Ye Hao is stiff, only the heart is shaking with fear. The man in front of her is exactly the same as the man she loves. Whether it is looks or breath, she will easily regard him as Murong Cham, how she hates him, Can't kill him, and don't say that her strength is not as good as him. If she really angers him, how can she go to the mainland?

For this day, she has been waiting for a long time. Every day she is thinking about Mingyu and Murong Cham. She is willing to pay any price just to be able to return to the person she loves.

She has never been a person who is easy to give in, but now she is in front of him, she does not know how to persist.

"Oh..." Modi’s voice was as cold and indifferent as ever, as if with a restraint, I don’t know what to suppress. “What do you think I want to do?”

"Why? You can have other requirements." Ye Hao's lip color is pale, and he trembles gently because of anger.

He is no longer as strong as he is, but more like to appease her. "I only want you."

He doesn't want anything, just wants her.

"I hate you, I hate you..." Ye Hao clenched her hand and her knuckles were slightly white.

Modi held her tightly in her arms, and there was no gap between the two bodies. "You can treat me as Murong Cham, I was originally him."

"You don't deserve to compare with him." Ye sighed.

"I don't have to compare with him." Modi took a bite in her pink lips, and the tone was arrogant, "Kiss me!"

Ye Hao tightened her lips, how could she be willing to do such a thing.

The dark scorpion of Modi stared at her with enthusiasm, concentration, affection, and a bit of pain that could not be concealed. Unfortunately, Ye Hao closed her eyes and saw nothing.

"Hey, open your eyes and look at me." Modi's voice was low and cold, and he could not resist the command.

If she angered him today...

Then she could not be on the mainland of God. Even if she had a chance in the future, she did not know when she would wait until she saw the Flying Ship. It was not something she could do.

Compromise... In addition to compromise, she doesn't know what to do?

Ye Hao slowly opened his eyes, a pair of black and clear eyes like water being soaked in grapes, his eyes filled with hatred and sadness to him.

He protected her in the city of Tianzhu, and she was moved and even decided to forgive him...

"Oh." Seeing her open her eyes, Modi smiled and licked her lips, and bowed her head gently, "Kiss me, oh."

As before, he actively plunged into his arms and kissed him with enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

"No..." Ye Hao shook her head. She couldn't do it. No matter how long he looked like Murong Cham, she couldn't respond to him.

"Two choices, leave, stay." Modi loosened her hand and stopped clamping her.

Ye Hao stood trembling gently, she was too clear what his words meant.

Leaving, that is to choose to stay in the Xuantian continent, and then no longer see the ink Rongzhan and Mingyu, will turn away into a farewell.

Leave... that is what he wants, like he was in the clean room that day, by him... by him...

"Don't go, that is to stay." Modi sticks to her cheek, his face is cold, and even the voice is chilly. Only he knows how much he is reluctant to see her like this, but he I want to be with her even more, even this one night.

"Why can't you let me go?" Ye Hao put his hands on his shoulders and prevented him from approaching her again.

Modi hugged her up and walked over to the hot spring pool inside.

"You have blood on your body, wash it first." Modi was cold and indifferent, and his voice was cold and sweet, listening to Ye Hao's ear, like the magic sound from hell.

He did not give Ye Hao a chance to refuse. He had skillfully took off the clothes that had dyed the snake's blood for her. It seems that such an action has been done countless times, watching her seductive and delicate body, Modi's The eyes were slightly dark, and she hugged her into the pool.

"I wash myself, don't touch me." Ye Hao's voice implies anger and humiliation.

Modi looked at her with a dull look. This time he actually listened to her words and took his hand back.

Just as Ye Hao thought that he would let her go briefly, his movements quickly and violently pressed her against the back wall and bowed down to kiss her.

"Oh..." Modi called her name in a dumb voice, and the emotion of chilling and cooling was almost unstoppable.

His breath is familiar and cold, like the ink-filled Zhan, Ye Hao wants to ignore all of this, but his existence is too strong, she wants to ignore it.

It’s time to endure it.

"Is it in my heart, is it a dog?" Modi looked at her expression of death, and loved and hurts.

He knows everything in her heart? Ye Hao suddenly opened his eyes and stared at him angrily.

Modi smiled dumbly, and the cold scorpion contained a few pets.

"Hey, how can I be willing to let you go." Modi rejoined her and kissed her, clinging to her delicate body, and gently feeling her warmth.

"Oh..." Ye Hao put his hands on his shoulders.

"Don't, don't!" Ye took his chest and wanted to struggle to leave.

"Oh, always remember me." Modi dropped his hickey on the chest of her shoulder.

Remember him, don't forget, he will definitely go back to find her in the future.

Ye Hao bites his shoulder, and the sweet taste spreads in his mouth.

Modi did not let her go.

"I..." She resisted and screamed out hard. "I won't remember you, absolutely not."

"You will." Modi took her out of the water and pressed it on the soft couch next to him. "Hey, I love you."

There was tears in her eyes, and she seemed to hear Murong Chan whispering in her ear.

Modi gently kissed her tears. "Don't cry, hey, don't cry for me anymore."

"I am not for you, not for you..." Ye Hao cried.

"Don't cry, don't cry." Modi said dumbly.

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