Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1757: I am not afraid of trouble

Ye Hao returned to the space to practice, but she was still unable to calm down today, probably because she was able to leave now, so she couldn’t calm down and practice. She took a deep breath and wanted to concentrate on cultivation. When she closed her eyes, she thought of Modi unconsciously in her mind, remembering the crowd outside the city today, those people were coming to her, she did not appear, and those people transferred all the anger to Modi. On the body.

She didn't want to owe the Emperor, but now it seems... I don't want to owe him.

She shook her head and wanted to take out the Emperor in her mind, but I didn't know what was going on. There was still no way to cultivate.

Forget it, she still went to see it.

Ye Hao ate Yi Rongdan, and this went out of space and went to the direction of the city wall.

She just left the tower, and Modi immediately sensed it.

"The city owner, my wife went out." Fenyi whispered to Modi.

"Yeah." Modi looked at the flying ship and said, "Continue to watch."

The Fei Ling boat is about to be completed soon, and he is thinking that he will be sent away soon. His mood is not very good. He has not seen her in these days, and he does not want to make things that he can’t control.

She actually left the tower at this time.

"What about my wife?" Modi gave a voice to White Thirteen, and he let White Thirteen protect Ye.

"The city owner, the lady went to the city wall, and the subordinates could not persuade." Bai 13 soon returned.

Modi sighed helplessly, and he knew that she would definitely go to the city wall. Isn't she afraid of being recognized?

"Madam, it’s too dangerous for you to come out like this." White Thirteen chased behind Ye Hao, how long it took to see, how the lady’s cultivation became so leaps and bounds, he couldn’t catch up with her.

"They won't recognize it," said Ye Hao.

It’s hard to recognize the white scorpion that looks like a teenager. However, it is still impossible to take risks.

"Mrs, where are you going?" He also followed Ye Hao's body and saw Ye Hao's appearance after taking Yi Rongdan. He remembered that the city owner seemed to have returned with a teenager and spent the night in the house. It turned out that the boy was a lady.

“Do you have a lot of people outside the city of Tianzhu?” Ye Hao asked. “Who are there? They want to see me, then kill me?”

"No one dares to kill you." Bai XIII said.

The city owner said, whoever dares to hurt her, will destroy people and discourage them. Now no one dares to say anything to kill her.

They are now calling to kill the devil.

"Where is the most people?" The south is the flame desert. I don't think anyone will go there to attack the city. If you accidentally provoke a beast, you may be left with no residue.

"East, in Qinglongmen." Bai XIII said that he couldn't wait to hit his mouth. "Mrs. The city owner said, you can't go to the wall."

Ye Hao said, "I am not looking for them to fight."

She did not have the cultivation of Mo Di, nor did she have the undead martial arts of Ming Xi, she was not so stupid to fight against those people.

However, after all, these people are here for her only, how about it, she should also take a look, what exactly she did, actually made the whole continent so angry.

As Ye Hao's cultivation was improving, her flight speed was much faster than before, and she soon arrived at the Qinglongmen City Wall.

"So many people?" Ye Hao has not yet taken to the city wall, and has already seen the crowd outside the city.

"Several sects, several kings have sent people." Bai 13 whispered, only hope that people will not find Ye Hao.

Ye Hao was trying to look forward, and suddenly heard a voice coming from under the city.

"The smell of the magic Dan! The devil is coming!"

"Yes, this is the breath of the magic Dan two hundred years ago..."

This time, I came to Tianzhu City, except for some new disciples. The elders of Zongjing have experienced the great battle of the year, so they sensed the familiar atmosphere.

Ye Hao was shocked. Couldn't Yi Rongdan actually cover her magical scent?

"Madam, you can't go anymore." White thirteen stopped Ye Hao and prevented her from going forward.

"They... are they going to kill me?" Ye Hao whispered.

"Mo Di, call Ye Hao."

"Call the demon king!"


Because of the emergence of Ye Hao, everyone began to anger again.

Standing at the forefront are Wu Yi and Li Xianrong and other heads and elders, and even the blood spirits and Tai Yimen's Taizun are coming.

If it weren't for the enchantment of the city wall, they would have found Ye Hao's place.

"If...you have never handed me over to the city, will these people leave?" Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

White Thirteen looked at Ye Hao, "maybe."

"Maybe?" Ye Hao slightly frowns, with the temperament of Mo Di, certainly will not tell these people that she has returned to the mainland, he may prefer to be an enemy of everyone, "If I am not here, they will think that it is the Emperor I hide it, and Scorpio City will become the second inflammatory field, right?"

"Madam, you don't have to worry, they are not the opponents of the city." Bai XIII said.

Of course they are not opponents of Modi, but if they join hands? Even if she leaves Xuantian mainland in the future, these people should not believe it.

"Your city owner... really intends to be an enemy of the whole continent?" Ye Hao whispered, she did not want to owe the Emperor, if because of her, he would become the enemy of the entire continent, she returned to the human continent, It will certainly be guilty. "If they know that I want to go back to the mainland, maybe it will be better."

what? White thirteen stunned.

Ye Hao just walked two steps to the front, still not showing his face, has been caught by the waist, and instantly returned to the city.

"What do you want to do?" Moody's low voice rang in her ear, which sounded a little unpleasant.

"I want to let those people know that I don't belong to the Xuantian continent at all. I am not an evil king. As long as they know that I am going back to the world, they will..." Ye Hao explained.

"What will it be? Will you believe that the Demon King will never appear again? If they try to go to the mainland, what do you do then? What about the mortal people on the mainland?" Modi asked coldly.

Ye Hao was silent, she did not think about this problem.

"Go back with me." Modi said, "Don't come to the city wall again, those people are not afraid."

"It is not enough fear, but after I left, what should I do in Tianzhu City?" Ye Hao whispered.

Modi looked at her lowly. "Are you worried about me?"

"I just don't want to owe you." Ye Hao avoided his sight and kept a two-step distance with him.

"You didn't owe me, I owe you." Modi smiled faintly, "Go back!"

Ye Hao looked back and said, "They have now transferred all the anger to you. If I leave in the future, you will be in trouble."

"I am not afraid of trouble," said the Emperor.

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