Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1766: Don't be afraid of me

Ye Hao sat in the wing for a while. She didn't want to think about what happened last night, but she couldn't help but think of an indifferent and calm face. She knocked on her head and wanted to put the man. Drive out of my mind.

I really hope... I never remember him.

What can I do? If you want to completely forget such a face, unless she forgets Murong Cham.

Don't think about it! Ye Hao took her head, she took a deep breath, or found something else to do, so that she could forget about last night.

When Ye Hao got out of bed, she found that she was a little unstable. Her repairs were not low, and she was able to consume such a large amount of physical energy. It can be seen that yesterday, Modi was unclear to her.

She has been to a flying ship before, although she is not particularly familiar with everything here, but at least know how to go.

They were already in the clouds, and all they saw were blue sky and white clouds. The ground could only see the fog, and even did not know where.

"Hey, you are coming out." Fire Phoenix first discovered Ye Hao and immediately waved his hand.

Ye Hao looked at the ship board, except for the white thirteen, only Mingxi and Huohuang were here.

Did not see Mo Di, Ye Hao's mood is relaxed.

"How do you become a child again?" Ye Hao looked at the fire phoenix slightly, she almost forgot, she still has nothing to do with him.

"Habit... I got used to it." The fire phoenix smiled happily. He felt that it was better to get along with them and become a teenager... she would definitely make him even more embarrassed.

Ye squatted in the ears of the fire phoenix and sneered and raised his eyebrows. "Habit? Your habit is really stubborn. After so many years, you can still glare at me."

The fire phoenix wowed, "I really didn't mean it. When I was on the mainland, I didn't make it. I was born again in advance. I really look like this..."

"When did you grow up?" Ye Hao remembered that she had been sleeping with him not long ago. "I am sleeping while you are sleeping. Why don't you say that?"

"..." The fire phoenix swallowed. "If I said it at the time, you are not going to turn me into a roast bird."

Ye Hao violently knocked his head a few times. "I also said that you have nothing to lie to me. You will bake you now."

"I want to eat roast leg." Ming Xi cried happily.

"..." Fire Phoenix rushed to Mingxi, "Is not wanting to be a friend."

Mingxi nodded. "You lied to my mother."

Fire Phoenix cried and begged for mercy. "Hey, I don't dare any more. You will spare me this time."

"Oh." Ye Hao loosened his ear. "The next time, I really turned you into a roast bird."

"There will be no next time, there will be no next time!" Huo Huang guaranteed.

Ye Hao walked and walked to the edge of the ship to see the scenery outside.

Ming Xi walked to the side of Huo Huang. "You just said, my mother is holding you to sleep?"

"I am holding my original body." Fire Phoenix corrected.

"You think..." Ming Xi smiled and said, "Can my father be heard?"

Fire Phoenix has not had time to breathe a sigh of relief, the look is completely frozen, what? I went, how did he forget the most important person? Although the city owner is not here, it does not mean that he did not hear what he just said.

Finished! He will be killed!

“Where are we now?” Ye Hao looked at Bai 13 and whispered, “Where do you go to the mainland?”

"Madam, we just left the area of ​​Tianzhu City, went to the mainland of God, and need to pass by the Yan field. We will not encounter any risks now. If we pass the field of the inflammatory domain and the ghosts, we can go to Tongtian River. In the upper reaches of the Tongtian River, it is the mainland of God." Bai XIII said.

Ye Hao took a deep breath, and Bai San said that he was understated. Ye Hao was shocked. She went to the Yan domain. She hasn’t really gone in. It’s only at the border, she has already experienced life and death. Now I have to go through the ghostly secrets and the Tongtian River. I can imagine how dangerous it is.

Bai XIII said, "The lady is assured that there will be a city owner who will pass through the Yan domain safely."

"I know." No wonder Modi wants to make this flying ship, because the place to pass is too dangerous. If the flying ship is not strong enough, it can't resist the attack.

"Yes." White Thirteen looked at Ye Hao and stopped talking.

Ye Hao looked at the front with a faint gaze. On the way home, she was supposed to be excited, but she became inexplicably heavy.

“Will you go through the Great Saints?” Ye Hao suddenly asked.

White thirteen said, "Mrs want to go to the Great Saints? This... ask the city owner."

"That's all right." Ye Hao shook her head. She didn't want to talk to Modi again. She was not willing to mention it with him.

The lady seems to be awkward again with the city owner! Bai XIII thought in his heart. He found that the mood of the city owner seems to be very heavy today. He has never seen the city owner like this. "Madam, if you go to the city owner, the city owner will promise."

"You don't have to go find him, just like this." Ye Hao said faintly, looking back at Mingxi and Huohuang, "What are you thinking about?"

"No, we... Fire Phoenix said that there is a fruit tree in front of him, he is jealous." Ming Xi called the fire phoenix.

"..." Fire Phoenix is ​​screaming at Mingxi, is it really good to sell a small partner?

Ye Hao raised an eyebrow, "Where?"

"Just in front." Huo Huang pointed to the looming mountain in front.

"Go, don't run around." Ye Hao knows they can't sit here.

Mingxi and Huohuang looked at each other, and the eyes were flashed with excitement. The fire phoenix had become the original body, and the big wings screamed and opened.

"Mother, I am going to pick you some fruit." Mingxi jumped on the back of the fire phoenix, and the two flew out.

"Mrs. Do you need your subordinates to follow?" asked White Thirteen.

Ye Hao smiled and shook his head. "No, they are both powerful enough."

As long as it is not met by several big warriors, no one can hurt them.

White thirteen thought about it, the facts seem to be true.

"I am going back to the house." Ye Hao said softly, don't want to stay here more, just wait for Modi to meet.

"Yes." White thirteen lines.

When Ye Hao left the cabin, when he was preparing to return to the wing, he saw a long, straight figure coming out of the other room.

It was too late for her to escape, and the two met face to face.

"Oh." Modi's cold and indifferent nephew dyed a soft smile and looked at her with gaze.

Ye Hao's face sank, and the memory of last night appeared again in her mind. She opened her face and did not look at him.

“Is it still uncomfortable?” Modi came over to her.

"Don't come over!" Ye Hao was frightened and jerked back a few steps.

Modi stopped in the same place and looked at her in a faint manner. "I don't pass, don't be afraid."

He can't stand her so afraid of him.

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