When it comes to the supremacy, the Emperor’s eye-catching eyes are cold and cold. He remembers that she has just been shackled in her arms. Apart from him, he does not want to see other men meet her.

"Take off your clothes." Modi said coldly.

"You have a problem, when are you, what are you thinking about!" Ye Hao thought that he was estrus again, and his face was green, and he wished he had the ability to throw him out.

Modi did not speak, and had already calmed his face and began to untie her skirt. The tight thin lips still looked elegant and beautiful, but they were a little bit unpleasant.

"Stop, stop!" Ye Hao yelled, reaching out and holding the Emperor's big palm, "You...you crazy!"

"There is a supreme smell on the body." Modi calmed his face and threw all of her clothes out. He walked with Ye Xuguang’s naked body behind the screen. He didn’t know where he got the hot water. It’s clean.”

"..." Ye Hao stared at him incredulously, and there was a supreme smell on her body, how did he smell it.

Modi put her in the tub, then took off her clothes, revealing a wide, narrow, waist-necked, tall and straight body. The wheat skin has many scars and it looks a bit sexy.

Ye took his eyes, "I wash it, what do you take off your clothes?"

"Help you wash." Modi said, the long legs had already entered the tub, and the large tub had become narrow and narrow, and Ye Hao was sitting on his lap.

Her back was close to his chest and her body was stiff.

"I won't see you again in the future." Modi's hand fell on her body. "He is not a good person."

Ye Hao shivered in his arms. He had a rough scorpion in his hand. He had a shudder in her silky skin. She gnawed her teeth. "He is not a good person. Are you a good person?"

"I am not." Modi kissed her back neck skin. "Hey, I am killing countless people, overbearing and overbearing, and I have never been able to do things. I am only good to you."

Ye Hao’s heart moved, bowing his head to hide the uncomfortableness in his eyes.

"You haven't returned to me yet, what is the relationship with Ye Jingyu?" asked Ye Hao.

Modi tightened his arms and kissed her earlobe, and explained to her in a low voice. "The supreme is the high priest of the Yan domain. Unlike the king of the king, the high priests of each generation will personally choose the inheritor, two hundred years ago. The battle between the Xuantian continent and the Yan domain, the supremacy should be reborn, so it did not appear, the entire Yan domain, the only threat to the Yan Dewang, only him."

"I don't understand. I have been waiting for her for so many years. I haven't been waiting for her all the time. Since Ye Jingqi is back, he doesn't seem to be planning to put Ye Jingyu on the position of the Yan Devil." This is Ye Xun's intuition, just supreme. Ye Jing’s attitude is not like treating the demon king.

"The meaning of the existence of the high priest..." Modi's fingers gently rubbed the delicate skin of her waist. "The return of the sorcerer's reincarnation requires the high priest to help refine the magic dan, with the power to get the demon of all ages."

Ye said a little, "You mean, the magical Dan in my anger has not really refining the power?"

"You are different from the previous Demon King. The Devil has long been integrated with you. You don't need refining. You just... I don't know how to control the devil, so I will use Ye Jingyu to use magic to enter your knowledge. Her cultivation is basically robbing you of not taking your body, but she knows better than you how to use the magic of the magic Dan." Modi whispered, "She does not have the magic Dan, it will only be the inflammation of the memory of the demon king." And already."

If this is the case, then Ye Jingzhen is really not reconciled.

"I will be controlled by the devil in the future..." Ye Hao asked with some concern, if she went back to the world, it was a terrible thing.

Modi kissed her cheek, "No."

She is a kind and soft girl. Even if the magic of the magical dragon affects her, it will not change her nature. Today, because there is no defense, it will be taken by Ye Jing, and there will be no more next time.

"Also, I am going back to the mainland soon. There is no inflammation and you there. I will definitely not be affected by the devil." Ye Hao showed a happy smile.

Fire and him?

Modi picked up his eyebrows, did she avoid him as an illusion?

"I and the fire magic, make you feel scared?" Modi turned her body over, she was sitting on his lap, the distance between the two is more intimate.

"Don't I be afraid of you?" Ye Hao covered his chest with his hands, how could she not be afraid of him! This man's eyebrows are as jade, strong enough to be alive, and the wind is perfect. If she does not fall in love with Murong Cham, how can she not fall in love with him.

He is like a poison that emits a deadly breath, attracting everywhere...

Modi grabbed her waist and slammed into her. "Afraid of me, will you fall in love with me?"

Ye Hao bit his lip and glared at him with resentment.

Her white cheeks are stained with red blush, and even if she is angry, she still looks charming and feminine, making him deeply love her.

"I won't fall in love with you!" Ye Hao felt that there was a wave of waves coming from the body, and he hated himself so much that he could not resist him every time.

Modi contained her pink lips and prevented her from continuing to bite herself. The voice brought a smile. "The mouth is a small thing."

I don't know how long it took, Ye Hao was already groggy, and Mo Di finally took her out and replaced her with clothes.

"Well, only my taste." Modi buried her face in her neck, very satisfied with the fragrance of her body.

Ye Hao sneered two times, if not too tired, she really wants to marry him.

"What's wrong?" Modi kissed her chin. "Is it enough?"

"How long does it take to go to the mainland?" Ye Hao asked, his voice a little dumb.

Modi’s heart stunned. “I can only send you to Tongtianhe. It should be three days later.”

Ye Hao bent his lips and turned and fell asleep peacefully.

I was finally able to leave him, the poison that made her afraid.

Until Ye Hao fell asleep, the eyes of Modi's warmth and gloom were covered with a layer of gloom. He dropped a kiss on Ye Hao's cheek, and then turned and left the room.

"The city owner." Bai San, who was on the ship's board, saw him and immediately stepped forward. "The city owner, in front of the ghosts, is going to pass the Tianhe River. You can't continue to send your wife."

Modi looked at the front deeply, "Nothing."

"The city owner, if discovered by the saints, the consequences are unimaginable, the subordinates will safely send the wife and the young master to the gods of the gods and give them to the saints." White thirteen could not help but persuade.

"After the ghosts and secrets, let me say." Modi said faintly.

Bai 13 looked at him with concern. If the repair of the city owner can suppress the peak of the emperor, it is no harm, but he has now exceeded the peak of the emperor. I have been noticed by the saints on the mainland, if close to God. The mainland will be discovered immediately.

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