, "The city owner, we can't beat the young master."

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