After sleeping for two days, Ye Hao finally stopped thinking that something was in his mind, and he was refreshed and comfortable.

When I came to the ship's board, I realized that the scenery outside was completely different. She was surprised to see the distance like the Milky Way from the sky. This should be the largest and most magnificent river she had ever seen, and unlike the one I had seen before, this river is from The sky is rushing down, and I don’t know where to go.

"That is Tongtianhe." Modi appeared behind her and reached out to hold her weak boneless hand. "I can only send you there."

"Oh." Ye Hao nodded. She had already had an answer to the river in her heart. It was not unexpected at the mouth of Modi. It was just... It turned out that Tongtianhe was not the same as her imagination. The sacredness of the sacredness is so shocking to see it from afar. If it is close, is it even more different?

There seems to be a majestic and sacred power that makes people dare not look straight.

"It's really cold." Modi whispered. "Can't you show that you are a little bit sad?"

"Sorry." Ye Hao finally pulled his eyes back and confronted Mo Di's deep eyes. "I can't lie to myself, I can be away from you, I feel very happy."

Modi licked his lips, "but I am very sad."

Ye Hao was almost stunned. She didn't expect him to be so straightforward.

"Mother!" Ming Xi came over from behind. He looked up at Modi and his voice was very deep. "Mu Chengzhu."

"Ming Xi, come over and see." Ye Hao saw his son, immediately remembered that he had been slightly injured before, and hurriedly took him over to check clearly, "It's okay."

"I said nothing." Ming Xi whispered, and looked at Modi again. He knew that Modi had taken great risks to send them away this time. His mood was not very good. They were close to Tongtianhe. Now, the closest to the mainland of God, it should be discovered his existence.

Is it really necessary to look at the mother and the father to become a eternal one?

He hesitated for two days, still do not know how to open.

"Ming Xi, seeing no, that is Tongtianhe, we will soon go to the mainland of God." Ye Hao can hardly conceal the joy in his eyes.

"I know, I have just seen it." Ming Xi smiled and smiled at his eyes. "Is Mexico mainly sending us?"

Ye Hao replied, "He won't go, tomorrow we will go to God's mainland ourselves."

That... It’s better, I hope that the father can solve the troubles of the Xuantian continent earlier and meet them on the mainland.

Modi coveted and looked at his son's eyes. He smiled and took care of your mother.

Mingxi’s nose was sour and turned his head hard.

Ye Hao is still immersed in excitement, as if he can see Ming Yu and Murong Chan tomorrow.

Thinking of Murong Cham, she couldn’t help but look at Mo Di’s eyes, but unexpectedly saw a deep affection in his eyes. When the eyes were like Mo Rongzhan looking at her, there was a strange feeling in the bottom of her heart. When he looked closely, his eyes were deep and calm.

She is wrong.

"You said that someone will pick us up tomorrow, who is it?" They are too quiet, the atmosphere is really stiff, and Ye Hao has to find a topic.

"Ange saint, is a saint on the mainland of God, his character is weird, if you say something, don't put it on your heart." Modi floated a light smile.

It’s almost two years since Xuantian’s mainland is good. Ye Hao certainly understands what kind of status the saints represent. How to mention it in the mouth of Modi is like his younger brother.

"That is you...friend?" Ye Hao asked in confusion. She knew that Modi was a very proud man, but at least he should change his attitude towards a more noble saint.

Modi thought for a moment, "I am."

What is it! Ye Hao looked at him silently for a while, forget it, this person probably won't put other people in his eyes.

"I am hungry." Modi said suddenly.

"..." Ye Haoxiu slightly picks up, he has already cultivated to the point of being incomprehensible, but also need to eat the human valley?

"Hey, go cook, I want to eat the dishes you made." Modi whispered, the tone was actually a bit of anticipation.

Ye Haozheng wants to refuse, Ming Xi called next to him, "Mother, I also want to eat the dishes you made."

"Well, let me see if there are any dishes on the boat. I am waiting for me here." Ye Hao naturally would not reject Ming Xi’s request. Although Ming Xi also has cultivation, the children are growing up and must eat. Something.

Only the father and son are left on the ship's board.

"If you are found, what will be the end?" Ming Xi whispered.

"Nothing to end." Modi's eyes were calm and cold. "After taking care of your mother, there is Mingyu."

Mingxi sucked his nose. "Is it punished, or broke the seven passions and wants to be saints. If you become a saint, will you find us in the future?"

"Yes." Modi whispered, "As long as I am alive, I will go to you."

Alive... that in case...

Hey! Mingxi shook his head hard in his heart. "Then you have to think about how to explain why you are stupid."

Modi smiled faintly, "I have already thought about it."

"..." Ming Xi rolled his eyes in his heart, and he worried about it.

After half an hour, Ye Hao finally made a good meal. She wanted to call Bai 13 and Huo Huang together to eat, especially the fire phoenix. The most is the mouth, but they all refused, it seems to be very Important things to do.

In the end, only the three of them served on the boat board here.

"Mother, I will help you." Ming Xi came over to help Ye Hao carry the food box.

"Working hard." Modi looked at her with a smile, and made a table and three chairs on the ship's board.

Although it feels a bit strange, Ye Hao still walked over. "This meal, thank you for sending us our mother and son here."

"Good." Modi nodded with a smile.

This is still their first time in the Xuantian mainland, a family of three sitting in a meal.

The fire phoenix and white thirteen hiding in the corner saw some emotions.

"Tomorrow, the city owner will leave." Fire Phoenix said sullenly, "I really want to tell the truth."

"The city owner will bake you." Bai XIII said that although he hoped that the wife could stay, the city owner sent his wife, and he must have his thoughts. Others could not intervene at all.

"For the first time, I felt that the city owner was very poor."

Bai XIII and Huo Huang looked back at him, and the word pity seemed to be unsuitable for use on the landlord.

"Feeling... The city owner seems to be different. Have you already remembered the memory of the human world?" he whispered.

"..." The fire phoenix slammed into the godly man on the shipboard. If this is the case, what kind of suffering is he now enduring?

Indeed, very poor.

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