After Ye Muxin returned to the Great Saints, he had only seen Ye Jingyi once. It was originally a feeling of no emotion. Now, when she hears her say this, the impression is even worse.

"Ye Ye is in the city of Tianzhu, there will be nothing." The whispered.

"Tai Zun also thinks that Ye Hao is the reincarnation of the demon king?" Ye Muxin asked.

"It doesn't matter who she is," said the faint sigh. "I am leaving the Great Saints for a few days."

Ye Muxin’s heart, “Tai Zun, too respectful!”

The supremacy has already disappeared in the air with Ye Jingyu.

"No, I am going to Tianzhu City to find Ye Hao." Ye Muxin slammed his feet and must let Ye Hao know that she believed her.

At this time, more and more warriors went to Tianzhu City. The maintenance of Ye Di by the Emperor Modi made everyone feel fear. When the Devil and the Emperor really joined forces, the whole continent would be none of them. Opponent.

It must be removed from the leaves and leaves.

"The people outside haven't dispersed yet?" Ye Hao stood outside the door and looked at the unusual sky ahead. There should be a lot of warriors there, otherwise the enchantment would not fluctuate.

"No." Fire Phoenix came to Ye Hao's side. "Hey, you don't think about going to see those people?"

Ye Hao took a look at the fire phoenix. Does she look so full?

"Ming Xi?" Ye Hao asked, will not go to the city wall and fight with others.

"He went to the city owner, it seems to go to see the flying ship." Fire Phoenix said, "Hey, are you really going to leave here?"

Ye Hao smiled and licked the head of the fire phoenix. "Of course, go back, you know, I don't belong here."

How can it not belong here? If it does not belong here, she will not have the body of Tianling and Tongfeng.

"That... then you are willing?" Fire Phoenix whispered, he always thought that Modi was too ruthless to Ye Hao. Yesterday at the city wall, he realized that it was not like this. If he loved too much, he would be more afraid of Ye Hao. A little hurt.

He actually suspected that Modi had already restored his memory, but he pretended not to remember it.

"What do I have to be willing? You and Mingxi are going back with me, here..." Ye Hao smirked. "For me, it is just a dream."

"There is no one else?" Fire Phoenix asked with a smile.

Ye Hao glanced at him. "What do you want to say?"

"Do you know what the city owner said to those people yesterday?" The fire phoenix flies and dances, and straightens up and pretends to be a mighty domineering. "Ye Ye is the wife of my Scorpio City. Who dares to hurt her, I destroy his family." ""

Yesterday, when Modi said on the wall, she had already heard from Bai XIII.

She knew that everyone outside was crusting her, and she had already hated her as an evil demon. She was ready to leave Tianzhu with Mingxi. She did not think that Modi would be against the whole continent in order to protect her.

But he really did.

He actually... for her, deliberately let everyone's hatred be transferred to him.

why? Why is he so good to her? He and Mo Rongzhan are not the same person. The first time he saw him, his resistance to her was so obvious, and he always wanted to send her away, as if her existence was his trouble.

"What about that? Is it necessary for me to go to find Mingyu and Murong Cham? They are my family." Ye Hao whispered.

"Oh, actually the city owner is he..." Fire Phoenix couldn't help but want to tell Ye Hao the truth.

"Little fire!" Mingxi interrupted the words of the fire phoenix and walked in from outside the yard. "Mother, the flying ship was quickly built. The Mocheng master said that she would take us to the mainland of China in a few days. ”

Ye Hao finally showed a long-lost smile. "Really? That's great."

Fire Phoenix frowned and glanced at them, sighing in the heart, where is better, the more terrible truth is still behind, he could not imagine that Ye Hao went back and found that Murong Zhan had not been there, and Mo Di was Murong Cham, to What should she do when she is?

"Oh, actually..." Huo Huang felt that she would tell Ye Hao the truth first. At least, she could not let her hate the city owner to leave.

"You are not saying that you want to take me to the Suzaku Hall? Take me to you." Ming Xi slammed the shoulders of the fire phoenix and prevented him from speaking.

Fire Phoenix looked at Mingxi and said to Ye Hao, "Hey, let's go to the Suzaku Hall first."

"Go." As long as it is not going to the wall, it will do.

Two children of almost the same size gradually walked away, and Ye Hao smiled and turned into the house.

Fire Phoenix broke away from Mingxi’s hand. “Why don’t you tell the truth? You don’t think so... is it too bad?”

"Where is it bad? If my mother knows it, it will only be more sad." Ming Xi said calmly, he also hesitated, and finally felt that it was better.

He resented the father's choice, but when he calmed down and thought about all the consequences, he had to admit that he was doing the right thing.

"You only know that you will be sad, then what about your father?" Fire Phoenix asked. "I hate the city owner. When I finally leave, I still have to leave with hate. They don't even have true farewell. Is the city owner? Wouldn't it be sad? You also saw that the city owner has restored his memory. He is your father."

"This is his choice." Ming Xi whispered, "He should have thought of this, even if you want to tell my mother the truth, it is he to say."

"Ming Xie..." Fire Phoenix took the hand of Ming Xi. "Don't you have any feelings for your father?"

Ming Xi smiled innocently, "Of course, but my father...not the city owner here."

"I don't care, I want to tell you the truth." Fire Phoenix screamed.

"And then?" Ming Xi calmly asked, "Looking at her painfully making a choice? Do you think she will ignore Mingyu? Is it safe for her to stay here?"

Fire Phoenix was asked to speak, he forgot to have Ming Yu.

"That's it." Mingxi waved his hand. "Let's go, let's go to the Suzaku Hall."

"I really want to burn Ye Jingyu into charcoal!" Huohuang resentfully slammed his feet. If it were not Ye Jingwei, Ye Hao would not fall into such a predicament.

"Ye Jingwei is the demon king." Ming Xi clenched a small fist. "She is best not to appear in Tianzhu City."

The fire phoenix whispered, "If she dares to come, I will go with you to bring her back to the glacier."

"You are more and more like a child." Ming Xi smiled.

"You are a child!" Fire Phoenix snorted and thought carefully, as if it was wrong. "I was a child."

Mingxi glanced at him. "You let me see what you look like. Is it really so handsome?"

"No, what should I do if I am seen?" Fire Phoenix shook his head firmly.

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