Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1778: We have always had a relationship

The supremely eye-catching face was as quiet as a mirror, and there was no wave of waves because of Ye Jing’s words. He looked around everyone in the hall and finally fell on Ye Jing’s body. “How about that?”

Ye Jingzhen did not expect that the supremacy would be so straightforward to admit that her chest was sulking and there was nowhere to go. The development of the matter far exceeded her expectations. She thought that the person who can help her the most, but now is the one who is standing next to another. On the side, except for him, she didn't even have anyone else to use.

"Why do you want to do this to me?" Ye Jing blinked and stared straight at him.

"If you want to be the generation of the demon king, you should put all your thoughts on cultivation, instead of thinking about taking away other people's bodies. I have advised you that Ye Hao's body has already been integrated with the magic. It’s not that you can **** it if you want to **** it."

Ye Jingying hated to gnash his teeth. "If you are not you, Ye Hao’s body is already mine."

"You think that the Emperor will allow you to take away the body of Ye Hao, and if you have not stopped you, you are already dead."

"Well, I won't argue with you." Ye Jingyan took a deep breath. "Yuchen and Qi Ming have been seriously injured. Ye Hao was taken away by Mo Di, who else can be alone in the entire Yan domain, you said!"

Supremely sits next to the position where the devil is doing, which is the position of the high priest. "Even if the Emperor did not kill the Eunuch, I did not intend to let him go. He should not offend Ye Hao. As for who can stand alone. In the past two hundred years, the king of the king has been sealed in the mysterious nature of Tianzhu. It does not mean that no one else can surpass him in Yantian. I will introduce you to the new generation of kings and ghosts tomorrow."

“Ghost Respect?” Ye Jing’s face changed. “What do you mean by this?”

"I used to have a little favor in the ghost family. The Yan domain will be difficult in the future. The ghosts will help each other." The whispered softly said, "The four great devils will not lose their skills. In the past two hundred years, many people have practiced." To the repair of the Monarch, they are all hiding in the Xuantian continent, I will let them all come back."

Ye Jingying looked up and seriously looked at it. When she was not there, the high priest had done so much. If she did not restore her previous cultivation, would she still have power in the Yan domain? It has been completely controlled by the top.

"Supreme, do you still want to lead the Yan domain to **** the Xuantian continent?" Ye Jingyu asked him.

"The Yan domain does not have any ability to rob the Xuantian continent. We still need to wait." The whispered, said, looking up at Ye Jingyan, "From tomorrow, you should also retreat, although you don't have a magic Dan, you Don't forget, the first generation of the Demon King also has no magic, and it has been cultivated through hard work."

Ye Jingyan sneered and mocked, "I have not forgotten, but I am not an evil."

"With you, you don't even want to try, I have nothing to say." The supreme look at her quietly, "Sakura, your kindness is gone."

"What do you say?" Ye Jingyi is still immersed in how to use the quickest way to improve the repair, and did not listen carefully to the words.

The supreme eyes that are darker than the night are slightly converging. "Nothing."



When Ye Hao woke up, she saw a pair of firm, ice-like eyes watching her intently. The eyes seemed to be... inexplicably sad, as if they were going to die soon, and they saw that Ye Hao was uncomfortable.

"Wake up?" Modi's voice was as cold as ever, and his thin lips smirked and put Ye in his arms.

How is he still here? Ye Hao frowned, the plump and soft body attached to his broad and warm chest, and she resisted pushing it. "You don't always move your hands."

“Don't like it?” Modi’s plain voice was a little more smiling. “You didn’t say that last night, you beg me not to let go...”

Ye Haoru’s face instantly climbed two blushes, “Shut up!”

"Hey, you slept for two days." Modi's thin lips pressed against her earlobe, and the voice whispered.

How does his tone sound like he is complaining? Ye stunned his eyebrows. "I don't know why I slept for so long."

Because her sea of ​​sea is resisting the devil, directly affecting her, he can only watch her silently for two days.

"It’s coming to Tongtianhe." Modi whispered, they surprisingly passed the ghostly secrets, and now they are approaching the Tongtian River. The closer they are to the Tongtian River, the slower the speed of the flying ship, the rich spiritual power There is another more important reason for the influence. The mainland of God is at the top of the Tongtian River.

Ye Hao’s eyes lit up and sat up from the bed in spirit. “Is it going to the mainland of China?”

Her happy eyes looked very glaring, and Modi reached out and grabbed her thin waist and held her in her arms. "I have been thinking about these days, whether or not I will send you away."

"What are you talking about?" Ye Hao slammed at him. If he really did not let her return to the mainland, she would really fight with him.

"I can't bear it." Modi's voice was dull and dull, and there was a bit of illegible bitterness.

Ye Hao said coldly, "That is your business, I must leave here."

"I know." Modi buried her face in her neck and took a strong breath to feel her sweet fragrance. "I can't send you, I will leave tomorrow. White 13 will **** you and Ange." Meet, Ange sends you back to the mainland."

Can you be separated from him tomorrow? Ye Hao’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light, “Thank you for the delivery of the Mocheng Lord all the way. The next journey is our own.”

This tone sounds like I can't wait to separate from him! Modi somewhat unpleasantly tightened the arm of her waist. "Are you really willing?"

Ye Hao turned his head and looked at his handsome and cold face. The deep eyes were chilly. She knew that she should not be angry at this time. "If I can't bear it, I have to leave. The Mocheng Lord, we have a relationship." I will see you again."

"We have always had a good relationship." Modi smiled faintly. "Hey, you are mine, whether it is in the world, or in the heavens and the earth, you are just me, no one can stop it."

Ye Hao’s heart jumped, I don’t know why, she felt like she had ignored something.

"Let's go." Modi kissed her on the lips and finally released her grip.

"I went to find Mingxi." Ye Hao immediately left her leg and opened the door and fled.

Modi smiled and sighed, looking at his own palm, just letting go... He is really difficult to do, but he will not allow her to forget, he will engrave her into the bones, she will also He has the same return.

Forget about love, not.

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