Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1775: There will be a period

All the attention of Mo Di is on Ye Hao's body. The four great devils will have to take away Ye Jingzhen in the past, and they will be stopped by Bai Shihe and the phoenix. They are also close to Ye Jingwei.

"Let them go." Modi said faintly, he was not in a hurry to deal with Ye Jingwei, waiting for him to send Ye Xi and his mother away. He had time. Now, as long as Ye Hao is flat, it will be fine.

Ye Jingyan looked arrogantly and resentfully, she almost succeeded, but now she is supreme, she is so trustworthy!

"Don't want to go?" The straight, narrow eyes looked at Ye Jingyu indifferently, his voice was clear, but there was a cold warning.

"Go!" Ye Jingyi knows that Ye Hao’s body is not available anyway today, and that the supremacy is never the one who listens to her. If he does not help her anymore, she may not be able to move in the Yan domain.

Looking up to the leaves, I look at Ye Hao, "Ye Ye, there will be a period."

Ye Hao's soft and beautiful face showed a shallow smile, but did not say a word.

The fire phoenix machine took Ye Hao a few steps and watched it supremely.

"Mucheng Lord, we will meet again." The top of the mouth floated a smile, and in the sun, his smile was a little bit fluent.

"Nature." The voice of the Emperor Modi was cold, his eyes staring at him deeply, and they would naturally meet again. He will surely once again level the field.

Supremely, Ye Jingxi had been taken away. He nodded to Ye Hao and took the others away from the Flying Ship.

Modi immediately put Ye in his arms, "Is it okay?"

"Fire Phoenix!" Ming Xi called the fire phoenix, a pair of ready to rush out.

"You don't have to chase, the inflammatory field has enchantment, you can't get in." Modi said faintly, holding the waist and holding Ye Hao, "continue to leave here."

It seems that the appearance of Supreme and Ye Jingyu is just a small episode, which is not enough to keep him in mind.

"Is my mother all right?" Ming Xi looked at Ye Hao with concern.

Ye Hao was held in her arms by Modi. She had no difficulty struggling. When she heard Ming Xi’s question, she shook her head and said, “I’m fine, you don’t have to worry.”

"Check if there is any damage to the flying ship, and move it at full speed after repair." Modi told them to order it.

"Yes, the city owner." White thirteen and the shackles promised.

Modi’s cold and indifferent eyes turned to Mingxi. “Is there an injury?”

"Slightly hurt, it doesn't matter." Mingxi and Huohuang immediately shook their heads. Although the fires were powerful, they were not as good as them. Although they were an enemy, they were still handy and not injured. Hee practiced the immortal practice, the body is like a copper wall, it is not easy to hurt him.

"Are you injured?" Ye Hao was shocked and wanted to come out of the arms of Modi to see their injuries.

Modi tightened his arms and held her tighter. The cold and beautiful face was dark and inky, and his eyes were cold. "Don't move."

Ming Xi said, "Mom, I am fine, really, I and Huo Huang first went back to the room."

Seeing his son look as usual, Ye Hao knew that he was not injured, so he was relieved.

"Actually, I am fine, you can let me down." Ye Hao whispered to Modi.

"Don't talk." Modi's voice was as cold as ever, and the perfect chin, like the ice sculpture, was tight and looked like... very angry.

Ye Hao frowned at him and couldn't understand what he was upset.

Modi took her back to the room, and the cold and rough fingertips stroked her silky face. "What did Ye Jingzhen do to you?"

"I don't know, her cultivation is obviously not as good as me, but her gesture... I felt very painful when I saw it." Ye Hao licked his forehead, and the tingling in his mind was still very clear. "It seems that someone wants to force into my consciousness."

"The devil is best at taking control of the people, Ye Jingzhen will practice the demon king's exercises, but there is no body to practice the exercises, she will use your magic Dan to control you, if you see her again, be careful." The emperor reached out and rubbed her eyebrows for her.

Ye Hao avoided his hand. "I am fine."

Modi's hand was stiff next to her cheek. Suddenly, his fingers clenched her chin and bowed down.

His breath is cold, his lips are thin and elegant, his kiss is strong and hegemony, his tongue is invading every inch of her mouth, like sucking out her soul, and Ye Hao’s hands on his chest are gradually losing. strength.

"Hey!" Modi contained her twitching lips, and her tongue tipped lightly on her diamond-shaped lips. "I'm afraid I can't personally send you to the mainland."

Ye Hao heard a word, "What are you talking about? Do you want to eat?"

"No." Modi smiled softly, and his thin lips kissed her small, white chin. "Hey, I can't suppress it again. If I appear on the mainland, it will definitely attract the attention of other saints. You can't go back, I can only... send you to the border."

"As long as you can go back." After the recent incident, Ye Hao did not want to stay here.

The darkness of Modi’s darkness sank slightly, and she couldn’t wait to leave. He just wanted to leave her for some more time.

"In a few days, we will be separated." Modi bit her lip, "Oh, is it so deserving?"

Ye Hao looked at him and looked at the same face as Murong Chong. Apart from his red and black eyes, he and Murong Zhan couldn’t really find a difference. Because of the relationship between the eyes, he seemed to add a little more. The evil spirit is so cold, it’s really a picture of a man, so I can see the man who is the ultimate. "I have nothing to do with you."

"After going back, really want to forget me?" Modi kissed her eyebrows little by little, her long fingers holding her arm. "When I am looking for you, okay?"

"Where are you going to find me?" Ye Hao was frightened. "You don't forget that Azhan is also on the mainland, he is my husband."

Modi didn't know what to think, and the eyes of the quiet, ink-like eyes instantly looked like stars, and looked at Ye Hao with a burning look. "You want to eat and forget Dan, forget me, and he will forget him."

"Impossible! I just forgot about the Xuantian continent." Ye Hao frowned, did not believe what the Emperor said.

"I am the same person as him." Modi kissed her lips and glared at her softly. "What if you forget him?"

Ye Hao frowned and frowned. "As long as I am by his side, I will still remember him."

"Oh..." Modi felt that his heart seemed to be tightly grasped and released, and he held her tightly in his arms.

"Supreme he... What is the relationship with Ye Jingwei?" Ye Hao did not want to entangle the topic between them, the more she said the more heavy her mood.

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