Ye Hao sideways avoiding the kiss of Mo Di, her heartbeat disorder, for so long, she was so hard to let her calmly face him, but her inner guilt still did not decrease, she did not know how to face back Murong Cham.

She does not want to have any connection with Modi.

Modi did not force her, but looked at her with a burning gaze. In the depths that Ye Hao did not find, he also had struggles and pains.

"Since the Flying Ship is almost the same, then... When will I leave?" Ye Hao felt his eyes, she did not dare to look up, and lowered her head to avoid.

"Three days later, we will leave." He whispered, there were no other people around, as if there were only them left between heaven and earth. "It takes a month to go to the mainland from here."

Ye Hao suddenly raised his head. "It takes so long?"

"It's already very fast. If you don't have this flying ship, it will take at least three months." Modi said with a smile. "A month later, someone will help me open the world, and then you will go back with Mingxi."

"Oh." Ye Hao nodded gently.

"Oh..." Modi's breath sank.

Ye Hao pulled out a smile. "I have been out for a long time. Mingxi should be looking for me. I... I went back."

Modi forced her into her arms. "Hey, I really want to tie you to me, take you everywhere."

"What do you say?" Ye Hao lived. In this case, Murong Zhan also said before. Now that she heard Modi say this, she is a bit embarrassed. She does not know whether the person in front is Murong Cham or Mo Di.

"I want to leave you there." Modi said in a dumb voice, bowed his head and kissed her lips.

Ye Hao wanted to push him hard, but he held her tighter.

"Modi!" Ye Hao cried angrily. "Let me go, let me go!"

"I'm sorry." Modi gasped and let go of her.

"You are not him..." Ye Hao looked at him with red eyes. "I have already blamed myself for not knowing how to face Azhan in the future. Can you stop..."

Modi screamed and interrupted her. "I said that the ink on the mainland is me, you don't need to be jealous."

"Not for me." Ye Yan said, "You are you, Azhan is Azhan."

"Oh..." Modi wanted to reach out and touch her cheek, and held back in the air. "Go back."

"Good." Ye Hao lowered his head and kept his distance as far as possible.

Back to the yard, Mo Di left without leaving more.

"Mother, where have you been?" Ming Xi and Huo Huang came out of the house and saw that Ye Hao appeared to be relieved.

"Go out and see." Ye Hao smiled. "I still went to see the Flying Ship, and we will soon be able to do it."

Ming Xi smiled. "Really? That's great."

"It's not good at all." The fire phoenix muttered and left, and I will regret it later.

"What are you talking about?" Ming Xi looked back at him with warning.

The fire phoenix flattened its flat mouth. "Don't you still want to see the White Tiger Hall? You still don't leave."



In the next two days, Ye Hao did not see Mo Di again. Huo Huang and Ming Xi did not know what to do in the Sifang Beast Hall every day. Even the white 13 did not see it. She wanted to find out what was going on outside. Not human.

On the third day, Ye Hao’s mood was tense and she would leave here tomorrow. She had not seen Mingxi for a day.

"See my son?" Ye Hao was puzzled and asked all the people in the yard. No one actually saw him. He certainly didn't know where to go.

"Mrs., slaves didn't see the young master."

Ye Hao was puzzled, and did not hear back to Mingxi’s several voices. Where did he go?

"Madam, are you looking for a young master?" White Thirteen rushed from the outside, with a smile on his face.

"Ming Xi?" Ye Hao frowned. As the white thirteen approached, she smelled a trace of blood on his body. "Are you injured?"

White Thirteen stiffened. "No, I am fine."

"What happened? Is it an accident?" Ye Hao’s heart panicked. "Is it Mingxi?"

"No, no, madam, young master." Bai XIII said in a hurry. "Madam, don't worry."

Ye Xie looked at Bai XIII. "Is it... the people outside have broken the city?"

"No..." White Thirteen also wants to conceal Ye Hao, and he is staring coldly at Ye Hao. He has to say, "In addition to the Great Sacred, the other places are too honorable, the enchantment is opened, they still Did not enter the city, the city owner is repairing the enchantment, the young master took us to fight the law with those people..."

"I will go and see!" Ye Hao thought of thousands of warriors outside. If those people came in, what should I do in the city that day?

White Thirteen stopped Ye Hao, "Mrs. You must not go, the city owner will not let you know, I am afraid that you will leave the tower, you... and the smell of the magic Dan, if it happens, those people will hurt you. ”

"What if they go into town? There are many innocent people in Tianzhu City." Ye Hao felt helpless. On that day, she felt that the outsiders had anger that could not be eliminated. They were afraid of her existence. The anger generated by fear is the least easy to eliminate.

Bai Xie smiled. "Madam, don't underestimate the city of Tianzhu. If the gates of Tianzhu City are so good to attack, it has already been smashed."

That is to say, Ye Hao still feels uneasy.

"What about your city owner?" Ye Hao asked.

"The city owner is on the other side of the city wall. When the enchantment is repaired, we will not have to pay attention to those people." Bai XIII deliberately said it easily. In fact, only they knew in their hearts that Scorpio City is now facing the anger of the entire continent. Even if the lady leaves here in the future, those people will not let go of the city owner. To put it bluntly, in addition to trying to destroy the demon king, they also want to take this opportunity to defeat the godly existence of the god.

The various sects and kings of the Xuantian continent have long seen that the city of Tianzhu is not pleasing to the eye, but they dare not show it and have been forbearing.

Ye Hao said, "I don't go to the wall, I will go see it?"

"Even if you can't say it, then you will listen?" Bai 13 asked bitterly.

"No!" Ye Hao said decisively, she will still go and see.

Bai 13 said helplessly, "Mrs, then you should never go to the wall."

Ye Qilian did not go back to the outside of the tower.

As soon as I arrived at the East Gate, Ye Hao knew that the situation here was more serious than that of Bai XIII. Although she did not stand on the wall, she could hear the sound and know what was going on outside, let alone a lot of warriors in the mid-air battle. Thunder is more spectacular than the killing battlefield she has seen.

"What about Mingxi?"

When Ye Hao’s words were just finished, he heard a squeaking scream in the air, and a burst of flames ignited, instantly engulfing dozens of people into the fire.

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