Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1754: Extinguish his family

Ming Xi and Huo Huang returned to the city wall, and the voice of the Emperor Modi fell steadily.

If there is still doubt about Ming Xi's identity, now I see him and Modi stand together, it is like a replica of the Emperor, even the special eyes are exactly the same, the entire Xuantian continent can not find a third This kind of eyes.

They really are fathers and sons!

"Mo Di, do you really have a son with the demon king?" Li Xianrong stood up and pointed to the Modi question.

"The son of the demon king..." Wu looked at Ming Xi, and wanted to see if there was a shadow of Ye Hao on Ming Xi’s body. They just saw the fight between Ming Xi and Li Moqun. This child is absolutely It’s the second Modi. It’s terrible to be able to win a prestige when you are so young.

Modi smirked out, "Who is the son of my son, when is it your turn to question?"

"If it is someone else, we can't ask questions naturally, but if it is the evil king, the emperor, the demon king is the natural enemy of all the people in the Xuantian continent. Do you want to protect her like this?" Li Xianrong called.

No one else spoke. In front of Modi, their momentum seemed to be suppressed. In particular, they saw that Mo Taizun was now being stunned by the people who were too one, if not because of the existence of the evil king. Terrible, they don't want to come here and oppose Modi.

You must know that Modi is a scary existence than the Devil King.

Modi’s thin lips smirked, “How about even if I want to be an enemy of the world?”

How can one sentence with a strong spiritual pressure overwhelming, everyone feels that the sea is oppressed.

"Mucheng Lord, can you let us see... Ye Hao?" Wu Yan stood up and asked sincerely.

Ye Hao’s identity in Dashengzong is not low. He is the registered disciple of their ancestors. This time he came to Tianzhu City, not to crusade, but to come to Ye Hao to ask clearly, to be honest, they do not want leaves. He has nothing to do with the Demon King.

"I don't see." Modi refused faintly. "In three days, the city is still forced here. It is no wonder that Tianzhu City has no mercy."

Originally, everyone thought that Modi would explain at least a few words. Is he really not afraid that Ye Hao is the demon king? Actually, there is no even justification. This kind of intention is against the whole continent, but no one can protest.

"Mu Chengzhu, your cultivation is deep, don't forget that there are quite a few masters in this continent. When everyone joins together, can you keep the city of Tianzhu not necessarily, you have killed the evil king in order to protect the mainland. Now it is necessary to offend the whole continent for the demon king. Is it worth it?" Lu Wushuang did not care for the help of Wu, and stood up and asked.

"I will say it again." Mo Di did not look at Lu Wushuang. "Ye Ye is the wife of my Tianzhu City. Who dares to hurt her, I destroy his family."


It seems as if the voice is lost between heaven and earth, and everyone is shocked and incredibly watching Modi.

For a woman who might be an evil king, he actually...

If Ye Hao wakes up to become a new generation of the demon king, if she and Modi join hands, who else is the logarithm of the entire continent? And their son may be the high priest...

Ming Xi looked up at Modi, and sometimes he wondered whether this man was his father or the Emperor.

Only the father and the emperor will do this for the mother, even if they are enemies with the whole world, they must protect the mother.

"You... are you not afraid of being rebellious? Are you subordinates around you, are you... are you just like you, willing to be a traitor with the evil king?" Li Xinxin asked with tears in her eyes, she always thought that Modi was a ruthless and unloving People, today only know that he is not ruthless and loveless, his love and love have been given to Ye Hao.

Ask who in the world can be like him, for a woman and the whole world as an enemy.

Modi looked at everyone with a glance. "I don't want to stay in Tianzhu City, I don't insist."

The four guards standing on the wall looked at each other and there was no hesitation in their eyes.

Yin Siyue looked at Mo Di, she was ordered not to return to the tower, and once she sneaked back and was seriously injured by Ye Hao, she did not dare to let go now, only hope to stay in Tianzhu City, as for Ye Hao... If She is really an evil king, not necessarily able to stay with the city owner.

"Go back." Modi picked up Mingxi and ignored the people outside the city and turned away from the city wall.

"Let me go, I can go by myself." Mingxi cried, and a little touch of Modi in his heart disappeared instantly.

Modi threw him to the ground. "Who made you go to the city wall? Isn't it for you to stay with the tower to accompany your mother?"

"Mother is in the castle, I am coming out to see who is looking for her trouble." Ming Xi sorted out the clothes on his body, and also with the childish face of the powder carving jade, if it is not in the eyes and the age is not consistent, Anyone who saw him could not imagine that he had just beaten a tyrant.

"You don't need to go see it." Modi said coldly, "You are already hard to protect yourself, do you want to be your mother?"

Ming Xi looked at him like a smile. "I don't want to be my mother. Who else is in front of my mother? You? What is your identity?"

"What do you mean by me?" Modi looked at Mingxi coldly. "Ming Xi, don't make me angry, especially recently."

"When did you know that my mother had the smell of magic Dan?" Ming Xi asked.

"Recently." Modi whispered back, "Your mother will not be the demon king."

Mingxi said, "If the magical dragon is awakened? Even if my mother does not have the **** of the previous generation of the demon king, but the magical Dan is the inheritance of the ancient demon king, if she is affected by the magic, she may become... the demon king."

Modi naturally thought about this possibility. He smiled. "Even if she becomes the demon king, it is also a different kind of demon king."

"It seems that you are not worried that my mother will become the demon king." Ming Xi looked at Modi brightly. "Because we will send us back to the mainland, so you don't worry, right?"

"Give you back to the mainland, for your good." Modi said faintly.

Ming Xi looked at the tall and straight figure of Modi. He wanted to protect his mother, so he had to block the memory before he was sent back to the mainland.

"Then why don't you go back with us?" Mingxi chased him up. "You should know that when the mother returns to discover the truth, she will be very sad."

"Yeah." Modi faintly said, "You will spend more time with her."

"You really don't want to be in love when you are a mother?" Ming Xi couldn't help but ask.

Modi smiled. "You don't know your mother."

Mingxi glanced at him. "It seems like you know it."

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