The wall of Tianzhu City is not built with ordinary bauxite and masonry. It is built from the seal of the Yuxi Mountain in the south of the city. The stone is hard and extraordinary, with its own power. The construction of the city wall can also maintain the consolidation of the enchantment. However, the stone is rare, and the beasts guarding the stone in the mountains are highly cultivated. It is not easy to obtain. The city of Tianzhu has a stone wall as the wall, and the entire city of Tianzhu In the enchantment, it is not easy to break the enchantment.

At this time, there were several major sectarian heads and great elders who were kept out of the city wall. They all wanted to attack Ye Xie and wanted the Emperor to surrender Ye Hao.

Mingxi looked down at the people outside the city wall. "These people are the warriors of the Xuantian continent?"

"It's the so-called decent." Fire Phoenix said, "However, there are quite a lot of things."

"He is the high priest! He is the son of the demon king!" I don't know who saw Ming Xi, and shouted loudly.

"Right, that is, he, we all see him making an immortal practice. Besides the demon king and the high priest, who else can practice the immortal practice?"

The people who spoke were obviously in the auction building that day, and now they have become one of the crusades of the city.

One of the etheric Li Moqun took the lead, and hundreds of masters gathered here.

"Mc. Lord, please hand over the demon king and the high priest!"

"Open the door! Mocheng Lord!"

Although they came to force the Emperor to pay the Emperor, but the repair of the Emperor Modi was placed there, they did not dare to let go.

"Why do you say that my mother is the demon king?" Ming Xi stood on the wall, and the little figure appeared in the eyes of everyone. "With this old man, she said that she is the demon king. Do you all believe it? I think This old man was taken over by the king, why didn't you kill him?"

"Nonsense!" Li Moqun angered. "Give me the leaves, she is not the devil, everyone will know."

Mingxi looked at him with disdain. "Look at your age, think about things so naive and ridiculous. Is my mother a person you want to see? I said that you are a king, then how can you prove that you are not being shackled? Did the king give up?"

"Yellow mouth children!" Li Moqun said with anger. "Don't think that you are the son of Modi, we can allow you to let go. Your mother is the demon king. It is the enemy of the mainland. If she has not yet awakened, then there is still We don’t want to offend the Lord of Mexico.

This is really to treat him as a three-year-old child, do not want to offend the Lord of Mexico, then what are they doing? Also saved, they just want to kill the mother.

"I think you are also saved. Would it be better for me to help you?" Mingxi said with a smile.

"Mo Tai Zun, you don't have to talk nonsense with him. This kid is very savvy. He may also be a high priest. We can't let him go." Li Xianrong stood up and said.

As long as it is proved that Ye Xie is the demon king, the Great Shengzong must not be able to wash the charges this time. It would be better if he could take the opportunity to remove the Great Sacred Man from the Xuantian continent.

"Yeah, don't let me go." Ming Xi said with a smile, "Is it better for you to catch me?"

"I don't know how high the earth is!" Li Xianrong snarled. Seeing that Mingxi actually took the initiative to leave the city wall and escaped the protection of the enchantment, he immediately gave a color to the disciple of Shengzongmen. Du Dongrong took the other brothers together to Mingxi. Fly over.

When Mingxi punched them, they beat them. With a small fist, when they punched out, the boxing shadow increased by a hundred times. Du Dongrong was shot and flew out.

"I don't die!" Li Xianrong screamed, "Sure enough, it's an evil!"

"Modi protects the devil, what does this mean?" Lu Wushuang asked, "Is it necessary to be against the mainland?"

"Our city lord protects our lady. You only listen to one person's words. You think that our wife is the sorcerer's king. Even if we don't ask for proof, we will force us to hand over my wife. It is too much to put Scorpio in the eye!" Shen Ying said quietly.

Ming Xi fell in front of Li Moqun. "Do you think that I practiced the immortality of the priests? Who stipulates that the immortal martial arts can only be cultivated? You can't practice the mediocrity of the ordinary people. Can other people not cultivate?"

"You..." Li Moqun did not think that Mingxi's speed was so fast. When he was about to refute, he had already been hit by Mingxi.

He rushed to the sea and the spirit protected the body.

"I tell you, it is best not to have so many suspicions about the unknown. You are not a celestial root, so there is no talent to learn more exercises!" Mingxi cried shoutingly. "Don't think that my mother is bullying." So you all want to bully her!"

Li Moqun couldn’t get back at all. He had to deal with Mingxi seriously, or he would be injured at any time.

The fire phoenix spread its wings and flew toward Mingxi.

"..." Standing on the wall, the shadows and eyes looked at each other.

The city owner asked them to protect Master Mingxi. According to the current situation, the young master is completely unilaterally crushing Li Moqun. Who else can be his opponent?

"Does the city of Tianzhu also become a place of inflammation?" Li Xianrong shouted.

"We opened the city gate and went to the Modi to ask for it."

Several radical disciples heard the words of Lee Hsien-wing and volunteered to come up with a meteor bomb to blow the gate.

Shen Ying went down and beat the few people back.

As Ming and Li Moqun's fighting methods become more and more fierce, more and more people attack the city walls and the city gates.

When Emperor Modi appeared, he saw the chaos outside the city gate. Shen Ying and Yu were dealing with Li Xianrong and Ouyang Grand Elders. The disciples of the Great Shengzong were under the control of Wu, but they did not participate in the melee.

He looked at Mingxi faintly, and saw his strength above Li Moqun, and his eyes flashed a smile of satisfaction.

"Old man, cultivation is about talent, you always have doubts about others, and you will be like this for a lifetime." Ming Xi hits Li Moqun’s chest with one punch and one punch, making sure he can’t go back. Hand, this kicked him out.

"Mo Taizun!" The disciples of Taiyimen yelled out and looked at Mingxi inconspicuously.

A half-size child can actually make a serious injury to their tyranny? Is this child’s cultivation already... has it been circulated?

"It turns out that you are still too respectable, but it is only like this. It seems that it was taken away, so it has not been refined." Ming Xi said with a smile.

"Ming Xi, come back." Modi smiled in the eyes, how old is this child, so I want to protect his mother?

"It’s the Lord of Mexico!"

"The Motown Lord has appeared!"

All the people in the fighting stopped their movements and looked up at the Emperor who stood on the wall.

Mingxi glanced at him and leaned back on the fire phoenix. "Go."

The first time he fought with Zongjing, he was really exhausted.

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