Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1765: Don't approach him

Ye Hao didn't know that she had been asked by Modi several times, but she didn't know how many times she passed out. When she woke up, she was already dressed neatly on the flying ship.

"Hey, are you awake?" The fire phoenix, who was beside Ye Hao, noticed that Ye Hao woke up, and immediately jumped up in excitement, and the big wings fanned out a gust of wind.

"I..." Ye Hao was awake by the wind. She sat up on the bed and held her heavy head. "Where?"

The fire phoenix did not become a human figure. He leaned on the thigh of Ye Hao. "We have not been in the flying spirit ship for a long time. The city owner said that it is dark and it is not easy to be discovered by those people, even though they are the rabble."

"Are we flying in the ship?" Ye Hao lived. She held her forehead and tried to think back to everything last night. She was left in the study by Modi. He asked her again and again, and she didn’t know in her ear. She has completely lost her words.

"Yeah, hey, what's wrong with you?" Fire Phoenix whispered. "You slept heavily and told you that you haven't woken up for a long time."

"I..." Ye Hao looked around, "Ming Xi?"

"He and the city owner are talking on the ship's board." Huo Huang said.

Ye Hao’s look changed, “Mu Di He... is also on board?”

"Of course, if there is no city owner, we can't go to God's mainland." Fire Phoenix smiled. "Hey, you went down to the city owner yesterday, and you are with the city owner all day, you..."

"Go out!" Ye Hao did not want to think about what happened with Modi. "You go out first."

"Oh, your face... very red." Fire Phoenix whispered.

Ye Hao looked at him indifferently. "Is it necessary for me to settle accounts with you?"

When I heard Ye Hao say this, the fire phoenix flew out.

There was only one person left in the room. Ye Hao opened the quilt and checked herself. She was already dressed neatly. Needless to say, she also knew who was wearing it for her, and the hickey on her... It has disappeared.

When I thought of Mo Di, Ye Hao’s heart was like a heavy punch, and it was stuffy and painful.

"At least keep the credit, isn't it?" Ye Hao sneered sneer, she was already in the flying ship, and when she got to the mainland, she could go back.

Go back to her original place, forget everything here, and treat it as a dream.

However, can she forget Mo Di?

Ye Hao rubbed her face with her hands. When she thought of going back to face the ink-filled Zhan Zhan, she would always think of everything that was with Modi here. She blamed herself for wanting to die.

Modi is right, she can't forget him.

"Mother..." Mingxi didn't know when it was coming, standing at the door and watching her worriedly.

"Ming Xi." Ye Haoqiang pulled out a smile and waved at him. "What?"

Ming Xi slowly walked in and sat down at the window and looked at her. "Listen to the fire and say that you are awake, so I will come to see you."

"I'm fine." Ye Hao took Ming Xi's hand and looked at him with a smile. "We will soon be able to go back to see your father and sister."

"Yeah." Ming Xi bowed his head and his eyes flashed a sad feeling. "Mingyu must miss her mother very much. She likes to stick to her mother."

"How can Mingyu stick to me the most, she likes your father most, and your father is with her, it should not be very sad." Ye Hao remembered that Mingyu likes to lie on the face of Murong Zhan, in the eyes The smile is a little warmer.

Mingxi looked at Ye Hao again and again. "Mother, you said, will the father and the emperor come to Xuantian continent?"

"No." Ye Hao shook his head. "The only gap is in space. He can't get in."

"Mo Di He..." Ming Xi clenched a small fist, and he was resentful of Mo Di, but he also knew that Modi was forced to do so.

Now that he has restored the memory of the human continent, he has finally become the father who loves his mother. However, he has to personally send them away.

Think about it carefully, the father is also very poor.

If he does not have the memory of the human continent, he can be indifferently separated from his mother. He continues to be the untouchable Mocheng Lord. If he does not have the memory of Xuantian, he can also let go here and leave with them, but He can't. He is the owner of the city of Scorpio. If he leaves, the entire city of Scorpio will be wiped out. Even if Scorpio City is fine, with his cultivation, there is no way to escape the attention of the saints on the mainland.

He left behind to let them leave safely.

"Don't mention him." Ye Hao said coldly, "I don't want to see him either."

"You were yesterday..." Mingxi looked at Ye Hao suspiciously. He just wanted to ask his father to come with him, but the father said that he should not want to see him after his mother. What did he do to his mother?

"Nothing." Ye Hao said quickly, she looked at Mingxi. "What are you talking about outside? Does he want you to stay?"

This morning, after seeing her mother, she was still asleep, and she was still held in her arms by Modi. Mingxi could not pretend that she didn’t know anything. He went to find Modi and asked clearly, only to know that Modi had restored the memory of the human continent.

They talked a lot. Although Mingxi still has a bit of grievances in his heart, he can understand why he is doing this after he understands the difficulties of his father. He does not know whether he should let the mother know the truth.

The father wants him to say nothing, wait until the world is talking.

"Mother, he didn't let me stay." Ming Xi looked at the panic and vigilance on Ye Hao's face. He thought about what the father had done in the end, and forced his mother to do this. Would he let his mother resent him? Would it be better?

"Then he..." Ye Hao’s face was white, did he tell Mingxi about what happened between them? No, she didn't want her son to know what his mother had done, and she couldn't face her children for the rest of her life.

"Mother, he just let me take care of you." Mingxi said with a smile.

The leaves are cold and clear, "You are farther away from him."

Ming Xi smiled and asked, "Mom, do you want to go out and see, the outside is very beautiful."

"You go first, I will go out later." Ye Hao said with a smile, "I want to take a rest."

"Father of Emperor..." Mingxi said, and quickly said, "The Mocheng Lord is not outside, you can rest assured."

Ye Hao frowned and said, "I am not avoiding him."

"Mother, then I will go out first." Ming Xie showed a bright and bright smile.

"When we left today, did the people outside the city not find it?" asked Ye Hao.

Ming Xi said, "Our flying ships are invisible, and... even if they found out?"

This tone... Listening like how it is like Modi!

"Okay, I know." Ye Hao looked at Mingxi and said, "Don't go too close with Modi."

"Why?" Ming Xi asked in confusion.

Ye Hao powder moved a few times. "You didn't hate him before? How come you get used to it?"

"Mother, I didn't say hate him." Ming Xi smiled.

"In short, you listen to me." Ye Hao forced orders.

Mingxi nodded hard, "OK, I listen to you."

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