Modi greedily looked at her white face like jade. He was really uncontrollable last night. Compared to the cave and the last clean room, he only wanted to break her into his bones and never want to Separation.

"I will send you to the border of God's mainland. When there will be saints to pick you up, I can't enter the mainland of God. Can't... send you back in person." Modi's voice was low and sweet, and he said that the next sentence was over. Don't hold myself close to her.

"Thank you." Ye Hao did not look at him, thank you coldly.

Modi smiled in his heart. She hated him so much that she didn't even look at him. The result was that he had expected it and he wanted it. What he didn't expect was that he would feel like a thousand arrows. .

"If I find an opportunity, I will go to the mainland to find you." Modi whispered.

Ye Hao’s look changed and became frightened and resisted. “No, when I beg you, when I return to the mainland, you don’t show up again, I don’t want to see you.”

Modi tightened his lips and said to himself in his heart, that is because she still doesn't know the truth. She doesn't know that he is Murong Cham, so she will say such words. If she knows, she will definitely not say this. of.

"Well, if you don't want to see it, I won't show it." Modi said mutterly, "Do you still feel uncomfortable?"

"No!" Ye Hao immediately replied, "I don't want to mention yesterday."

There was a bitter bitterness in the chest of Modi. "Okay, that... your magic Dan..."

Ye Hao frowned at him, she was very tired of facing him here, feeling that he was deliberately looking for words.

"You have become awakened by the magical dragon, are you?" The voice of Modi regained the cold and indifferent. "I can't feel the breath, you can already hide the breath of the magic, then your memory..."

"In addition to the other strength of the sea, I did not feel any change." Her memory is still her, there is no memory of the previous generation of the devil.

Therefore, she is not an evil king at all.

Modi looked at her with a clear light. "Because memory is reborn in Ye Jing's body, you only get the power of the Inflammatory King, which is the Magic Dan."

"Why did Ye Jingjing want me to go to Ye Family?" Ye Hao asked in confusion, she always thought that Ye Jingzhen was not that simple.

"No matter what her purpose is, it has no meaning." Modi said, waiting for him to safely send Ye Hao away, he will let people find out Ye Jingyu, the existence of this person is a threat to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao can't guess what Ye Jingjun wants to do now. Anyway, she has already returned to the mainland. No matter what happens, she has nothing to do with her.

"Yeah." Ye Hao faintly responded.

"Do you want to see you?" Modi whispered.

"Not sure to see." His voice was low and sweet, and she seemed to feel his breath. Ye Hao felt uncomfortable.

Modi saw her face float up two blushes, thinking she was uncomfortable, could not help but walk a few steps, "Hey, what's wrong with you, is it not uncomfortable?"

"No." Ye Hao replied in a cold voice. "You let me go, I have to go back."

"I checked it yesterday, I hurt you, you..." Modi looked at her scorchingly, and if her resistance was too obvious, he had already held her back to the room.

Ye Hao’s face was white, and he didn’t have to ask if he said where the inspection was. She was so angry that her lips were shaking. “You roll, don’t talk anymore.”

She looks fainted.

"I don't say it, but you look very bad." Modi hugged her up and said before she was struggling. "Don't resist me, hey, don't mess around me, yesterday's business." You don't want to come back again, although I really want to."

"..." Ye Hao was so angry that his eyes were black.

Modi sighed softly. He really couldn’t bear to see her. "The power of the magical Dan is too strong. You wake up in your sea, do you guide the power?"

"What?" Ye Hao groaned, his topic shifted too fast, she couldn't keep up.

"You are hot all over the body, and the sea is not very unstable." Modi asked in a low voice.

He was so reminded that Ye Hao only felt the strangeness of the sea, just because he saw him appear, so he did not pay attention to his own physical changes.

"You let me go, I can go by myself." Ye Hao said coldly.

Modi took her back to the room and asked her too many times last night. Her body of phoenix and chalcedony made his cultivation improve again. The magic of her body was powerful. Last night... I must have been full to a certain extent. If she does not divert her body meridians and let her cultivation improve, her body will certainly be unbearable.

"Do you want to control the magic dragon, or is it controlled by the magic Dan?" Modi asked quietly.

"That's also my business." Ye Hao pushed his shoulder. "Let me down."

Modi stared at her coldly, "Ye Ye."

His tone suddenly became cold, and Ye Hao remembered his madness last night, and he no longer resisted.

Back in the room, Modi laid an enchantment around him to prevent others from appearing to disturb them. He also sent a voice to Bai XIII, saying that he and Ye Hao were going to retreat.

"What do we mean by retreating?" Ye asked him.

"Nothing else." Modi put her on the bed, his sharp and angular face like a statue.

Ye Hao had to stand up and suddenly found that he could not move his body.

"Modi, what do you want to do?" Ye Hao cried in horror.

"Help you." Modi said faintly, reaching out to untie her clothes.

The shame of last night was still vivid, and Ye Hao thought that he wanted to torture her again, and he was angry and hateful. It was obvious that her cultivation had been promoted to the peak of the spiritual world. Why is it not his opponent, even a little room for resistance? nothing.

"Be obedient, don't let me be distracted, or I can't promise..." The words that were not finished were finished. He had sat down silently and took off her clothes.

Ye Hao knew what was behind him. She resisted humiliation and ignored the touch of his cold hands on her.

Modi’s hand was placed in her Dantian. “Attention to the sea of ​​sea, combine your spiritual power with the magic Dan.”



At the same time, Bai Shihe, who was on the ship's board, received the voice of Modi at the same time, and asked the white 13 next to him with suspicion. "What do you mean? Retreat in the flying ship?"

White thirteen patted him on the shoulder. "You know after your wife, in short, don't bother the city owner and my wife recently."

I feel more confused.

"Hey, the city owner sent his wife away, I don't know how long it will take." Bai 13 sighed, there is a lady in Tianzhu City, although the city owner can't see anything on the surface, but the mood is rare, even A lot of eyebrows are good for them.

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