When Ye Hao returned to the East Qing Dynasty with 100,000 soldiers from the sea, he was already used to the battlefield's life and death. He also saw the battle of 100,000 soldiers. What kind of war scenes have been seen, now she looks at her son. In the war for her, the mood that was originally out of the house became angry and sad.

These people... Why do you want to crusade her?

Just because she has the smell of magic Dan, so she will damage the Xuantian continent in the future? Has she done anything that is damaging today?

Why do they attack the city?

"Madam, what are you going to do?" White 13 sees Ye Hao looking angry, worried that she is going out, and hurriedly stopped her.

Ye Hao cried in anger. "They said that I have the atmosphere of the magic Dan must be eradicated, then what are they?"

"Big guardian, how did you bring her?" Yin Siyue took the sword and saw Ye Hao here, her face became more ugly. "Do you still think it is not chaotic here? If you let her know her In the vicinity, those people will..."

"Stop!" Bai 13 drank her, "not to protect the young master!"

Yin Siyue was once injured by Ye Hao, knowing that she was not as good as Ye Hao. She was not willing to look at Ye Hao. "The young master does not need me to protect, there is a fire phoenix around him."

Scorpio City will be completely blessed by Yeh Yeh today. He also said that this woman has a body of phoenix and chalcedony. It is clearly a suffocating person. Fortunately, she will soon be sent back to the mainland. The city owner should be away from her. Far.

Ye Hao did not pay attention to Yin Siyue. She looked up at Ming Xi, and the city was already in a fiery red. Various exercises flashed, and it was too early to tell who was fighting.

"What is the situation outside?" Bai 13 frowned and asked.

Yin Siyue said, "Hey, those so-called famous sects are not good things at all. They are already a melee outside. As long as they are not killed by their own sects, which ones are not in our city, the young masters ordered them. They kill each other and don't care about them."

"Sure enough, the same as the city owner said." White thirteen snorted. "You go to the city wall to guard the young master, I will come right away."

"Good." Yin Siyue secretly glared at Ye Hao.

White 13 looks at Ye Hao, "Mrs, I am going to call the young master back."

"No." Ye Hao looked up at the air. "He played very happy."

Yes, as a mother, she knows her son better than anyone else. I can see that Mingxi is very happy. His practice has been handy, and it is more seamless with the fire phoenix. The Emperor said that Mingxi belongs to Xuantian. Continental.

Even if she knew that this was the truth, Ye Hao was still reluctant to leave Mingxi, so she was selfish.

Just when Mingxi couldn't beat the warriors, he suddenly appeared four figures behind him, and a heavy and fierce pressure was spread from the four of them.

"Who is that?" Ye Hao's heart was tight, and she could feel the terrible atmosphere of the four people so far away.

"The blood spirit of the sage is too respectful, the ancestors of Taiyi, the Tang and the state-owned elders of the country!" Bai XIII said, his face became heavy.

Ye Xiaomei looked at Mingxi with a wrinkled look. She had never heard of these people before, but only listening to their identity, they all know that it is definitely not low. Do they want to join forces to deal with Mingxi?

Just thinking, Ye Hao saw that the four of them shot at the same time.

"Don't shame!" Ye Hao came out and actually joined hands to deal with a child, they are not afraid of shame.

"Madam, I am going to help the young master." White Thirteen has already rushed out.

In addition to Bai XIII, Shen Ying and Yin Siyue also went to help, but Li Xianrong and Lu Wushuang also appeared to block them.

Mingxi still has to face the four great warriors alone. Even if there is a fire phoenix to help him, it still looks like a single force.

Ye Haoqiang resisted before he rushed out.

"You a few shameless, actually have to join hands to deal with a child!" Suddenly, a slender figure appeared in the side of Ming Xi, screaming at the four great warriors.

"Yemu heart, you are crazy!" Lu Wushuang angered, "Which side are you?"

"Of course I am on the side of justice, so I have never seen these few old guys who add up to hundreds of years to bully a child." Ye Muxin cried.

Lu Wushuang was so angry that he wanted to kill Ye Muxin with his own hands.

"Ye Muxin, come down immediately!" Ye Boshu said with great anger, his Yejia girl actually went to help the son of the demon king, isn't it necessary to make their Ye family become the target of the public?

"Grandfather, Auntie has never done anything that hurts the world. How could she be the Demon King?" Ye Muxin wanted to speak for Ye Hao, but her words have not been finished yet, and she has been arrested by Ye Shizhong.

Ye Hao held his fists tightly and his eyes looked straight up.

This time, the opponent was never met by Ming Xi, and it was more difficult than before.

Fire phoenix...

Ye Hao rounded his eyes and looked at the fire phoenix that suddenly became a teenager. What happened?

"I don't die, you have already completed the cultivation?" One of the big warriors called out in surprise.

No one in Xuantian mainland can practice the immortality to the tenth floor. No, almost no one can cultivate the secrets of the evil spirits. This child is already perfect at such a young age, saying that he is not Who believes in the son of Yanmo Wang?

"Kill him!"

"It’s just a matter of fact. You guys are old and die. It’s great to win a child. Why don’t you dare to challenge the city?” Fire Phoenix yelled angrily, and Mingxi’s back to block their attacks.

Although Mingxi did not die and practiced to perfection, but he did not learn how to learn other exercises. He only recently learned a few from the fire, and it was not enough to deal with the four great warriors.

One of the big warriors summoned the spirit beast, the spirit beast is like a big snake, but there is a pair of huge wings behind it, it growls, and Zhang Kai's big mouth bites toward Mingxi.

"Young Master!"

"Ming Xi!"

Ming Xi was entangled in two big warriors, and the fire phoenix was also entangled. No one could come and help her.

Ye Hao feels a sea of ​​hot air, and she feels that she seems to be different.

The flying snake has come to the front of Ming Xi, Zhang mouth will bite Ming Xi.

Just when everyone thought that Mingxi would be bitten by a flying snake, a petite figure appeared on the head of the flying snake.

"I want to hurt my son, have you asked me?" The wind whistled, the ink-colored hair fluttered in the wind, and she became the most eye-catching light.

"The devil king!" The people below yelled.

Ye Hao coveted the densely-armed warrior, and the short sword in his hand pierced the head of the serpent. A sword was drawn down and the snake ribs were drawn out.

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